2. Approval of the minutes of the previous sitting
The minutes of the previous sitting were approved.
° ° ° °
Silvana Koch-Mehrin had been present at the sitting of 23 November 2009, but her name was not on the attendance register.
3. Statements by the President
The President stated that the previous week Turkey had once again been struck by an earthquake. He expressed Parliament's solidarity with the country.
The President mentioned the floods that had hit southern France and Italy the previous week. He expressed Parliament's solidarity with the families of the victims and with those affected by the flooding.
The President pointed out that he had visited Libya at the end of October, meeting Libya's President, ministers and civil society representatives. Talks had focused on democratisation and building up a market economy. The President reported that he had also visited Tunisia, meeting the Chairman of the Central Bank, the Prime Minister and the leaders of the four main political parties. Talks had focused on the establishment of the rule of law in a society that was open to all. The President also mentioned recent trips he had made to the western Balkans.
The President emphasised the importance of Wednesday's key debate on economic governance, at which the President of the European Council, the President of the Commission, and the President of the Euro Group would be making statements.
The President pointed out that, that day, the session of the EuroMed Scola Youth Parliament, involving young people from 40 countries, had closed.
The President invited MEPs to take part in a human rights conference that would be held at Parliament on 23 November 2011. It would be a high-level event involving 12 Sakharov Prize winners.
On behalf of Parliament, the President paid tribute to former MEP Willy De Clercq, who had also been a European Commissioner and Deputy Prime Minister of Belgium. The House observed a minute's silence.
4. Request for urgent procedure
Council request for the application of urgent procedure (Rule 142) for:
- Draft Council decision on the approval, on behalf of the European Union, of the Declaration on the granting of fishing opportunities in EU waters to fishing vessels flying the flag of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela in the exclusive economic zone off the coast of French Guiana [C7-0121/2011 - 08202/2011 - 2010(0392)NLE]
Reason for the request: There was a need to ensure that the activities being carried out under the proposal could continue.
Parliament would take a decision on the request for urgent procedure at the beginning of the following day's sitting.
5. Compatibility of the Anti-Counterfeiting Trade Agreement with the EU Charter of Fundamental Rights
The President had received a request from the Verts/ALE Group to check the compatibility of the Anti-Counterfeiting Trade Agreement with the EU Charter of Fundamental Rights.
The request would be referred to the LIBE Committee, the committee responsible for interpreting the Charter, in line with Rule 36(2).
6. Composition of political groups
Frank Vanhecke had joined the EFD Group with effect from 9 November 2011.
7. Signature of acts adopted under the ordinary legislative procedure
The President announced that on Wednesday, together with the President of the Council, he would sign the following acts adopted under the ordinary legislative procedure (Rule 74):
- Decision of the European Parliament and of the Council establishing a European Union action for the European Heritage Label (00062/2011/LEX - C7-0416/2011 – 2010/0044(COD))
- Regulation of the European Parliament and of the Council on the prevention and correction of macroeconomic imbalances (00031/2011/LEX - C7-0415/2011 - 2010/0281(COD))
- Regulation of the European Parliament and of the Council amending Council Regulation (EC) No 1466/97 on the strengthening of the surveillance of budgetary positions and the surveillance and coordination of economic policies (00030/2011/LEX - C7-0414/2011 - 2010/0280(COD))
- Regulation of the European Parliament and of the Council on enforcement measures to correct excessive macroeconomic imbalances in the euro area (00029/2011/LEX - C7-0413/2011 - 2010/0279(COD))
- Regulation of the European Parliament and of the Council on the effective enforcement of budgetary surveillance in the euro area (00028/2011/LEX - C7-0412/2011 - 2010/0278(COD))
- Directive of the European Parliament and of the Council amending Directive 97/68/EC as regards the provisions for engines placed on the market under the flexibility scheme (00045/2011/LEX - C7-0411/2011 - 2010/0195(COD))
- Directive of the European Parliament and of the Council amending Directive 2000/25/EC as regards the application of emission stages for narrow-track tractors (00053/2011/LEX - C7-0410/2011 - 2011/0002(COD))
- Decision of the European Parliament and of the Council concerning the subscription by the European Union to additional shares in the capital of the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD) as a result of the decision to increase this capital (00049/2011/LEX - C7-0409/2011 - 2011/0014(COD))
- Directive of the European Parliament and of the Council amending Directives 98/78/EC, 2002/87/EC, 2006/48/EC and 2009/138/EC as regards the supplementary supervision of financial entities in a financial conglomerate (00039/2011/LEX - C7-0408/2011 - 2010/0232(COD))
