15. EC-Comoros fisheries agreement *** - Community financial measures for the implementation of the common fisheries policy and in the area of the Law of the Sea ***I - Fisheries - transitional technical measures ***I - Imports from Greenland of fishery products * (debate)
Recommendation on the proposal for a Council decision on the conclusion of the Protocol setting out the fishing opportunities and financial contribution provided for in the Partnership Agreement in the fisheries sector between the European Community and the Union of the Comoros [15572/2010 - C7-0020/2011- 2010/0287(NLE)] - Committee on Fisheries. Rapporteur: Luis Manuel Capoulas Santos (A7-0056/2011)
Report on the proposal for a regulation of the European Parliament and of the Council amending Council Regulation (EC) No 861/2006 of 22 May 2006 establishing Community financial measures for the implementation of the common fisheries policy and in the area of the Law of the Sea [COM(2010)0145 - C7-0107/2010- 2010/0080(COD)] - Committee on Fisheries. Rapporteur: João Ferreira (A7-0017/2011)
Report on the proposal for a regulation of the European Parliament and of the Council amending Council Regulation (EC) No 1288/2009 establishing transitional technical measures from 1 January 2010 to 30 June 2011 [COM(2010)0488 - C7-0282/2010- 2010/0255(COD)] - Committee on Fisheries. Rapporteur: Estelle Grelier (A7-0024/2011)
Report on the proposal for a Council decision laying down rules for imports into the European Union from Greenland of fishery products, live bivalve molluscs, echinoderms, tunicates, marine gastropods and by-products thereof [COM(2010)0176 - C7-0136/2010 - 2010/0097(CNS)] - Committee on Fisheries. Rapporteur: Carmen Fraga Estévez (A7-0057/2011)
Luis Manuel Capoulas Santos introduced the recommendation.
João Ferreira, Estelle Grelier and Carmen Fraga Estévez presented their reports
The following spoke: Maria Damanaki (Member of the Commission).
The following spoke: François Alfonsi (rapporteur for the opinion of the BUDG Committee), Jarosław Leszek Wałęsa, on behalf of the PPE Group, Ulrike Rodust, on behalf of the S&D Group, Pat the Cope Gallagher, on behalf of the ALDE Group, Isabella Lövin, on behalf of the Verts/ALE Group, Marek Józef Gróbarczyk, on behalf of the ECR Group, Derek Roland Clark, on behalf of the EFD Group, Diane Dodds, Non-attached Member, Alain Cadec, Ole Christensen, Britta Reimers, Ian Hudghton, Struan Stevenson, Maria do Céu Patrão Neves, Josefa Andrés Barea, Izaskun Bilbao Barandica, Seán Kelly, Antolín Sánchez Presedo and Vasilica Viorica Dăncilă.
The following spoke: Maria Damanaki, Luis Manuel Capoulas Santos, João Ferreira, Estelle Grelier and Carmen Fraga Estévez.