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Tuesday, 8 October 2013 - Strasbourg
1.Opening of the sitting
 2.Debate on cases of breaches of human rights, democracy and the rule of law (announcement of motions for resolutions tabled)
 3.Transfers of appropriations
 4.Documents received
 5.Manufacture, presentation and sale of tobacco and related products ***I (debate)
 6.Assessment of the effects of certain public and private projects on the environment ***I (debate)
 8.Assessment of the effects of certain public and private projects on the environment ***I (continuation of debate)
 9.Voting time
9.1.EC-Ukraine cooperation agreement on a civil Global Navigation Satellite System *** (Rule 138) (vote)
9.2.Mobilisation of the European Globalisation Adjustment Fund: application EGF/2011/025 IT/Lombardy - Italy (Rule 138) (vote)
9.3.Mobilisation of the European Globalisation Adjustment Fund: application EGF/2012/008 IT/De Tomaso Automobili - Italy (Rule 138) (vote)
9.4.Corruption in the public and private sectors: the impact on human rights in third countries (Rule 138) (vote)
9.5.Forward policy planning: budgetary implications for capacity-building (Rule 138) (vote)
9.6.Private international law and employment (Rule 138) (vote)
9.7.Flag State responsibilities for the enforcement of Council Directive 2009/13/EC implementing the Agreement on the Maritime Labour Convention (final vote)
9.8.Manufacture, presentation and sale of tobacco and related products ***I (vote)
9.9.EU-Mauritania fishing opportunities and financial contribution protocol *** (vote)
9.10.Gendercide: the missing women? (vote)
9.11.Budgetary constraints for regional and local authorities regarding the EU's Structural Funds (vote)
9.12.Comprehensive EU fishery strategy in the Pacific region (vote)
9.13.Fisheries restrictions and jurisdictional waters in the Mediterranean and Black Sea - conflict resolution (vote)
 10.Explanations of vote
 11.Corrections to votes and voting intentions
 12.Approval of the minutes of the previous sitting
 13.2011 discharge: European Council and Council (debate)
 14.Completing the European research area by 2014 (debate)
 15.Convention on preventing and combating violence against women (Istanbul convention) (debate)
 16.EU-China negotiations for a bilateral investment agreement (debate)
 17.Corrigenda (Rule 216)
 18.EU-Taiwan trade relations (debate)
 19.Discriminatory customs procedures against Lithuanian trucks at the Russian border (debate)
 20.Action taken following a request for waiver of immunity
 21.Recreational craft and personal watercraft ***I (debate)
 22.Technical requirements and administrative procedures related to air operations (debate)
 23.Implementation of REMIT and ACER 2014 budget (debate)
 24.Agenda of the next sitting
 25.Closure of the sitting


1. Opening of the sitting

The sitting opened at 8.30.

2. Debate on cases of breaches of human rights, democracy and the rule of law (announcement of motions for resolutions tabled)

In accordance with Rule 122, the following Members or political groups had requested that such a debate be held on the following motions for resolutions:

I.   Recent cases of violence and persecution against Christians, notably in Maaloula (Syria), Peshawar (Pakistan) and the case of Pastor Saeed Abedini (Iran) (2013/2872(RSP))

- Charles Tannock, Peter van Dalen, Marek Henryk Migalski, Paweł Robert Kowal, Ryszard Antoni Legutko, Tomasz Piotr Poręba, Ryszard Czarnecki, Adam Bielan and Konrad Szymański, on behalf of the ECR Group, on recent cases of violence and persecution against Christians, notably in Maaloula (Syria), Peshawar (Pakistan) and the case of Pastor Saeed Abedini (Iran) (B7-0449/2013);

- Véronique De Keyser, Ana Gomes, Liisa Jaakonsaari, Lidia Joanna Geringer de Oedenberg, Joanna Senyszyn, Corina Creţu, Mitro Repo, Marc Tarabella and Maria Eleni Koppa, on recent cases of violence against Christians, notably in Maaloula (Syria) and Peshawar (Pakistan) (B7-0450/2013);

