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Thursday, 22 October 2009 - Strasbourg

8.1. 2010 financial year (vote)
Verbatim reports

- Draft amendments to and proposals for modification relating to the appropriations in Section III of the 2010 draft general budget, concerning the Commission
- Draft amendments to Sections I, II, IV, V, VI, VII, VIII and IX of the 2010 draft general budget concerning the European Parliament, Council, Court of Justice, Court of Auditors, Economic and Social Committee, Committee of the Regions, European Ombudsman and European Data Protection Supervisor

(Qualified majority required for draft amendments relating to non-compulsory expenditure; simple majority required for proposed modifications relating to compulsory expenditure)

The draft amendments and proposed modifications adopted are listed in an annex to the Texts Adopted.

(Voting record: 'Results of votes', Item 1)

The following had spoken:

before the vote

László Surján (rapporteur) had proposed the following technical adjustments:

(1) On the European Economic Recovery Plan, the committee had adopted two new paragraphs, added to lines 06 04 14 01, 06 04 14 02 and 06 04 14 03. They should be in addition to the existing budgetary remarks but, due to a technical error, they were shown as replacing them. Amendment 832 should, therefore, be adjusted accordingly.

(2) After verification of the margins, the vote in Committee had left a margin of EUR 1 775 000 in heading 3b. The rapporteur proposed allocating this amount to the Europe for Citizens programme. This meant that Amendment 889 on budget line 15 06 66 should be modified for total commitment appropriations EUR 32 255 000 and the retabled Amendment 547 was therefore covered (fell).

(3) The words '...sustainable and environmentally friendly actions... (Green New Deal)... ' should be added to the remarks instead of the words 'Green New Deal' in the remarks adopted on the following budget lines:

04 02 17 European Social Fund (ESF) – Convergence

04 02 19 European Social Fund (ESF) - Competitiveness

13 03 16 European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) - Convergence

13 03 18 European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) - Competitiveness.

Similarly, on budget line 13 03 20 ERDF - Operational technical assistance, the first two new paragraphs should be replaced by the following paragraph:

'Part of the appropriation is intended for financing sustainable and environmentally friendly actions (Green New Deal) that provide for reconciling economic, social and environmental development requirements and for recovery of European regions after the economic and financial crisis'.

(4) The budget line number of the Pilot Project on all-inclusive cooperation between public authorities, commercial firms and not-for-profit enterprises on integrating people into society and employment should be changed to 04 03 12 for technical reasons.

(5) The budget line number of the Preparatory Action - Erasmus for journalists should be changed to 09 06 05 for technical reasons.

(6) If Amendment 943 on the EPSO budget line 26 01 20 was adopted, the corresponding budgetary annex for this Office should be adjusted accordingly.

The President had noted that there were no objections to the proposed adjustments.

during the vote

- Helga Trüpel, requesting, pursuant to Rule 161, that Amendment 464 be put to the vote before Amendment 870 and not after it (the President had replied that there was no reason to alter the voting order originally provided for, and this had been confirmed by László Surján);

- Luis Manuel Capoulas Santos, requesting, pursuant to Rule 161, that Amendment 70 be put to the vote before Amendment 812 and not before it (the President had replied that there was no reason to alter the voting order originally provided for, and this had been confirmed by László Surján);

- Bruno Gollnisch, disputing the view that Amendment 70 should fall following the adoption of Amendment 812;

- Michael Cashman on the voting procedures;

- Godfrey Bloom on the conduct of the vote.

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