- Regulation of the European Parliament and of the Council on the application of certain guidelines in the field of officially supported export credits and repealing Council Decisions 2001/76/EC and 2001/77/EC (00046/2011/LEX - C7-0407/2011 - 2006/0167(COD))
- Regulation of the European Parliament and of the Council on the professional cross border transport of euro cash by road between euro-area Member States (00018/2011/LEX - C7-0406/2011 - 2010/0204(COD))
- Regulation of the European Parliament and of the Council on repealing certain obsolete Council acts in the field of common commercial policy (00035/2011/LEX - C7-0405/2011 - 2010/0369(COD))
- Regulation of the European Parliament and of the Council amending Council Regulation (EC) No 378/2007 as regards the rules for the implementation of voluntary modulation of direct payments under the common agricultural policy (00036/2011/LEX - C7-0404/2011 - 2010/0372(COD))
- Regulation of the European Parliament and of the Council amending Council Regulation (EC) No 428/2009 setting up a Community regime for the control of exports, transfer, brokering and transit of dual-use items (00038/2011/LEX - C7-0403/2011 - 2008/0249(COD))
- Regulation of the European Parliament and of the Council repealing certain obsolete Council acts in the field of the common agricultural policy (00033/2011/LEX - C7-0402/2011 - 2010/0368(COD))
- Regulation of the European Parliament and of the Council repealing Regulation (EEC) No 429/73 of the Council making special provisions for imports into the Community of certain goods coming under Regulation (EEC) No 1059/69 and originating in Turkey (00032/2011/LEX - C7-0401/2011 - 2010/0367(COD))
8. Documents received
The following documents had been received:
1) from committees
1.1) reports
- * Report on the proposal for a Council decision concerning the specific programme, to be carried out by means of direct actions by the Joint Research Centre, implementing the Framework Programme of the European Atomic Energy Community for nuclear research and training activities (2012 to 2013) (COM(2011)0074 - C7-0078/2011 - 2011/0044(NLE)) - ITRE Committee - Rapporteur: Jan Březina (A7-0340/2011)
- *** Recommendation on the draft Council decision concerning the accession of the European Union to the Protocol of 2002 to the Athens Convention relating to the Carriage of Passengers and their Luggage by Sea, 1974, as regards Articles 10 and 11 thereof (08663/2011[[02]] - C7-0143/2011 - 2003/0132B(NLE)) - JURI Committee - Rapporteur: Klaus-Heiner Lehne (A7-0341/2011)
- Report on online gambling in the Internal Market (2011/2084(INI)) - IMCO Committee - Rapporteur: Jürgen Creutzmann (A7-0342/2011)
- *** Recommendation on the draft Decision of the Council and the representatives of the governments of the Member States, meeting within the Council, on the conclusion of the Common Aviation Area Agreement between the European Union and its Member States and Georgia (09185/2011 - C7-0124/2011 - 2010/0186(NLE)) - TRAN Committee - Rapporteur: Thomas Ulmer (A7-0344/2011)
- * Report on the proposal for a Council regulation (Euratom) laying down the rules for the participation of undertakings, research centres and universities in indirect actions under the Framework Programme of the European Atomic Energy Community and for the dissemination of research results (2012-2013) (COM(2011)0071 - C7-0076/2011 - 2011/0045(NLE)) - ITRE Committee - Rapporteur: Jan Březina (A7-0345/2011)
- *** Recommendation On the conclusion of the Euro Mediterranean Aviation Agreement between the European Union and its Member States, of the one part, and the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan, of the other part (09189/2011 - C7-0122/2011 - 2010/0180(NLE)) - TRAN Committee - Rapporteur: Olga Sehnalová (A7-0347/2011)
- ***I Report on the proposal for a directive of the European Parliament and of the Council on coordination of safeguards which, for the protection of the interests of members and others, are required by Member States of companies within the meaning of the second paragraph of Article 54 of the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union, in respect of the formation of public limited liability companies and the maintenance and alteration of their capital, with a view to making such safeguards equivalent (recast) (COM(2011)0029 - C7-0037/2011 - 2011/0011(COD)) - JURI Committee - Rapporteur: Klaus-Heiner Lehne (A7-0348/2011)
- Report on gender mainstreaming in the work of the European Parliament (2011/2151(INI)) - FEMM Committee - Rapporteur: Mikael Gustafsson (A7-0351/2011)
- Report on a proposal for a regulation of the European Parliament on the detailed provisions governing the exercise of the European Parliament's right of inquiry and repealing Decision 95/167/EC, Euratom, ECSC of the European Parliament, the Council and the Commission (2009/2212(INI)) - AFCO Committee - Rapporteur: David Martin (A7-0352/2011)
- Report with recommendations to the Commission on insolvency proceedings in the context of EU company law (2011/2006(INI)) - JURI Committee - Rapporteur: Klaus-Heiner Lehne (A7-0355/2011)
