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Procedure : 2011/0242(COD)
Document stages in plenary
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Debates :

PV 11/06/2013 - 17
CRE 11/06/2013 - 17

Votes :

PV 12/06/2013 - 8.10
CRE 12/06/2013 - 8.10
Explanations of votes

Texts adopted :


Tuesday, 11 June 2013 - Strasbourg

17. Evaluation mechanism to verify application of the Schengen acquis ***I - Temporary reintroduction of border control at internal borders ***I (debate)
Verbatim reports

Report on the draft Council regulation on the establishment of an evaluation mechanism to verify the application of the Schengen acquis [10273/2013 - C7-0160/2013- 2010/0312(NLE)] - Committee on Civil Liberties, Justice and Home Affairs. Rapporteur: Carlos Coelho (A7-0215/2013)

Report on the proposal for a regulation of the European Parliament and of the Council amending Regulation (EC) No 562/2006 in order to provide for common rules on the temporary reintroduction of border control at internal borders in exceptional circumstances [COM(2011)0560 - C7-0248/2011- 2011/0242(COD)] - Committee on Civil Liberties, Justice and Home Affairs. Rapporteur: Renate Weber (A7-0200/2012)

Carlos Coelho and Renate Weber presented their reports.

The following spoke: Lucinda Creighton (President-in-Office of the Council) and Cecilia Malmström (Member of the Commission).

The following spoke: Manfred Weber, on behalf of the PPE Group, Ioan Enciu, on behalf of the S&D Group, Renate Weber, Tatjana Ždanoka, on behalf of the Verts/ALE Group, Peter van Dalen, on behalf of the ECR Group, Lorenzo Fontana, on behalf of the EFD Group, Cornelia Ernst, on behalf of the GUE/NGL Group, Auke Zijlstra, Non-attached Member, and Véronique Mathieu Houillon.


The following spoke: Robert Goebbels, Judith Sargentini, Oldřich Vlasák, Gerard Batten, who also replied to two blue-card questions by Robert Goebbels and Krisztina Morvai, Franz Obermayr, Georgios Papanikolaou, Juan Fernando López Aguilar, Franziska Keller, Adam Bielan, Nikolaos Salavrakos, Kinga Gál, Sylvie Guillaume, Vicky Ford, Monica Luisa Macovei, Claude Moraes, Marco Scurria, Jacek Protasiewicz, Monika Flašíková Beňová, Alajos Mészáros, Seán Kelly, Frank Engel and Monika Panayotova.

The following spoke under the 'catch-the-eye' procedure: Agustín Díaz de Mera García Consuegra, Petru Constantin Luhan, Janusz Władysław Zemke, Danuta Jazłowiecka, Andreas Mölzer, Lena Kolarska-Bobińska and Krisztina Morvai.

The following spoke: Cecilia Malmström, Carlos Coelho and Renate Weber.

The debate closed.

Vote: minutes of 12.6.2013, item 8.10 and minutes of 12.6.2013, item 8.11.

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