- Bastiaan Belder, Fiorello Provera, Claudio Morganti, Philippe de Villiers, Magdi Cristiano Allam, Mara Bizzotto, Frank Vanhecke, Lorenzo Fontana, Rolandas Paksas, Tadeusz Cymański, Jacek Włosowicz, Nikolaos Salavrakos and Juozas Imbrasas, on behalf of the EFD Group, on recent cases of violence and persecution against Christians, notably in Maaloula (Syria), Peshawar (Pakistan) and the case of Pastor Saeed Abedini (Iran) (B7-0451/2013);

- Cristian Dan Preda, Bernd Posselt, Tunne Kelam, Eduard Kukan, Roberta Angelilli, Laima Liucija Andrikienė, Jarosław Leszek Wałęsa, Lena Kolarska-Bobińska, Petri Sarvamaa, Monica Luisa Macovei, Eija-Riitta Korhola, Philippe Boulland, Jean Roatta, Sergio Paolo Francesco Silvestris, Giovanni La Via, Sari Essayah, Zuzana Roithová, Krzysztof Lisek, Csaba Sógor, Anne Delvaux and Anna Záborská, on behalf of the PPE Group, on recent cases of violence and persecution against Christians, notably in Maaloula (Syria), Peshawar (Pakistan) and the case of Pastor Saeed Abedini (Iran) (B7-0452/2013);

- Marie-Christine Vergiat and Willy Meyer, on behalf of the GUE/NGL Group, on recent cases of violence and persecution against Christians, notably in Maaloula (Syria), Peshawar (Pakistan) and the case of Pastor Saeed Abedini (Iran) (B7-0453/2013);

- Marietje Schaake, Alexander Graf Lambsdorff, Phil Bennion, Marielle de Sarnez, Kristiina Ojuland, Izaskun Bilbao Barandica, Louis Michel, Robert Rochefort, Angelika Werthmann and Ramon Tremosa i Balcells, on behalf of the ALDE Group, on recent cases of violence and persecution against Christians, notably in Maaloula (Syria), Peshawar (Pakistan) and the case of Pastor Saeed Abedini (Iran) (B7-0454/2013).

II.   Clashes in Sudan and subsequent media censorship (2013/2873(RSP))

- Charles Tannock and Adam Bielan, on behalf of the ECR Group, on the clashes in Sudan and subsequent media censorship (B7-0444/2013);

- Judith Sargentini, Barbara Lochbihler and Raül Romeva i Rueda, on behalf of the Verts/ALE Group, on the clashes in Sudan and subsequent media censorship (B7-0445/2013);

- Véronique De Keyser, Ana Gomes, Richard Howitt, Joanna Senyszyn, Liisa Jaakonsaari, Lidia Joanna Geringer de Oedenberg, Mitro Repo and Marc Tarabella, on behalf of the S&D Group on the clashes in Sudan and subsequent media censorship (B7-0448/2013);

- Mariya Gabriel, Gay Mitchell, Cristian Dan Preda, Bernd Posselt, Tunne Kelam, Eduard Kukan, Roberta Angelilli, Laima Liucija Andrikienė, Jarosław Leszek Wałęsa, Lena Kolarska-Bobińska, Petri Sarvamaa, Monica Luisa Macovei, Eija-Riitta Korhola, Philippe Boulland, Jean Roatta, Sergio Paolo Francesco Silvestris, Giovanni La Via, Sari Essayah, Zuzana Roithová, Krzysztof Lisek, Anne Delvaux and Michèle Striffler, on behalf of the PPE Group, on the clashes in Sudan and subsequent media censorship (B7-0455/2013);

- Marie-Christine Vergiat, on behalf of the GUE/NGL Group, on the clashes in Sudan and media censorship (B7-0456/2013);

- Marietje Schaake, Alexander Graf Lambsdorff, Louis Michel, Kristiina Ojuland, Johannes Cornelis van Baalen, Robert Rochefort, Graham Watson, Angelika Werthmann, Izaskun Bilbao Barandica, Marielle de Sarnez and Ramon Tremosa i Balcells, on behalf of the ALDE Group, on the clashes in Sudan and subsequent media censorship (B7-0457/2013).