- *** Recommendation on the draft Council decision concerning the accession of the European Union to the Protocol of 2002 to the Athens Convention relating to the Carriage of Passengers and their Luggage by Sea, 1974, with the exception of Articles 10 and 11 thereof (08663/2011[[01]] - C7-0142/2011 - 2003/0132A(NLE)) - TRAN Committee - Rapporteur: Brian Simpson (A7-0356/2011)
- * Report on the proposal for a Council regulation temporarily suspending autonomous Common Customs Tariff duties on imports of certain industrial products into the Canary Islands (COM(2011)0259 - C7-0146/2011 - 2011/0111(CNS)) - REGI Committee - Rapporteur: Danuta Maria Hübner (A7-0357/2011)
- * Report on the proposal for a Council decision concerning the specific programme, to be carried out by means of indirect actions, implementing the Framework Programme of the European Atomic Energy Community for nuclear research and training activities (2012 - 2013) (COM(2011)0073 - C7-0075/2011 - 2011/0043(NLE)) - ITRE Committee - Rapporteur: Jan Březina (A7-0358/2011)
- Report on honeybee health and the challenges of the beekeeping sector (2011/2108(INI)) - AGRI Committee - Rapporteur: Csaba Sándor Tabajdi (A7-0359/2011)
- * Report on the proposal for a Council decision concerning the Framework Programme of the European Atomic Energy Community for nuclear research and training activities (2012 - 2013) (COM(2011)0072 - C7-0077/2011 - 2011/0046(NLE)) - ITRE Committee - Rapporteur: Jan Březina (A7-0360/2011)
- Report on combating illegal fishing at the global level - the role of the EU (2010/2210(INI)) - PECH Committee - Rapporteur: Isabella Lövin (A7-0362/2011)
- Report on tackling early school leaving (2011/2088(INI)) - CULT Committee - Rapporteur: Mary Honeyball (A7-0363/2011)
- Report on trade and investment barriers (2011/2115(INI)) - INTA Committee - Rapporteur: Robert Sturdy (A7-0365/2011)
- Report on European cinema in the digital era (2010/2306(INI)) - CULT Committee - Rapporteur: Piotr Borys (A7-0366/2011)
- ***I Report on the proposal for a directive of the European Parliament and of the Council establishing a single European railway area (recast) (COM(2010)0475 - C7-0268/2010 - 2010/0253(COD)) - TRAN Committee - Rapporteur: Debora Serracchiani (A7-0367/2011)
- Report on EU support for the ICC: facing challenges and overcoming difficulties (2011/2109(INI)) - AFET Committee - Rapporteur: Wolfgang Kreissl-Dörfler (A7-0368/2011)
- Report on a new strategy for consumer policy (2011/2149(INI)) - IMCO Committee - Rapporteur: Kyriacos Triantaphyllides (A7-0369/2011)
- Report on the European Platform against poverty and social exclusion (2011/2052(INI)) - EMPL Committee - Rapporteur: Frédéric Daerden (A7-0370/2011)
- Report on reform of the EU state aid rules on Services of General Economic Interest (2011/2146(INI)) - ECON Committee - Rapporteur: Peter Simon (A7-0371/2011)
- Report on the implementation of the Professional Qualifications Directive (2005/36/EC) (2011/2024(INI)) - IMCO Committee - Rapporteur: Emma McClarkin (A7-0373/2011)
- Report containing the European Parliament's recommendations to the Council, the Commission and the EEAS on the negotiations of the EU-Georgia Association Agreement (2011/2133(INI)) - AFET Committee - Rapporteur: Krzysztof Lisek (A7-0374/2011)
- Report on the proposal for a decision of the European Parliament and of the Council on mobilisation of the European Globalisation Adjustment Fund, in accordance with point 28 of the Interinstitutional Agreement of 17 May 2006 between the European Parliament, the Council and the Commission on budgetary discipline and sound financial management (application EGF/2010/019 IE/Construction 41 from Ireland) (COM(2011)0617 - C7-0313/2011 - 2011/2252(BUD)) - BUDG Committee - Rapporteur: Barbara Matera (A7-0375/2011)
- Report on the proposal for a decision of the European Parliament and of the Council on mobilisation of the European Globalisation Adjustment Fund, in accordance with point 28 of the Interinstitutional Agreement of 17 May 2006 between the European Parliament, the Council and the Commission on budgetary discipline and sound financial management (application EGF/2010/020 IE/Construction 43 from Ireland) (COM(2011)0618 - C7-0314/2011 - 2011/2253(BUD)) - BUDG Committee - Rapporteur: Barbara Matera (A7-0376/2011)
- Report on the proposal for a decision of the European Parliament and of the Council on mobilisation of the European Globalisation Adjustment Fund, in accordance with point 28 of the Interinstitutional Agreement of 17 May 2006 between the European Parliament, the Council and the Commission on budgetary discipline and sound financial management (application EGF/2010/021 IE/Construction 71 from Ireland) (COM(2011)0619 - C7-0315/2011 - 2011/2254(BUD)) - BUDG Committee - Rapporteur: Barbara Matera (A7-0377/2011)
- Report on the proposal for a decision of the European Parliament and of the Council on mobilisation of the European Globalisation Adjustment Fund, in accordance with point 28 of the Interinstitutional Agreement of 17 May 2006 between the European Parliament, the Council and the Commission on budgetary discipline and sound financial management (application EGF/2011/004 EL/ALDI Hellas from Greece) (COM(2011)0580 - C7-0255/2011 - 2011/2200(BUD)) - BUDG Committee - Rapporteur: Barbara Matera (A7-0378/2011)
