Report on the request for the defence of the immunity of Mr Viktor Uspaskich [2011/2162(IMM)] - Committee on Legal Affairs. Rapporteur: Bernhard Rapkay (A7-0411/2011)
Report on the request for defence of the immunity and privileges of Mr Viktor Uspaskich [2011/2099(IMM)] - Committee on Legal Affairs. Rapporteur: Bernhard Rapkay (A7-0413/2011)
After specifying the procedure to be followed for his report on the request for the defence of the parliamentary immunity of Luigi de Magistris (A7-0412/2011), Bernhard Rapkay introduced the reports.
The following spoke: Tadeusz Zwiefka, on behalf of the PPE Group, Graham Watson, on behalf of the ALDE Group, Valdemar Tomaševski, on behalf of the ECR Group, and Bernhard Rapkay, on behalf of the S&D Group.