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Procedure : 2012/2581(RSP)
Document stages in plenary
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Debates :

Votes :

PV 15/03/2012 - 11.6
CRE 15/03/2012 - 11.6
PV 29/03/2012 - 9.8
CRE 29/03/2012 - 9.8
Explanations of votes
Explanations of votes

Texts adopted :


Thursday, 29 March 2012 - Brussels

9.8. Situation in Belarus (vote)
Verbatim reports

The debate had been held on 14 March 2012 (minutes of 14.3.2012, item 16).

The vote was postponed from 15 March 2012 (minutes of 15.3.2012, item 11.6).

Motions for resolution B7-0178/2012, B7-0179/2012, B7-0180/2012, B7-0181/2012, B7-0182/2012 and B7-0183/2012

(Simple majority)
(Voting record: 'Results of votes', Item 15)


(replacing B7-0178/2012, B7-0179/2012, B7-0181/2012, B7-0182/2012 and B7-0183/2012):

tabled by the following Members:

José Ignacio Salafranca Sánchez-Neyra, Vytautas Landsbergis, Jacek Protasiewicz, Jacek Saryusz-Wolski, Peter Šťastný, Arnaud Danjean, Krzysztof Lisek, Ioannis Kasoulides, Cristian Dan Preda, Andrzej Grzyb, Tunne Kelam, Filip Kaczmarek, Lena Kolarska-Bobińska, Alojz Peterle and Ria Oomen-Ruijten, on behalf of the PPE Group,

Véronique De Keyser, Libor Rouček, Justas Vincas Paleckis, Kristian Vigenin and Marek Siwiec, on behalf of the S&D Group,

Kristiina Ojuland, Ivo Vajgl, Ivars Godmanis, Sonia Alfano, Gerben-Jan Gerbrandy, Marietje Schaake and Annemie Neyts-Uyttebroeck, on behalf of the ALDE Group,

Werner Schulz, on behalf of the Verts/ALE Group,

Charles Tannock, Marek Henryk Migalski, Paweł Robert Kowal, Ryszard Antoni Legutko, Tomasz Piotr Poręba, Ryszard Czarnecki and Michał Tomasz Kamiński, on behalf of the ECR Group

Adopted (P7_TA-PROV(2012)0112)

(Motion for a resolution B7-0180/2012 fell.)

The following had spoken:

Marek Henryk Migalski, Jacek Protasiewicz, Kristian Vigenin and Gerard Batten, before the vote.

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