MinutesVotesRoll-call votesTexts adoptedVerbatim reports
Wednesday, 23 May 2012 - Strasbourg
 1.Opening of the sitting
 2.Implementing measures (Rule 88)
 3.Common system for taxing financial transactions * (debate)
 5.Common system for taxing financial transactions * (continuation of debate)
 6.European Parliament's right of inquiry (debate)
 7.Statement by the President
 8.Voting time
8.1.Bluefin tuna in the eastern Atlantic and Mediterranean ***I (vote)
8.2.Double-hull or equivalent design requirements for single-hull oil tankers ***I (vote)
8.3.Fishing opportunities and financial contribution provided for by the EU-Mozambique Fisheries Partnership Agreement *** (vote)
8.4.Common system for taxing financial transactions * (vote)
8.5.EU and China: unbalanced trade? (vote)
8.6.European Parliament's right of inquiry (vote)
 9.Explanations of vote
 10.Corrections to votes and voting intentions
 11.Approval of the minutes of the previous sitting
 12.Sudan and South Sudan (debate)
 13.Guinea-Bissau (debate)
 14.Request for the waiver of parliamentary immunity
 15.Composition of committees and delegations
 16.A resource-efficient Europe (debate)
 17.Youth opportunities initiative (debate)
 18.Agenda of the next sitting
 19.Closure of the sitting
Minutes (139 kb) Attendance register (63 kb) Results of votes (56 kb) Results of roll-call votes (742 kb) 
Minutes (141 kb) Attendance register (53 kb) Results of votes (203 kb) Results of roll-call votes (359 kb) 
Minutes (204 kb) Attendance register (65 kb) Results of votes (214 kb) Results of roll-call votes (841 kb) 
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