MinutesVotesRoll-call votesTexts adoptedVerbatim reports
Thursday, 8 October 2009 - Brussels
 1.Opening of the sitting
 2.Documents received
 3.G-20 Summit in Pittsburgh (24-25 September) (motions for resolutions tabled)
 4.The effects of the global financial and economic crisis on developing countries and on development cooperation (motions for resolutions tabled)
 5.Freedom of information in Italy (debate)
 6.Approval of the minutes of the previous sitting
 7.Voting time
7.1.Mobilisation of the EU Solidarity Fund: Italy, the Abruzzo earthquake (Rule 138) (vote)
7.2.Prevention and settlement of conflicts of exercise of jurisdiction in criminal proceedings * (vote)
7.3.Appointments to the special committee on the financial, economic and social crisis (vote)
7.4.G-20 Summit in Pittsburgh (24-25 September) (vote)
7.5.The effects of the global financial and economic crisis on developing countries and on development cooperation (vote)
 8.Explanations of vote
 9.Corrections to votes and voting intentions
 10.Composition of committees and delegations
 11.Forwarding of texts adopted during the sitting
 12.Dates of forthcoming sittings
 13.Adjournment of the session
Minutes (105 kb) Attendance register (60 kb)    Results of roll-call votes (309 kb) 
Minutes (77 kb) Attendance register (23 kb) Results of votes (161 kb) Results of roll-call votes (241 kb) 
Minutes (168 kb) Attendance register (64 kb) Results of votes (270 kb) Results of roll-call votes (434 kb) 
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