III.   Recent violence in Iraq (2013/2874(RSP))

- Tarja Cronberg, Barbara Lochbihler and Raül Romeva i Rueda, on behalf of the Verts/ALE Group, on Iraq (B7-0446/2013);

- Charles Tannock, Struan Stevenson, Adam Bielan, Ryszard Antoni Legutko, Tomasz Piotr Poręba and Ryszard Czarnecki, on behalf of the ECR Group, on the recent violence in Iraq (B7-0447/2013);

- Véronique De Keyser, Ana Gomes, Silvia Costa, Maria Eleni Koppa, Pino Arlacchi, Corina Creţu, Joanna Senyszyn, Liisa Jaakonsaari, Lidia Joanna Geringer de Oedenberg, Mitro Repo and Marc Tarabella, on behalf of the S&D Group, on the recent violence in Iraq (B7-0458/2013);

- Cristian Dan Preda, Alejo Vidal-Quadras, Bernd Posselt, Mariya Gabriel, Tunne Kelam, Eduard Kukan, Roberta Angelilli, Laima Liucija Andrikienė, Petri Sarvamaa, Monica Luisa Macovei, Eija-Riitta Korhola, Philippe Boulland, Jean Roatta, Sergio Paolo Francesco Silvestris, Giovanni La Via, Sari Essayah, Krzysztof Lisek and Tokia Saïfi, on behalf of the PPE Group, on the recent violence in Iraq (B7-0459/2013);

- Marie-Christine Vergiat, Søren Bo Søndergaard and Jacky Hénin, on behalf of the GUE/NGL Group, on Iraq (B7-0461/2013);

- Jelko Kacin, Louis Michel, Alexander Graf Lambsdorff, Marietje Schaake, Sarah Ludford, Kristiina Ojuland, Graham Watson, Izaskun Bilbao Barandica, Johannes Cornelis van Baalen, Marielle de Sarnez, Robert Rochefort and Ramon Tremosa i Balcells, on behalf of the ALDE Group, on the recent violence in Iraq (B7-0462/2013).

Speaking time would be allocated in accordance with Rule 149.

3. Transfers of appropriations

In accordance with Article 27(3) of the Financial Regulation, the Committee on Budgets had approved the Commission's proposals for transfers of appropriations DEC 12/2013 (N7-0069/2013 - C7-0202/2013 - 2013/2136(GBD)), DEC 15/2013 (N7-0070/2013 - C7-0204/2013 - 2013/2137(GBD)), DEC 20/2013 (N7-0076/2013 - C7-0250/2013 - 2013/2162(GBD)), DEC 23/2013 (N7-0077/2013 - C7-0251/2013 - 2013/2163(GBD)), DEC 24/2013 (N7-0078/2013 - C7-0252/2013 – 2013/2164(GBD)) and DEC 25/2013 (N7-0079/2013 - C7-0253/2013 - 2013/2165(GBD)).

In accordance with Article 27(4) of the Financial Regulation, the Council had informed the European Parliament of the approval of transfers of appropriations DEC 12/2013, DEC 15/2013, DEC 20/2013, DEC 23/2013, DEC 24/2013 and DEC 25/2013.

In accordance with Article 25(1) of the Financial Regulation, the Committee on Budgets had examined the proposal made by the Court of Auditors concerning transfers of appropriations V/AB-05/T/13 and V/AB-06/C/13, and had decided not to make any objections.

In accordance with Article 25(1) and (2) of the Financial Regulation, the Court of Justice had informed the Budgetary Authority of transfers of appropriations 5/2013 and 6/2013.

4. Documents received

The following documents had been received:

1) from the Council and Commission

- Proposal for a regulation of the European Parliament and of the Council amending Regulation (EC) No 1013/2006 on shipments of waste (COM(2013)0516 - C7-0217/2013 - 2013/0239(COD))
The President would consult the European Economic and Social Committee and the Committee of the Regions on this proposal, in accordance with Rule 124(1) and Rule 125(1).

referred to





- Proposal for a directive of the European Parliament and of the Council on payment services in the internal market and amending Directives 2002/65/EC, 2013/36/EU and 2009/110/EC and repealing Directive 2007/64/EC (COM(2013)0547 - C7-0230/2013 - 2013/0264(COD))
The President would consult the European Economic and Social Committee on this proposal, in accordance with Rule 124(1).
In accordance with Article 282(5) of the Treaty, the President would consult the European Central Bank if he considered it appropriate.

