Report on the proposal for a directive of the European Parliament and of the Council amending Directive 2002/15/EC on the organisation of the working time of persons performing mobile road transport activities [COM(2008)0650 - C6-0354/2008- 2008/0195(COD)] - Committee on Employment and Social Affairs. Rapporteur: Edit Bauer (A7-0137/2010)
(Simple majority) (Voting record: 'Results of votes', Item 10)
At the beginning of the vote, Parliament adopted amendments 1 and 29 rejecting the Commission proposal; Štefan Füle (Member of the Commission) said that the Commission would review various options, including a withdrawal of the proposal.
The President said the text would be referred back to the committee responsible under Rule 56(1).
The following spoke: Pervenche Berès, who thought there was no point in referring the report back to committee if the Commission confirmed it was withdrawing its proposal, Štefan Füle, who said that withdrawal was one of several options envisaged, Pervenche Berès, who asked that Parliament should take a decision on the draft legislative resolution, which advocated rejecting the Commission proposal, Edit Bauer (rapporteur) and Giles Chichester, who both opposed this request, and Emilie Turunen, who supported it.
Parliament agreed to the request by electronic vote (337 in favour, 329 against, 9 abstentions).