Detailed voting results (amendments, separate and split votes, etc.) appear in the Results of Votes annex to the minutes.
The results of roll-call votes are available in electronic form only, as an annex to the minutes, and can be accessed via Europarl.
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The following spoke: Sajjad Karim, who condemned the attack on 12 March 2012 on a mosque in a Brussels suburb, in which the imam had died, and Krisztina Morvai on her parliamentary immunity.
8.1. EU, Iceland and Norway agreement on the application of certain provisions of the Convention on Mutual Assistance in Criminal Matters *** (Rule 138)(vote)
Recommendation on the draft Council decision on the conclusion of the Agreement between the European Union and the Republic of Iceland and the Kingdom of Norway on the application of certain provisions of the Convention of 29 May 2000 on Mutual Assistance in Criminal Matters between the Member States of the European Union and the 2001 Protocol thereto [05306/2010 - C7-0030/2010- 2009/0189(NLE)] - Committee on Civil Liberties, Justice and Home Affairs. Rapporteur: Claude Moraes (A7-0020/2012)
(Simple majority) (Voting record: 'Results of votes', Item 1)
Parliament consented to the conclusion of the agreement.
8.2. Request for waiver of the immunity of Krisztina Morvai (Rule 138)(vote)
Report on the request for waiver of the immunity of Krisztina Morvai [2010/2285(IMM)] - Committee on Legal Affairs. Rapporteur: Eva Lichtenberger (A7-0050/2012)
(Simple majority) (Voting record: 'Results of votes', Item 2)
Andrew Henry William Brons, before the vote, on the way in which this report on parliamentary immunity had been dealt with.
8.3. Succession and the European Certificate of Succession ***I (vote)
Report on the proposal for a regulation of the European Parliament and of the Council on jurisdiction, applicable law, recognition and enforcement of decisions and authentic instruments in matters of succession and the creation of a European Certificate of Succession [COM(2009)0154 - C7-0236/2009- 2009/0157(COD)] - Committee on Legal Affairs. Rapporteur: Kurt Lechner (A7-0045/2012)
(Simple majority) (Voting record: 'Results of votes', Item 3)
8.4. Equality between women and men in the European Union - 2011 (vote)
Report on equality between women and men in the European Union - 2011 [2011/2244(INI)] - Committee on Women's Rights and Gender Equality. Rapporteur: Sophia in 't Veld (A7-0041/2012)
(Simple majority) (Voting record: 'Results of votes', Item 4)
Sari Essayah, before the vote, on the Finnish version of the report.
Sophia in 't Veld (rapporteur), on the vote on paragraph 58.
Carl Schlyter, on the vote on Amendment 26S.
Licia Ronzulli, before the final vote, on the content of the report.
Bernd Posselt, Sergio Paolo Francesco Silvestris and Joseph Daul on a technical problem during the final vote.
8.5. Women in political decision-making (vote)
Report on women in political decision making - quality and equality [2011/2295(INI)] - Committee on Women's Rights and Gender Equality. Rapporteur: Sirpa Pietikäinen (A7-0029/2012)
(Simple majority) (Voting record: 'Results of votes', Item 5)
Sirpa Pietikäinen (rapporteur) moved an oral amendment to citation 8. The oral amendment was accepted.
8.6. Statute for a European cooperative society with regard to the involvement of employees (vote)
Report on the Statute for a European Cooperative Society with regard to the involvement of employees [2011/2116(INI)] - Committee on Employment and Social Affairs. Rapporteur: Sven Giegold (A7-0432/2011)
(Simple majority) (Voting record: 'Results of votes', Item 6)
Report on the contribution of the European institutions to the consolidation and progress of the Bologna Process [2011/2180(INI)] - Committee on Culture and Education. Rapporteur: Luigi Berlinguer (A7-0035/2012)
(Simple majority) (Voting record: 'Results of votes', Item 7)
Report on quality management for European statistics [2011/2289(INI)] - Committee on Economic and Monetary Affairs. Rapporteur: Edward Scicluna (A7-0037/2012)
(Simple majority) (Voting record: 'Results of votes', Item 8)