 Full text 
Tuesday, 10 March 2009 - Strasbourg

4. Decision on urgent procedure
Verbatim reports

Council request for the application of urgent procedure (Rule 134) for:

- Multi-annual recovery plan for bluefin tuna in the Eastern Atlantic and Mediterranean [COM(2009)0093 - C6-0081/2009 - 2009/0029(CNS)]

The following spoke: Philippe Morillon (Chair of the PECH Committee).

The request for urgent procedure was approved.

The item was entered on the agenda for the sitting (agenda of 10 March 2009, item 51).

The deadline for tabling amendments for plenary would be Wednesday 11 March 2009 at 10.00.

The vote would be held on Thursday 12 March 2009 at 12.00.

° ° °

The following spoke: José Ribeiro e Castro on the absence on the agenda for 11 March 2009 of an item concerning the European Day for the Victims of Terrorism (the President replied that the Presidency would make a statement on that subject the following day).

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