- Report on the proposal for a decision of the European Parliament and of the Council on mobilisation of the European Globalisation Adjustment Fund, in accordance with point 28 of the Interinstitutional Agreement of 17 May 2006 between the European Parliament, the Council and the Commission on budgetary discipline and sound financial management (application EGF/2011/001 AT/Niederösterreich-Oberösterreich from Austria) (COM(2011)0579 - C7-0254/2011 - 2011/2199(BUD)) - BUDG Committee - Rapporteur: Barbara Matera (A7-0379/2011)
1.2) recommendations for second reading
- ***II Recommendation for second reading on the Council position at first reading with a view to the adoption of a decision of the European Parliament and of the Council establishing a European Union action for the European Heritage Label (10303/1/2011 - C7-0236/2011 - 2010/0044(COD)) - CULT Committee - Rapporteur: Chrysoula Paliadeli (A7-0331/2011)
- ***II Recommendation for second reading on the Council position at first reading with a view to the adoption of a directive of the European Parliament and of the Council on waste electrical and electronic equipment (WEEE) (Recast) (07906/2/2011 - C7-0250/2011 - 2008/0241(COD)) - ENVI Committee - Rapporteur: Karl-Heinz Florenz (A7-0334/2011)
2) from Members, the following motions for resolution (Rule 120)
- Cristiana Muscardini. Motion for a resolution on land use management, monitoring of hydrogeological risks, the establishment of a fund for drainage work on the beds of rivers and their tributaries, and a European data collection centre (B7-0573/2011)
referred to
- Heinz K. Becker, Evelyn Regner and Angelika Werthmann. Motion for a resolution on the education objectives of the European Union (B7-0575/2011)
referred to
- Sergio Paolo Francesco Silvestris. Motion for a resolution on mandatory ‘fingerprinting’ of table grapes (B7-0585/2011)
referred to
- Sergio Paolo Francesco Silvestris. Motion for a resolution on guaranteeing public safety at public demonstrations and marches (B7-0586/2011)
referred to
9. Oral questions and written declarations (submission)
The following documents had been submitted by Members:
1) oral questions (Rule 115)
- (O-000216/2011) by Jo Leinen, on behalf of the ENVI Committee, to the Council: Climate change conference in Durban (COP 17) (B7-0639/2011);
- (O-000217/2011) by Jo Leinen, on behalf of the ENVI Committee, to the Commission: Climate change conference in Durban (COP 17) (B7-0640/2011);
- (O-000243/2011) by Herbert Reul, on behalf of the ITRE Committee, to the Council: The open internet and net neutrality in Europe (B7-0641/2011);
- (O-000248/2011) by Michèle Striffler, on behalf of the DEVE Committee, to the Council: EU Accountability Report on Financing for Development (B7-0642/2011);
- (O-000249/2011) by Michèle Striffler, on behalf of the DEVE Committee, to the Commission: EU Accountability Report on Financing for Development (B7-0643/2011);
- (O-000259/2011) by Monika Flašíková Beňová, Hannes Swoboda, Claude Moraes, Juan Fernando López Aguilar, Kinga Göncz, Emine Bozkurt and Ioan Enciu, on behalf of the S&D Group, to the Council: The situation of the Roma in Member States (B7-0644/2011);
- (O-000260/2011) by Monika Flašíková Beňová, Hannes Swoboda, Claude Moraes, Juan Fernando López Aguilar, Kinga Göncz, Emine Bozkurt and Ioan Enciu, on behalf of the S&D Group, to the Commission: The situation of the Roma in Member States (B7-0645/2011);
- (O-000274/2011) by Renate Weber, Sophia in 't Veld, Gianni Vattimo, Sonia Alfano, Sarah Ludford, Marielle De Sarnez, Jan Mulder, Cecilia Wikström, Alexander Alvaro, Nathalie Griesbeck, Ramon Tremosa i Balcells, Stanimir Ilchev and Louis Michel, on behalf of the ALDE Group, to the Council: Discrimination against, and persecution of, Roma in EU Member States and EU framework strategy, guidelines and actions (B7-0646/2011);
- (O-000275/2011) by Renate Weber, Sophia in 't Veld, Gianni Vattimo, Sonia Alfano, Sarah Ludford, Marielle De Sarnez, Jan Mulder, Cecilia Wikström, Alexander Alvaro, Nathalie Griesbeck, Ramon Tremosa i Balcells, Stanimir Ilchev and Louis Michel, on behalf of the ALDE Group, to the Commission: Discrimination against, and persecution of, Roma in EU Member States and EU framework strategy, guidelines and actions (B7-0647/2011);
- (O-000226/2011) by Marielle Gallo, Doris Pack, Jürgen Creutzmann, Olle Ludvigsson, António Fernando Correia De Campos, Arlene McCarthy, Phil Prendergast, Ashley Fox, Louis Michel, Jean-Paul Gauzès, Jean-Marie Cavada, Nadja Hirsch, Diana Wallis, Bill Newton Dunn, Tadeusz Zwiefka, Constance Le Grip, David Casa, Jean-Pierre Audy, Pablo Arias Echeverría, Philippe Juvin, Piotr Borys, Marie-Thérèse Sanchez-Schmid, José Manuel García-Margallo y Marfil, Angelika Niebler, Axel Voss, Françoise Grossetête, Ivo Belet, Katarína Neveďalová, Cătălin Sorin Ivan, Silvia Costa, Alajos Mészáros, Toine Manders, Damien Abad, Hannu Takkula, Ioannis A. Tsoukalas, Helga Trüpel, Adina-Ioana Vălean, Cornelis de Jong, Raffaele Baldassarre, Cecilia Wikström, Cristian Silviu Buşoi, Klaus-Heiner Lehne and Niki Tzavela, to the Commission: Modernisation of the VAT legislation in order to boost the digital single market (B7-0648/2011);
