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Thursday, 17 November 2011 - Strasbourg

11. Debate on cases of breaches of human rights, democracy and the rule of law (debate)

(For the titles and authors of the motions for resolutions, see minutes of 15.11.2011, item 3)

11.1. Iran - recent cases of human rights violations

Motions for resolution B7-0594/2011, B7-0596/211, B7-0598/2011, B7-0599/2011, B7-0601/2011, B7-0604/2011 and B7-0606/2011

Bastiaan Belder, Marie-Christine Vergiat, Corina Creţu, Adam Bielan, Cristian Dan Preda, Marietje Schaake and Barbara Lochbihler introduced motions for resolutions.

The following spoke: Monica Luisa Macovei, on behalf of the PPE Group, Ana Gomes, on behalf of the S&D Group, Anneli Jäätteenmäki, on behalf of the ALDE Group, Peter van Dalen, on behalf of the ECR Group, Paul Murphy, on behalf of the GUE/NGL Group, Jaroslav Paška, on behalf of the EFD Group, Seán Kelly, Mitro Repo, Tomasz Piotr Poręba, Eduard Kukan and George Sabin Cutaş.

The following spoke under the 'catch-the-eye' procedure: Romana Jordan Cizelj, Michael Cashman, Rui Tavares, Ryszard Czarnecki, Paul Rübig and Peter Skinner.

The following spoke: Maria Damanaki (Member of the Commission).

The debate closed.

Vote: minutes of 17.11.2011, item 12.1.

11.2. Egypt, in particular the case of blogger Alaa Abdel Fatah

Motions for resolution B7-0595/2011, B7-0597/2011, B7-0600/2011, B7-0602/2011, B7-0603/2011, B7-0605/2011 and B7-0607/2011

Michał Tomasz Kamiński, Jaroslav Paška, Marie-Christine Vergiat, Kristian Vigenin, Sari Essayah, Marietje Schaake and Franziska Katharina Brantner introduced motions for resolutions.

The following spoke: Monica Luisa Macovei, on behalf of the PPE Group, Lidia Joanna Geringer de Oedenberg, on behalf of the S&D Group, Rui Tavares, on behalf of the Verts/ALE Group, Ryszard Czarnecki, on behalf of the ECR Group, Jiří Maštálka, on behalf of the GUE/NGL Group, Seán Kelly, Corina Creţu, Eija-Riitta Korhola and Cristian Dan Preda.

The following spoke under the 'catch-the-eye' procedure: Anna Záborská, Mitro Repo, Janusz Wojciechowski, Elena Băsescu, Ana Gomes, Carl Schlyter, Tomasz Piotr Poręba, Peter Jahr and Othmar Karas.

The following spoke: Maria Damanaki (Member of the Commission).

The debate closed.

Vote: minutes of 17.11.2011, item 12.2.

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