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Thursday, 20 May 2010 - Strasbourg

6. Agenda
Verbatim reports

The President proposed, following the meeting of the Conference of Presidents which had been held that morning, that the vote on motions for resolutions tabled to wind up the debate on the Europe 2020 Strategy should be held over to the next part-session in accordance with Rule 140 (minutes of 5.5.2010, item 19).

The following spoke: Joseph Daul, on behalf of the PPE Group, in favour of the proposal, and Martin Schulz, on behalf of the S&D Group, and in agreement with the Verts/ALE and GUE/NGL Groups, against the proposal. Joseph Daul and Martin Schulz also endorsed the President's statement on the flooding in central Europe.

By EV (342 for; 270 against; 9 abstentions), Parliament approved the proposal.

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The following spoke: Jan Březina on the President's statement.

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