Requests for roll-call votes EFD: Ams 5+2, 6, 13-19, final vote
Requests for split votes EFD Am.22 (Article 18a, point 11, second paragraph) First part: Text as a whole excluding the words ‘it can prove that’ Second part: those words
4. Amendment of Regulation (EC) No 539/2001 listing the third countries whose nationals must be in possession of visas when crossing the external borders of Member States and those whose nationals are exempt from that requirement ***I
Report: Agustín Díaz de Mera García Consuegra (A7-0294/2010)
Am No
RCV etc.
RCV/EV – remarks
Amendment by the committee responsible
Vote: amended proposal
Vote: legislative resolution
559, 40, 13
5. Amendment of Regulation (EC) No 663/2009 establishing a programme to aid economic recovery by granting Community financial assistance to projects in the field of energy ***I
Requests for split votes Verts/ALE: § 27 First part: ‘Underlines the urgent need ... as soon as possible;’ Second part: ‘Calls for a common approach ... rules and negotiations;’ S&D, ALDE: § 42 First part: Text as a whole excluding the words ‘soaring’ and ‘and pirated’ Second part: ‘soaring’ Third part: ‘pirated’ PPE: § 10 First part: ‘Welcomes the outcome ... agreements and programmes;’ Second part: ‘supports the initiatives ... in this process;’ PPE, EFD: § 14 First part: ‘urges a redoubling ... a reunited island;’ Second part: ‘emphasises the strategic ... of EU-US relations;’ ECR: § 2 First part: ‘Calls on both partners ... International Criminal Court;’ Second part: ‘repeats it ... death penalty;’ § 5 First part: ‘Welcomes the new approach ... the Arab partners;’ Second part: ‘urges the Israeli Government ... building;’ Third part: ‘calls for more ... Lebanon;’ § 8 First part: ‘Although aware ... in Iraq;’ Second part: ‘calls for this issue ... transatlantic inquiry;’ § 43 First part: ‘Insists that ... waiver status;’ Second part: ‘reiterates’ that ... as possible;’ § 46 First part: ‘Calls on the Council ... framework agreement;’ Second part: ‘apply to all future ... police cooperation;’
Miscellaneous The ALDE Group had withdrawn its Amendment 1. Godelieve Quisthoudt-Rowohl (PPE) and Timothy Kirkhope (ECR) had also signed the joint motion for a resolution. Elmar Brok had moved oral amendments to paragraph 33 and Recital C, which then read as follows: Paragraph 33: ‘Calls on the European Union and the United States to work with China towards settling the global dispute on foreign exchange rates without implementing protectionist or retaliatory measures; considers that the EU Member States are subject to different market pressures as compared to the US, especially in respect of sovereign bonds and the existence of a monetary union; calls on the United States, in implementing its domestic monetary policies, not to exacerbate the problem of the global balance of exchange rates;’ Recital C: ‘whereas together the two transatlantic partners account for half the global economy, with their US$4.28 trillion partnership the largest, most integrated and longest lasting economic relationship in the world and a key driver of global economic prosperity; whereas the strength of and commitment to the transatlantic relationship are of even greater relevance given the current global financial and economic crisis; whereas co-ordinated monetary policies should take a higher priority in the transatlantic partnership,’
7. EU external strategy on passenger name record (PNR) data
Requests for separate votes ALDE: §§ 2, 3, 7, 11, cons E
Requests for split votes ALDE: Recital B First part: Text as a whole excluding the words ‘and labour conditions’ Second part: those words Recital G First part: Text as a whole excluding the words ‘do not receive any direct support from the CAP’ Second part: those words Recital L First part: Text as a whole excluding the word ‘more’ Second part: those words § 5 First part: ‘Calls on the Commission ... animal feed’ Second part: ‘believes that a safety net ... tendering system;’ § 10 First part: ‘Asks the Commission ... beef production’ Second part: ‘and the unfair conditions ... third countries;’ ECR: § 6 First part: ‘Calls on the Commission ... the world market,’ Second part: ‘in particular ... Financial Instruments Directive;’