- (O-000236/2011) by Raül Romeva i Rueda, Hélène Flautre, Franziska Keller, Rui Tavares, Jean Lambert, Barbara Lochbihler, Catherine Grèze, Karima Delli and Malika Benarab-Attou, on behalf of the Verts/ALE Group, to the Council: Roma rights in the EU - tackling anti-Gypsyism (B7-0649/2011);
- (O-000237/2011) by Raül Romeva i Rueda, Hélène Flautre, Franziska Keller, Rui Tavares, Jean Lambert, Barbara Lochbihler, Catherine Grèze, Karima Delli and Malika Benarab-Attou, on behalf of the Verts/ALE Group, to the Commission: Roma rights in the EU - tackling anti-Gypsyism (B7-0650/2011);
- (O-000241/2011) by Cornelia Ernst, Marie-Christine Vergiat, Marisa Matias, Patrick Le Hyaric, Mikael Gustafsson and Miguel Portas, on behalf of the GUE/NGL Group, to the Council: EU measures on Roma (B7-0651/2011);
- (O-000242/2011) by Cornelia Ernst, Marie-Christine Vergiat, Marisa Matias, Patrick Le Hyaric, Mikael Gustafsson and Miguel Portas, on behalf of the GUE/NGL Group, to the Commission: EU measures on Roma (B7-0652/2011);
- (O-000261/2011) by Malcolm Harbour, Andreas Schwab, Evelyne Gebhardt, Jürgen Creutzmann, Heide Rühle, Adam Bielan and Cornelis de Jong, on behalf of the IMCO Committee, to the Commission: The open internet and net neutrality in Europe (B7-0653/2011);
- (O-000288/2011) by Lívia Járóka and Simon Busuttil, on behalf of the PPE Group, to the Council: Abolition of Roma discrimination (B7-0654/2011);
- (O-000289/2011) by Lívia Járóka and Simon Busuttil, on behalf of the PPE Group, to the Commission: Abolition of Roma discrimination (B7-0655/2011);
- (O-000291/2011) by Mara Bizzotto and Jaroslav Paška, on behalf of the EFD Group, to the Council: Implementation of the Roma strategy (B7-0656/2011);
- (O-000292/2011) by Mara Bizzotto and Jaroslav Paška, on behalf of the EFD Group, to the Commission: Implementation of the Roma strategy (B7-0657/2011).
2) written declarations for inclusion in the register (Rule 123)
- Philip Claeys, Andreas Mölzer and Fiorello Provera on the murder of Boers in South Africa (0043/2011);
- Andrew Duff, Mairead McGuinness and Ádám Kósa on the right to vote of people with disabilities (0044/2011);
- Miguel Angel Martínez Martínez, Fiona Hall, Filip Kaczmarek, Teresa Riera Madurell and Judith Sargentini on strengthening scientific capacity in Africa: promoting Euro-African partnerships in radioastronomy (0045/2011);
- Alyn Smith, Bairbre de Brún, Esther de Lange, Jörg Leichtfried and Marit Paulsen on selling eggs from hens raised in banned cages (0046/2011).
10. Lapsed written declarations
In accordance with Rule 123(5), written declarations 0033/2011, 0034/2011 had lapsed as they had not obtained the required number of signatures.
11. Texts of agreements forwarded by the Council
The Council had forwarded a certified true copy of the following:
- Ancillary Agreement between the European Union and its Member States, of the first part, Iceland, on the second part, and the Kingdom of Norway, of the third part, regarding the application of the Air Transport Agreement between the United States of America, of the first part; the European Union and its Member States, of the second part; Iceland, of the third part; and the Kingdom of Norway, of the fourth part.
12. Action taken on Parliament's resolutions
The Commission communications on the action it had taken in response to the resolutions adopted by Parliament during the June I and II 2011 part-sessions were available on the Séance en direct site.
13. Transfers of appropriations
The Committee on Budgets had authorised the Commission's proposal for transfer of appropriations DEC 29/2011 (N7-0079/2011 - C7-0308/2011 - 2011/2249(GBD)) in accordance with Article 24(4) of the Financial Regulation as interpreted in point 20 of the joint declaration on transitional measures applicable to the budgetary procedure after the entry into force of the Lisbon Treaty.
The Committee on Budgets had authorised the Commission's proposal for transfer of appropriations DEC 34/2011 (N7-0081/2011 - C7-0310/2011 - 2011/2251(GBD)) in accordance with Article 24(4) of the Financial Regulation as interpreted in point 20 of the joint declaration on transitional measures applicable to the budgetary procedure after the entry into force of the Lisbon Treaty.
The Committee on Budgets had authorised the Commission's proposal for transfer of appropriations DEC 36/2011 (N7-0078/2011 - C7-0271/2011 - 2011/2211(GBD)) in accordance with Article 24(4) of the Financial Regulation as interpreted in point 20 of the joint declaration on transitional measures applicable to the budgetary procedure after the entry into force of the Lisbon Treaty.
The Committee on Budgets had authorised the Commission's proposal for transfer of appropriations DEC 38/2011 (N7-0084/2011 - C7-0320/2011 - 2011/2258(GBD)) in accordance with Article 24(4) of the Financial Regulation as interpreted in point 20 of the joint declaration on transitional measures applicable to the budgetary procedure after the entry into force of the Lisbon Treaty.
The Committee on Budgets had authorised the Commission's proposal for transfer of appropriations DEC 39/2011 (N7-0085/2011 - C7-0321/2011 - 2011/2259(GBD)) in accordance with Article 24(4) of the Financial Regulation as interpreted in point 20 of the joint declaration on transitional measures applicable to the budgetary procedure after the entry into force of the Lisbon Treaty.
