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Minutes - Results of votes
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Wednesday, 16 January 2013 - Strasbourg
 Abbreviations and symbols

 1. Modification of Parliament’s calendar of part-sessions - 2013

 2. Classification, packaging and labelling of dangerous preparations ***I

 3. Sustainable exploitation of fishery resources in the Mediterranean Sea ***I

 4. Conclusion of the Nagoya-Kuala Lumpur Supplementary Protocol on Liability and Redress to the Cartagena Protocol on Biosafety ***

 5. Public finances in EMU - 2011 and 2012

 6. Credit rating agencies ***I

 7. Undertakings of collective investment in transferable securities (UCITS) and alternative investment funds managers ***I

 8. Multi-annual plan for cod stocks in the Baltic Sea ***I

 9. Conservation of fishery resources ***I

 10. Amendment of Parliament’s Rules of Procedure on the order of precedence of Vice-Presidents elected by acclamation

 11. Youth guarantee

 12. Role of EU cohesion policy in implementing the new European energy policy

 13. Feasibility of introducing stability bonds
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