12. Delegated acts and implementing measures (Rule 87a(6) and Rule 88(4)(d))
In accordance with Rule 87a(6), the President of the Conference of Committee Chairs had informed the President of Parliament that no objections had been raised with regard to:
1) a recommandation from the TRAN Committee to raise no objections to draft implementing provisions falling within the regulatory procedure with scrutiny 'Recommendation for a decision to raise no objections to the draft Commission decision authorising the French Republic to derogate from Commission Regulation (EU) No 1332/2011 with respect to the use of a new software version of the airborne collision avoidance system (ACAS II) on certain newly-built aircraft (B7-0423/2012)'.
2) a recommandation from the AGRI Committee to raise no objections to a delegated act: 'Recommendation for a decision to raise no objections to the Commission Delegated Regulation of 28 June 2012 supplementing Council Regulation (EC) No 1234/2007 as regards transnational cooperation and contractual negotiations of producer organisations in the milk and milk products sectors (B7-0424/2012)'.
If no objections were raised to these recommendations by a political group or at least 40 Members within 24 hours, they would be deemed to have been approved. Otherwise, they would be put to the vote.
The recommendations can be found on the Séance en direct site.