referred to





- Proposal for a regulation of the European Parliament and of the Council amending Regulation (EU) No 1215/2012 on jurisdiction and the recognition and enforcement of judgments in civil and commercial matters (COM(2013)0554 - C7-0239/2013 – 2013/0268(COD))
In accordance with Article 304 of the Treaty the President would consult the European Economic and Social Committee on this proposal if he considered it appropriate.

referred to





- Proposal for a regulation of the European Parliament and of the Council on interchange fees for card-based payment transactions (COM(2013)0550 - C7-0241/2013 - 2013/0265(COD))
The President would consult the European Economic and Social Committee on this proposal, in accordance with Rule 124(1).
In accordance with Article 282(5) of the Treaty, the President would consult the European Central Bank if he considered it appropriate.

referred to





- Proposal for a Regulation of the European Parliament and of the Council amending Council Regulation (EC) No 718/1999 of 29 March 1999 on a Community-fleet capacity policy to promote inland waterway transport (COM(2013)0621 - C7-0265/2013 - 2013/0303(COD))
The President would consult the European Economic and Social Committee and the Committee of the Regions on this proposal, in accordance with Rule 124(1) and Rule 125(1).

referred to





- Proposal for a Council directive amending Directives2006/112/EC and 2008/118/EC as regards the French outermost regions and Mayotte in particular (COM(2013)0577 - C7-0268/2013 - 2013/0280(CNS))

referred to





- Proposal for a Decision of the European Parliament and of the Council on the mobilisation of the European Globalisation Adjustment Fund in accordance with point 28 of the Interinstitutional Agreement of 17 May 2006 between the European Parliament, the Council and the Commission on budgetary discipline and sound financial management (application EGF/2013/004 ES/Comunidad Valenciana building materials from Spain) (COM(2013)0635 - C7-0269/2013 - 2013/2192(BUD))

referred to





- Proposal for transfer of appropriations DEC 27/2013 - Section III – Commission (N7-0080/2013 - C7-0270/2013 - 2013/2193(GBD))

referred to



- Proposal for a Directive of the European Parliament and of the Council amending Council Framework Decision 2004/757/JHA of 25 October 2004 laying down minimum provisions on the constituent elements of criminal acts and penalties in the field of illicit drug trafficking, as regards the definition of the term 'drug' (COM(2013)0618 - C7-0271/2013 - 2013/0304(COD))

referred to





- Proposal for a Regulation of the European Parliament and of the Council on new psychoactive substances (COM(2013)0619 - C7-0272/2013 - 2013/0305(COD))
The President would consult the European Economic and Social Committee on this proposal, in accordance with Rule 124(1).

referred to





- Proposal for transfer of appropriations DEC 22/2013 - Section III – Commission (N7-0081/2013 - C7-0284/2013 - 2013/2207(GBD))

referred to



- Proposal for a decision of the European Parliament and of the Council on the mobilisation of the Flexibility Instrument (COM(2013)0647 - C7-0302/2013 - 2013/2223(BUD))

referred to





- Proposal for a Regulation of the European Parliament and of the Council amending Regulation (EU, EURATOM) No 966/2012 on the financial rules applicable to the general budget of the Union and repealing Council Regulation (EC, Euratom) No 1605/2002 (COM(2013)0639 - C7-0303/2013 – 2013/0313(COD))
In accordance with Articles 287 and 322 of the Treaty, the President would consult the European Court of Auditors.

referred to





- Proposal for a Council decision on the acceptance, on behalf of the European Union, of the Amendment to Articles 25 and 26 of the Convention on the Protection and Use of Transboundary Watercourses and International Lakes (12713/2013 - C7-0304/2013 - 2013/0127(NLE))

referred to



- Proposal for a Regulation of the European Parliament and of the Council amending Council Regulation (EC) No 55/2008 introducing autonomous trade preferences for the Republic of Moldova (COM(2013)0678 - C7-0305/2013 - 2013/0325(COD))

referred to





- Proposal for transfer of appropriations DEC 26/2013 - Section III – Commission (N7-0082/2013 - C7-0306/2013 - 2013/2226(GBD))

referred to



- Proposal for a Council regulation establishing the 'Europe for Citizens' programme for the period 2014-2020 (12557/2013 - C7-0307/2013 - 2011/0436(APP))