The Committee on Budgets had authorised the Commission's proposal for transfer of appropriations DEC 40/2011 (N7-0086/2011 - C7-0322/2011 - 2011/2260(GBD)) in accordance with Article 24(4) of the Financial Regulation as interpreted in point 20 of the joint declaration on transitional measures applicable to the budgetary procedure after the entry into force of the Lisbon Treaty.
The Committee on Budgets had authorised the Commission's proposal for transfer of appropriations DEC 41/2011 (N7-0080/2011 - C7-0309/2011 - 2011/2250(GBD)) in accordance with Article 24(4) of the Financial Regulation as interpreted in point 20 of the joint declaration on transitional measures applicable to the budgetary procedure after the entry into force of the Lisbon Treaty.
The Committee on Budgets had authorised the Commission's proposal for transfer of appropriations DEC 42/2011 (N7-0083/2011 - C7-0317/2011 - 2011/2256(GBD)) in accordance with Article 24(4) of the Financial Regulation as interpreted in point 20 of the joint declaration on transitional measures applicable to the budgetary procedure after the entry into force of the Lisbon Treaty.
The Committee on Budgets had authorised the Commission's proposal for transfer of appropriations DEC 45/2011 (N7-0087/2011 - C7-0333/2011 - 2011/2261(GBD)) in accordance with Article 24(4) of the Financial Regulation as interpreted in point 20 of the joint declaration on transitional measures applicable to the budgetary procedure after the entry into force of the Lisbon Treaty.
14. Petitions
The following petitions, which had been entered in the register on the dates shown below, had been forwarded to the committee responsible under Rule 201(6):
9 November 2011
Banse Michael (No 1068/2011); Ralf Eden (No 1069/2011); Gerhard Brenner (No 1070/2011); Sascha Simon (No 1071/2011); Klaus-Dieter May (Pro Fairness gegen Mobbing) (No 1072/2011); (name confidential) (No 1073/2011); Hans-Jürgen Geffroy (No 1074/2011); (name confidential) (No 1075/2011); Gredo Förster (No 1076/2011); Sigrid Kremser (Burgerinitiative Starkenberg) (2 signatures) (No 1077/2011); Andreas Reinold (No 1078/2011); Aris Christidis (No 1079/2011); Ludmila Ryczkowa (No 1080/2011); Stanislav Georgiev (No 1081/2011); Gerald Agthe-Prange (No 1082/2011); (name confidential) (No 1083/2011); Franco Iulio (No 1084/2011); Mary Adebayo Aina (No 1085/2011); Nicola Caputi (No 1086/2011); Piotr Malek (No 1087/2011); Cristian Rancati (No 1088/2011); (name confidential) (No 1089/2011); Rosanna Buccetti (Adottabile... non ammansibile) (No 1090/2011); Lynda Harrison (No 1091/2011); Raluca Focşăneanu (No 1092/2011); Stefcho Minchev (No 1093/2011); (name confidential) (No 1094/2011); Kris Goodwin (No 1095/2011); Roger Barden (2 signatures) (No 1096/2011); Aldert Jan De Haan (FFPE-EPO) (No 1097/2011); Carlo Ruocco (Legambiente, Comitato 'Sarzana, che botta!', Stop al consumo di territorio) (No 1098/2011); Francesca Cardenia (Ambulanti Piemontesi) (No 1099/2011); Alexander Perez (No 1100/2011); Alexandra E. Berk (No 1101/2011); Gojko Cizmic (No 1102/2011); Patrick Kinnersly (White Horse Alliance) (No 1103/2011); (name confidential) (No 1104/2011); Marco Fiorentino (No 1105/2011); Pietro Avino (Orgoglio Meridionale Onlus) (No 1106/2011); Daniela Spera (Comitato Legamjonici) (No 1107/2011); Dominique Hallinck (No 1108/2011); Paul Herzog Von Oldenburg (Federation Pro Europea Christiana) (No 1109/2011); Silvia Hecker (No 1110/2011); Rumen Radev (No 1111/2011); Hans Dieter Borchardt (No 1112/2011); Rudolf Windisch (No 1113/2011); (name confidential) (No 1114/2011); (name confidential) (No 1115/2011); Bogna Jaszkowiak - Chagon (No 1116/2011); Velichka Nikolova (5 signatures) (No 1117/2011); Annette Lassen (No 1118/2011); Nicolas Cornee (No 1119/2011); (name confidential) (No 1120/2011); Hans Peter Oppinger (No 1121/2011); (name confidential) (No 1122/2011); Osten Sahlen (Politivagn Stockholm) (No 1123/2011); Théodoros Pitikaris (No 1124/2011); Théodoros Pitikaris (No 1125/2011); Johan Willem J.W. Westerhof (No 1126/2011); Jean Yves Quilin (No 1127/2011); Lars-Erik Rosvall (No 1128/2011); Modesto Fernández (Droit de Naître) (3825 signatures) (No 1129/2011); (name confidential) (No 1130/2011); Jean Mortes (No 1131/2011); Roger Pennetier (No 1132/2011); Alena Balgova (No 1133/2011); (name confidential) (No 1134/2011); (name confidential) (No 1135/2011); Enrique Arraiz Curbelo (No 1136/2011); Rubén Luna Villar (No 1137/2011); (name confidential) (2 signatures) (No 1138/2011); Santiago Bosch i Arbusé (Parlament de Catalunya) (No 1139/2011); Gabriel Sánchez Ruiz (No 1140/2011); Virgil Coşcodar (10 signatures) (No 1141/2011); José Miguel González López (No 1142/2011); Diego Rodríguez Vieites (Plataforma pola Protección da Serra do Galiñeiro) (No 1143/2011); Eugenio Oria (No 1144/2011); (name confidential) (No 1145/2011); Claudio Riera y Riera (Asociación para la Defensa de las Playas Norte de Denia) (No 1146/2011); Ángel Torres Rufino (No 1147/2011); Álvaro Caetano (Ganharumo unip Lda) (No 1148/2011); Manuel Navarro Lamolda (No 1149/2011); Leovigildo Paton Selles (No 1150/2011); Jaime Domenech Gelabert (No 1151/2011); (name confidential) (No 1152/2011); Christian Belsué Villar (No 1153/2011).
