The final draft agenda for the April 2011 sittings (PE 461.047/PDOJ) had been distributed and a number of changes had been proposed (Rule 140):
No changes.
EFD Group request to for the vote on the report by José Manuel Fernandes (A7-0087/2011) on "Estimates of revenue and expenditure for 2012 - Section I - Parliament" (item 66 on the final draft agenda) to be held over to the May 2011 part-session;
The following spoke: Marta Andreasen, on behalf of the EFD Group, who moved the request, Francesco Enrico Speroni, supporting it, and Alain Lamassoure opposing it.
Parliament rejected the request.
PPE Group request to wind up the debate on the Commission statement on Public procurement (Item 129 on the final draft agenda) with motions for resolution.
The following spoke:Andreas Schwab, on behalf of the PPE Group, who moved the request, Evelyne Gebhardt, who supported the request and proposed that the vote be held over to the May part-session, and Francesco Enrico Speroni, against the proposal to postpone the vote.
Parliament agreed to the request and to postpone the vote.
Wednesday and Thursday
ALDE Group request to move to Wednesday's agenda the item on the situation in Côte d'Ivoire, that had initially been scheduled for Thursday (item 122 on the final draft agenda),in the form of a statement by the Vice-President of the Commission and High Representative of the Union for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy, and to include on Thursday's agenda a debate on the case of Ai WeiWei in China as part of the debate on cases of breaches of human rights, democracy and the rule of law.
The following spoke: Guy Verhofstadt, on behalf of the ALDE Group, who moved the request, and Hannes Swoboda, supporting it.
Parliament approved the request.
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The order of business was thus established.
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Sophia in 't Veld spoke on the cyber attacks on some EU institutions, including Parliament, and the security measures taken.