referred to





- Proposal for a Council decision on the conclusion, on behalf of the European Union, of the Agreement between the European Union and the Russian Federation on drug precursors (12221/2013 - C7-0308/2013 - 2013/0005(NLE))

referred to





- Appointment of a member of the Court of Auditors (Henri Grethen - LU) (N7-0083/2013 [01] - C7-0309/2013 - 2013/0807(NLE))

referred to



- Appointment of a member of the Court of Auditors (Nikolaos Milionis - EL) (N7-0083/2013 [02] - C7-0310/2013 - 2013/0808(NLE))

referred to



- Appointment of a member of the Court of Auditors (Danièle Lamarque -FR) (N7-0083/2013 [03] - C7-0311/2013 - 2013/0809(NLE))

referred to



- Appointment of a member of the Court of Auditors (Alex Brenninkmeijer - NL) (N7-0083/2013 [04] - C7-0312/2013 - 2013/0810(NLE))

referred to



- Appointment of a member of the Court of Auditors (Phil Wynn Owen - UK) (N7-0083/2013 [05] - C7-0313/2013 - 2013/0811(NLE))

referred to



- Proposal for a directive of the European Parliament and of the Council amending Directive 2009/138/EC on the taking-up and pursuit of the business of Insurance and Reinsurance (Solvency II) as regards the dates of transposition and application and the date of repeal of certain Directives (COM(2013)0680 - C7-0315/2013 - 2013/0327(COD))

referred to





2) from Members: motions for resolutions (Rule 120)

- Aldo Patriciello: Motion for a resolution on the renaturalisation of environmental risk areas (B7-0429/2013)

referred to





- Silvia-Adriana Ţicău: Motion for a resolution on the Schengen Area (B7-0430/2013)

referred to



- Philip Claeys: Motion for a resolution on the addition of Al-Shabaab to the European Union list of terrorist organisations (B7-0432/2013)

referred to





- Cristiana Muscardini and Niccolò Rinaldi: Motion for a resolution on respect for the rights of persons with disabilities (B7-0441/2013)

referred to





- Silvia-Adriana Ţicău: Motion for a resolution on universal primary education (B7-0443/2013)

referred to





5. Manufacture, presentation and sale of tobacco and related products ***I (debate)

Report on the proposal for a directive of the European Parliament and of the Council on the approximation of the laws, regulations and administrative provisions of the Member States concerning the manufacture, presentation and sale of tobacco and related products [COM(2012)0788 - C7-0420/2012- 2012/0366(COD)] - Committee on the Environment, Public Health and Food Safety. Rapporteur: Linda McAvan (A7-0276/2013)

Linda McAvan introduced the report.

The following spoke: Vytenis Povilas Andriukaitis (President-in-Office of the Council) and Tonio Borg (Member of the Commission).

The following spoke: Metin Kazak (rapporteur for the opinion of the INTA Committee), Robert Goebbels (rapporteur for the opinion of the ITRE Committee), Małgorzata Handzlik (rapporteur for the opinion of the IMCO Committee), Csaba Sándor Tabajdi (rapporteur for the opinion of the AGRI Committee), who also replied to a blue-card question by Marek Henryk Migalski, Klaus-Heiner Lehne (rapporteur for the opinion of the JURI Committee), Karl-Heinz Florenz, on behalf of the PPE Group, Andrés Perelló Rodríguez, on behalf of the S&D Group, Frédérique Ries, on behalf of the ALDE Group, Marek Henryk Migalski, on the blue-card procedure, Marc Tarabella who put a blue-card question to Frédérique Ries, who replied to that question, Carl Schlyter, on behalf of the Verts/ALE Group, Marina Yannakoudakis, on behalf of the ECR Group, Martina Anderson, on behalf of the GUE/NGL Group, Lorenzo Fontana, on behalf of the EFD Group, who also replied to a blue-card question by Liisa Jaakonsaari, Franco Bonanini, Non-attached Member, Peter Liese, Dagmar Roth-Behrendt, Chris Davies, Janusz Wojciechowski, who also replied to a blue-card question by Gilles Pargneaux, Michèle Rivasi, Chris Davies and Robert Goebbels, on the blue-card procedure, Kartika Tamara Liotard, Paul Nuttall, Ewald Stadler, Pilar Ayuso, Edite Estrela, Jürgen Creutzmann, Satu Hassi, Hynek Fajmon, who also replied to a blue-card question by Paul Rübig, Daniël van der Stoep, Françoise Grossetête, Glenis Willmott and Rebecca Taylor.


