Calendar of Parliament's part-sessions for 2010: see proposal of the Conference of Presidents (minutes of 1.4.2009, item 10)
(Simple majority)
(Voting record: 'Results of votes', Item 1)
The Calendar of Parliament's part-sessions for 2010 was accordingly established as follows:
18 to 21 January
8 to 11 February
24 and 25 February
8 to 11 March
24 and 25 March
19 to 22 April
5 and 6 May
17 to 20 May
14 to 17 June
5 to 8 July
6 to 9 September
20 to 23 September
6 and 7 October
18 to 21 October
10 and 11 November
22 to 25 November
13 to 16 December.