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Thursday, 5 February 2009 - Strasbourg

11. Debate on cases of breaches of human rights, democracy and the rule of law (debate)

(For the titles and authors of the motions for resolutions, see minutes of 03.02.2009, item 3)

11.1. Situation in Sri Lanka

Motions for resolution B6-0072/2009, B6-0074/2009, B6-0077/2009, B6-0078/2009, B6-0080/2009 and B6-0088/2009

Tobias Pflüger, Charles Tannock, Marios Matsakis, Robert Evans, Raül Romeva i Rueda and Ewa Tomaszewska introduced motions for resolutions.

The following spoke: Thomas Mann, on behalf of the PPE-DE Group, Marie Anne Isler Béguin, on behalf of the Verts/ALE Group, and Bernd Posselt.

The following spoke under the 'catch-the-eye' procedure: Zuzana Roithová, Catherine Stihler, Leopold Józef Rutowicz, Nirj Deva and Erik Meijer.

The following spoke: Mariann Fischer Boel (Member of the Commission).

The debate closed.

Vote: minutes of 05.02.2009, item 12.1.

11.2. Situation of Burmese refugees in Thailand

Motions for resolution B6-0073/2009, B6-0075/2009, B6-0079/2009, B6-0082/2009, B6-0084/2009 and B6-0085/2009

Erik Meijer, Charles Tannock, Marios Matsakis, Marcin Libicki, Catherine Stihler and Raül Romeva i Rueda introduced motions for resolutions.

The following spoke: Giovanna Corda, on behalf of the PSE Group, Urszula Krupa, on behalf of the IND/DEM Group, Lidia Joanna Geringer de Oedenberg and Justas Vincas Paleckis.

The following spoke under the 'catch-the-eye' procedure: Tunne Kelam and Ewa Tomaszewska.

The following spoke: Mariann Fischer Boel (Member of the Commission).

The debate closed.

Vote: minutes of 05.02.2009, item 12.2.

11.3. Brazil's refusal to extradite Cesare Battisti

Motions for resolution B6-0076/2009, B6-0081/2009, B6-0083/2009, B6-0086/2009, B6-0087/2009 and B6-0089/2009

Mario Mauro, Manuel Medina Ortega, Carl Schlyter and Cristiana Muscardini introduced motions for resolutions.

The following spoke: Marios Matsakis, on behalf of the ALDE Group, Roberta Angelilli, on behalf of the UEN Group, (at whose request Parliament observed a minute's silence in memory of the victims of Cesare Battisti), and Mario Borghezio.

The following spoke under the 'catch-the-eye' procedure: Albert Deß and Janusz Onyszkiewicz.

The following spoke: Mariann Fischer Boel (Member of the Commission).

The debate closed.

Vote: minutes of 05.02.2009, item 12.3.

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