The following spoke: Bas Eickhout, Susy De Martini, Hans-Peter Martin, Richard Seeber, Pavel Poc, Olle Schmidt, Peter van Dalen, Franz Obermayr, Dubravka Šuica, Kathleen Van Brempt, Antonyia Parvanova, Renate Sommer, Matthias Groote, Holger Krahmer, Georgios Koumoutsakos, Mario Pirillo, Corinne Lepage, Marianne Thyssen, Christel Schaldemose, Alojz Peterle, Karin Kadenbach, David Casa, Gilles Pargneaux, who asked that the lobbyists seated in the public gallery stop filming the debate (The President confirmed that this was prohibited), Spyros Danellis, Róża Gräfin von Thun und Hohenstein, Biljana Borzan, Bendt Bendtsen and Zbigniew Ziobro.

The following spoke under the 'catch-the-eye' procedure: Mairead McGuinness, Phil Prendergast, Struan Stevenson, Sergio Paolo Francesco Silvestris, Zigmantas Balčytis, María Auxiliadora Correa Zamora and Mojca Kleva Kekuš.

The following spoke: Tonio Borg, Vytenis Povilas Andriukaitis and Linda McAvan.

The debate closed.

Vote: minutes of 8.10.2013, item 9.8.

6. Assessment of the effects of certain public and private projects on the environment ***I (debate)

Report on the proposal for a directive of the European Parliament and of the Council amending Directive 2011/92/EU of the assessment of the effects of certain public and private projects on the environment [COM(2012)0628 - C7-0367/2012- 2012/0297(COD)] - Committee on the Environment, Public Health and Food Safety. Rapporteur: Andrea Zanoni (A7-0277/2013)

Andrea Zanoni introduced the report.

The following spoke: Connie Hedegaard (Member of the Commission).

The following spoke: Joseph Cuschieri (rapporteur for the opinion of the TRAN Committee), Nikolaos Chountis (rapporteur for the opinion of the PETI Committee) and Cristina Gutiérrez-Cortines, on behalf of the PPE Group.

(Continuation of the debate minutes of 8.10.2013, item 8).

7. Welcome

The President welcomed a group of workers from the Tenneco factory in Gijon and a group of residents of Argamasilla de Alba, who were seated in the public gallery.

8. Assessment of the effects of certain public and private projects on the environment ***I (continuation of debate)

Report on the proposal for a directive of the European Parliament and of the Council amending Directive 2011/92/EU of the assessment of the effects of certain public and private projects on the environment [COM(2012)0628 - C7-0367/2012- 2012/0297(COD)] - Committee on the Environment, Public Health and Food Safety. Rapporteur: Andrea Zanoni (A7-0277/2013)

Beginning of the debate: minutes of 8.10.2013, item 6).

The following spoke: Kriton Arsenis, on behalf of the S&D Group, Holger Krahmer, on behalf of the ALDE Group, Sandrine Bélier, on behalf of the Verts/ALE Group, Anna Rosbach, on behalf of the ECR Group, João Ferreira, on behalf of the GUE/NGL Group, Tadeusz Cymański, on behalf of the EFD Group, Richard Seeber, Victor Boştinaru, Satu Hassi, Konrad Szymański, Rolandas Paksas, Bogusław Sonik, Jo Leinen, Paul Nuttall, Sophie Auconie, Kathleen Van Brempt, Christa Klaß, Gilles Pargneaux, Radvilė Morkūnaitė-Mikulėnienė, Andrés Perelló Rodríguez, Romana Jordan, Pavel Poc and Herbert Reul.

The President said that there was no time for catch-the-speeches.

The following spoke: Connie Hedegaard and Andrea Zanoni.

The debate closed.

Vote: minutes of 9.10.2013, item 8.1.


The following spoke: Potito Salatto, who requested that a debate on immigration policy be placed on the agenda for the next part session.