10 November 2011
Stanislav Šmídek (No 1154/2011); Gertrud Falk (Fian Food First Information & Action Network) (43 signatures) (No 1155/2011); (name confidential) (No 1156/2011); Giuseppe Di Maio (No 1157/2011); Antonio Bendato (No 1158/2011); Victor-Winston Grana (Citizen for data protection) (No 1159/2011); (name confidential) (No 1160/2011); Sohail Khan (Postgraduate The Diplomatic Academy) (No 1161/2011); Ian Rogers (No 1162/2011); (name confidential) (No 1163/2011); Marco Da Prato (No 1164/2011); Pavel Franěk (No 1165/2011); Christian Belluzzo (No 1166/2011); (name confidential) (No 1167/2011); Jose Gomez (No 1168/2011).
11 November 2011
Günter Dillikrath (No 1169/2011); Slobodan Heine (No 1170/2011); Josef Hover (No 1171/2011); (name confidential) (No 1172/2011); Roswitha Clemens (No 1173/2011); (name confidential) (No 1174/2011); Josef Graf (No 1175/2011); Angelika Ledjeff (No 1176/2011); Stefan Hoschele (No 1177/2011); (name confidential) (No 1178/2011); Christine Demmer (165 signatures) (No 1179/2011); Gunnar Lang (No 1180/2011); Martin Donat (Oberosterreichische Umweltanwaltschaft) (No 1181/2011); Rainer Klute (Interessengemeinschaft Friedrich-Ebert-Strasse) (No 1182/2011); (name confidential) (No 1183/2011); Christine Kern (No 1184/2011).
15. Order of business
The next item was the order of business.
The final draft agenda for the November 2011 sittings (PE 473.690/PDOJ) had been distributed and a number of changes had been proposed (Rule 140):
Monday, Tuesday
No changes.
With the agreement of the political groups, the order of the debates to be taken between 15.00 and 20.00 on Wednesday would be:
1. EU-US summit of 28 November 2011 (Item 91 on the final draft agenda)
2. The open Internet and net neutrality in Europe (Item 86 on the final draft agenda)
3. Situation of the Roma in Member States (Item 131 on the final draft agenda)
4. Banning cluster munitions (Item 143 on the final draft agenda)
5. Modernisation of VAT legislation in order to boost the digital single market (Item 129 on the final draft agenda)
With the agreement of the political groups, the Commission statement on the contribution of the common fisheries policy to the production of public goods (Item 130 on the final draft agenda) would not be taken.
With the agreement of the political groups, the vote on the report by Knut Fleckenstein on the European Maritime Safety Agency (A7-0372/2011) (Item 116 on the final draft agenda) would be held over to the November II part-session.
Bernd Posselt spoke on the latter matter.
° ° ° °
The order of business was thus established.
The following spoke: Pat the Cope Gallagher on the fact that Parliament's website was not available in Irish, Gay Mitchell, in support of Mr Gallagher's remarks, and Bairbre de Brún on the verbatim report of proceedings in Irish.
16. Single European railway area ***I (debate)
Report on the proposal for a directive of the European Parliament and of the Council establishing a single European railway area (recast) [COM(2010)0475 - C7-0268/2010- 2010/0253(COD)] - Committee on Transport and Tourism. Rapporteur: Debora Serracchiani (A7-0367/2011)
Debora Serracchiani introduced the report.
The following spoke: Siim Kallas (Vice-President of the Commission).
The following spoke: Jörg Leichtfried.
The following spoke: Werner Kuhn, on behalf of the PPE Group, Saïd El Khadraoui, on behalf of the S&D Group, Ramon Tremosa i Balcells, on behalf of the ALDE Group, Michael Cramer, on behalf of the Verts/ALE Group, who also replied to a blue-card question by Francesco Enrico Speroni, and Roberts Zīle, on behalf of the ECR Group.
IN THE CHAIR: Anni PODIMATA Vice-President
The following spoke: Sabine Wils, on behalf of the GUE/NGL Group, John Bufton, on behalf of the EFD Group, Mike Nattrass, Non-attached Member, Antonio Cancian, Ismail Ertug, Gesine Meissner, Isabelle Durant, Peter van Dalen, Jacky Hénin, Dominique Riquet, Bogusław Liberadzki, João Ferreira, Artur Zasada and Mathieu Grosch.
The following spoke under the 'catch-the-eye' procedure: Georges Bach, Silvia-Adriana Ţicău, Elżbieta Katarzyna Łukacijewska, Vasilica Viorica Dăncilă, Marian-Jean Marinescu, Jaroslav Paška and Franz Obermayr.
