The following questions for oral answer had been submitted by Members (Rule 115):
- (O-000023/2013) by Pat the Cope Gallagher and Gabriel Mato Adrover, on behalf of the PECH Committee, to the Commission: Implementation of Regulation (EU) No 1026/2012 with regard to unsustainable mackerel fishing in the North East Atlantic (B7-0114/2013) (2013/2575(RSP));
- (O-000017/2013) by Danuta Maria Hübner, on behalf of the DEVE Committee, to the Commission: Regional state aid (B7-0115/2013) (2013/2550(RSP));
- (O-000035/2013) by Pat the Cope Gallagher and Gabriel Mato Adrover, on behalf of the PECH Committee, to the Council: Institutional deadlock regarding multi-annual fisheries management plans (B7-0116/2013) (2013/2588(RSP));
- (O-000039/2013) by Sharon Bowles, on behalf of the ECON Committee, to the Commission: Completing the scoreboard for the Macroeconomic Imbalance Procedure (MIP) (2013/2582(RSP)) (B7-0117/2013) ( 2013/2582(RSP)).