9. Voting time

Detailed voting results (amendments, separate and split votes, etc.) appear in the Results of Votes annex to the minutes.

The results of roll-call votes are available in electronic form only, as an annex to the minutes, and can be accessed via Europarl.

9.1. EC-Ukraine cooperation agreement on a civil Global Navigation Satellite System *** (Rule 138) (vote)

Recommendation on the draft Council decision on the conclusion of the Cooperation Agreement on a Civil Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS) between the European Community and its Member States and Ukraine [06373/2013 - C7-0070/2013- 2012/0274(NLE)] Rapporteur: Amalia Sartori (A7-0298/2013)

(Simple majority)
(Voting record: 'Results of votes', Item 1)


Adopted by single vote (P7_TA(2013)0391)

Parliament consented to the conclusion of the agreement.

9.2. Mobilisation of the European Globalisation Adjustment Fund: application EGF/2011/025 IT/Lombardy - Italy (Rule 138) (vote)

Report on the proposal for a decision of the European Parliament and of the Council on the mobilisation of the European Globalisation Adjustment Fund in accordance with point 28 of the Interinstitutional Agreement of 17 May 2006 between the European Parliament, the Council and the Commission on budgetary discipline and sound financial management (application EGF/2011/025 IT/Lombardia from Italy) [COM(2013)0470 - C7-0206/2013- 2013/2138(BUD)] - Committee on Budgets. Rapporteur: Salvador Garriga Polledo (A7-0294/2013)

(Qualified majority: three fifths of votes cast)
(Voting record: 'Results of votes', Item 2)


Adopted by single vote (P7_TA(2013)0392)

9.3. Mobilisation of the European Globalisation Adjustment Fund: application EGF/2012/008 IT/De Tomaso Automobili - Italy (Rule 138) (vote)

Report on the proposal for a decision of the European Parliament and of the Council on the mobilisation of the European Globalisation Adjustment Fund in accordance with point 28 of the Interinstitutional Agreement of 17 May 2006 between the European Parliament, the Council and the Commission on budgetary discipline and sound financial management (application EGF/2012/008 IT/De Tomaso Automobili from Italy) [COM(2013)0469 - C7-0207/2013- 2013/2139(BUD)] - Committee on Budgets. Rapporteur: Dominique Riquet (A7-0292/2013)

(Simple majority)
(Voting record: 'Results of votes', Item 3)


Adopted by single vote (P7_TA(2013)0393)

9.4. Corruption in the public and private sectors: the impact on human rights in third countries (Rule 138) (vote)

Report on corruption in the public and private sectors: the impact on human rights in third countries [2013/2074(INI)] - Committee on Foreign Affairs. Rapporteur: Ana Gomes (A7-0250/2013)

(Simple majority)
(Voting record: 'Results of votes', Item 4)


Adopted by single vote (P7_TA(2013)0394)

9.5. Forward policy planning: budgetary implications for capacity-building (Rule 138) (vote)

Report on forward policy planning and long-term trends: budgetary implications for capacity-building [2012/2290(INI)] - Committee on Budgets. Rapporteur: James Elles (A7-0265/2013)

(Simple majority)
(Voting record: 'Results of votes', Item 5)


Adopted by single vote (P7_TA(2013)0395)

9.6. Private international law and employment (Rule 138) (vote)

Report on improving private international law: jurisdiction rules applicable to employment [2013/2023(INI)] - Committee on Legal Affairs. Rapporteur: Evelyn Regner (A7-0291/2013)

(Simple majority)
(Voting record: 'Results of votes', Item 6)


Adopted by single vote (P7_TA(2013)0396)

9.7. Flag State responsibilities for the enforcement of Council Directive 2009/13/EC implementing the Agreement on the Maritime Labour Convention (final vote)

Report on the proposal for a directive of the European Parliament and of the Council concerning flag State responsibilities for the enforcement of Council Directive 2009/13/EC implementing the Agreement concluded by the European Community Shipowners’ Associations (ECSA) and the European Transport Workers’ Federation (ETF) on the Maritime Labour Convention, 2006, and amending Directive 1999/63/EC [COM(2012)0134 - C7-0083/2012- 2012/0065(COD)] Rapporteur: Pervenche Berès (A7-0037/2013)

The vote had taken place on 13 March 2013 (minutes of 13.3.2013, item 8.3).