The following spoke: Siim Kallas and Debora Serracchiani.
17. Implementation of Professional Qualifications Directive (debate)
Report on the implementation of the Professional Qualifications Directive (2005/36/EC) [2011/2024(INI)] - Committee on the Internal Market and Consumer Protection. Rapporteur: Emma McClarkin (A7-0373/2011)
Emma McClarkin introduced the report.
The following spoke: Michel Barnier (Member of the Commission).
The following spoke: Milan Cabrnoch (rapporteur for the opinion of the EMPL Committee), Mario Pirillo (rapporteur for the opinion of the ENVI Committee), Constance Le Grip, on behalf of the PPE Group, Bernadette Vergnaud, on behalf of the S&D Group, Emilie Turunen, on behalf of the Verts/ALE Group, Malcolm Harbour, on behalf of the ECR Group, Oreste Rossi, on behalf of the EFD Group, Franz Obermayr, Non-attached Member, Danuta Jazłowiecka, Evelyne Gebhardt, Edvard Kožušník, Gerard Batten, María Irigoyen Pérez and Liam Aylward.
The following spoke under the 'catch-the-eye' procedure: Elżbieta Katarzyna Łukacijewska, Katarína Neveďalová, Vicky Ford, Konstantinos Poupakis, Evelyn Regner, Christa Klaß, Silvia-Adriana Ţicău and Ilda Figueiredo.
The following spoke: Michel Barnier and Emma McClarkin.
18. One-minute speeches on matters of political importance
In accordance with Rule 150, the following Members who wished to draw the attention of Parliament to matters of political importance spoke for one minute:
Csaba Sógor, Gilles Pargneaux, Ramon Tremosa i Balcells, Michail Tremopoulos, Marina Yannakoudakis, João Ferreira and Gerard Batten.
IN THE CHAIR: Libor ROUČEK Vice-President
The following spoke: Martin Ehrenhauser, László Surján, Derek Vaughan, Andrea Zanoni, Margrete Auken, Paweł Robert Kowal, Oreste Rossi, Nicole Sinclaire, Gabriel Mato Adrover, Katarína Neveďalová, Theodoros Skylakakis, Francesco Enrico Speroni, Franz Obermayr, Ágnes Hankiss, Ioan Enciu, Filiz Hakaeva Hyusmenova, Slavi Binev, Czesław Adam Siekierski, Alexander Mirsky, Metin Kazak, Georgios Papanikolaou and Iliana Malinova Iotova.
19. Consumer policy (short presentation)
Report on a new strategy for consumer policy [2011/2149(INI)] - Committee on the Internal Market and Consumer Protection. Rapporteur: Kyriacos Triantaphyllides (A7-0369/2011)
Kyriacos Triantaphyllides made the presentation.
The following spoke under the 'catch-the-eye' procedure: Alajos Mészáros, Katarína Neveďalová, Malcolm Harbour, Ilda Figueiredo, Elena Băsescu, Mitro Repo and Constance Le Grip.
The following spoke: John Dalli (Member of the Commission)
Report on online gambling in the Internal Market [2011/2084(INI)] - Committee on the Internal Market and Consumer Protection. Rapporteur: Jürgen Creutzmann (A7-0342/2011)
Jürgen Creutzmann made the presentation.
The following spoke under the 'catch-the-eye' procedure: Zuzana Roithová, María Irigoyen Pérez, Hannu Takkula, Jaroslav Paška, Damien Abad, Olga Sehnalová and Malcolm Harbour.
The following spoke: Michel Barnier (Member of the Commission).
21. Honeybee health and beekeeping (short presentation)
Report on honeybee health and the challenges of the beekeeping sector [2011/2108(INI)] - Committee on Agriculture and Rural Development. Rapporteur: Csaba Sándor Tabajdi (A7-0359/2011)
Csaba Sándor Tabajdi made the presentation.
The following spoke under the 'catch-the-eye' procedure: Seán Kelly, Evelyn Regner, Bas Eickhout, Struan Stevenson, João Ferreira, Maria do Céu Patrão Neves, Judith A. Merkies, Andrew Henry William Brons and Mairead McGuinness.
The following spoke: John Dalli (Member of the Commission).
22. Demographic change and its consequences for the cohesion policy (short presentation)
Report on demographic change and its consequences for the future cohesion policy of the EU [2010/2157(INI)] - Committee on Regional Development. Rapporteur: Kerstin Westphal (A7-0350/2011)
Kerstin Westphal made the presentation.
The following spoke under the 'catch-the-eye' procedure: Anna Záborská, Phil Prendergast, Gerard Batten, Miroslav Mikolášik, Radvilė Morkūnaitė-Mikulėnienė, Katarína Neveďalová and Czesław Adam Siekierski.
The following spoke: John Dalli (Member of the Commission).
23. State aid rules on services of general economic interest (short presentation)
Report on reform of the EU state aid rules on Services of General Economic Interest [2011/2146(INI)] - Committee on Economic and Monetary Affairs. Rapporteur: Peter Simon (A7-0371/2011)
Peter Simon made the presentation.
The following spoke under the 'catch-the-eye' procedure: Alajos Mészáros, António Fernando Correia De Campos, Jaroslav Paška, Evelyn Regner, Zuzana Roithová and Elena Băsescu.
The following spoke: John Dalli (Member of the Commission).