The final draft agenda for the May and2013 sittings (PE 510.028/PDOJ) had been distributed and a number of changes had been proposed (Rule 140):
No changes.
Joint debate – Banking union – single supervisory mechanism (items 75 and 76 on the draft agenda):
The following spoke:: Marianne Thyssen, on behalf of the PPE Group, to request that the vote on the amendments tabled to the two reports be held on Wednesday.
Parliament agreed to the request.
Report by Carlo Casini (A7-0138/2013) (item 123 on the draft agenda):
The following spoke:: John Stuart Agnew, on behalf of the EFD Group, to ask that the report be referred back to committee (Rule 175), Francesco Enrico Speroni, in support of the request, and Rafał Trzaskowski against the request.
Parliament rejected the request.
Wednesday and Thursday:
No changes.
° ° ° °
The order of business was thus established.
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The following spoke: Jean-Pierre Audy, to ask that Herman Van Rompuy, President of the European Council, should be invited on Thursday to report to Parliament on the outcome of the European Council meeting of 22 May 2013 (the President confirmed that his request would be passed on to Mr Van Rompuy).