(Simple majority)
(Voting record: 'Results of votes', Item 7)


Adopted (P7_TA(2013)0397)

9.8. Manufacture, presentation and sale of tobacco and related products ***I (vote)

Report on the proposal for a directive of the European Parliament and of the Council on the approximation of the laws, regulations and administrative provisions of the Member States concerning the manufacture, presentation and sale of tobacco and related products [COM(2012)0788 - C7-0420/2012- 2012/0366(COD)] - Committee on the Environment, Public Health and Food Safety. Rapporteur: Linda McAvan (A7-0276/2013)

(Simple majority)
(Voting record: 'Results of votes', Item 8)


Approved as amended (P7_TA(2013)0398)

The following had spoken:

- Toine Manders, to move an oral amendment to amendment 4, which had not been accepted as over 40 members were opposed to its being taken into consideration;

- Linda McAvan, rapporteur, after the vote on the amended Commission proposal, to propose that the vote on the draft legislative resolution be deferred, in accordance with Article 57(2).

Parliament agreed to this proposal. The matter was thus deemed to be referred back to the committee responsible.

9.9. EU-Mauritania fishing opportunities and financial contribution protocol *** (vote)

Recommendation on the proposal for a Council decision on the conclusion of the Protocol setting out fishing opportunities and the financial contribution provided for in the Fisheries Partnership Agreement between the European Union and the Islamic Republic of Mauritania for a period of two years [15777/2012 - C7-0419/2012- 2012/0258(NLE)] Rapporteur: Gabriel Mato Adrover (A7-0184/2013)

(Simple majority)
(Voting record: 'Results of votes', Item 9)


Adopted (P7_TA(2013)0399)

Parliament consented to the conclusion of the protocol.

9.10. Gendercide: the missing women? (vote)

Report on Gendercide: the missing women? [2012/2273(INI)] - Committee on Women's Rights and Gender Equality. Rapporteur: Antigoni Papadopoulou (A7-0245/2013)

(Simple majority)
(Voting record: 'Results of votes', Item 10)


Adopted (P7_TA(2013)0400)

9.11. Budgetary constraints for regional and local authorities regarding the EU's Structural Funds (vote)

Report on effects of budgetary constraints for regional and local authorities regarding the EU's Structural Funds expenditure in the Member States [2013/2042(INI)] - Committee on Regional Development. Rapporteur: Erminia Mazzoni (A7-0269/2013)

(Simple majority)
(Voting record: 'Results of votes', Item 11)


Adopted (P7_TA(2013)0401)

The following had spoken:

Erminia Mazzoni, rapporteur, before the vote.

9.12. Comprehensive EU fishery strategy in the Pacific region (vote)

Report For a comprehensive EU fishery strategy in the Pacific Region [2012/2235(INI)] - Committee on Fisheries. Rapporteur: Carmen Fraga Estévez (A7-0297/2013)

(Simple majority)
(Voting record: 'Results of votes', Item 12)


Adopted (P7_TA(2013)0402)

9.13. Fisheries restrictions and jurisdictional waters in the Mediterranean and Black Sea - conflict resolution (vote)

Report on fisheries restrictions and jurisdictional waters in the Mediterranean and Black sea - ways for conflict resolution [2011/2086(INI)] - Committee on Fisheries. Rapporteur: Nikolaos Salavrakos (A7-0288/2013)

(Simple majority)
(Voting record: 'Results of votes', Item 13)


Adopted (P7_TA(2013)0403)

10. Explanations of vote

Written explanations of vote:

Explanations of vote submitted in writing under Rule 170 appear in the Verbatim Report of Proceedings for the sitting.

Oral explanations of vote:

Report: Ana Gomes - A7-0250/2013

Adam Bielan, Charles Tannock, Jim Higgins, Ewald Stadler, Anna Záborská, Seán Kelly, Monica Luisa Macovei, Syed Kamall and Daniel Hannan

Report: James Elles - A7-0265/2013
Jim Higgins, Syed Kamall and Daniel Hannan

Report: Evelyn Regner - A7-0291/2013
Joanna Katarzyna Skrzydlewska and Jim Higgins

Report: Linda McAvan - A7-0276/2013
Bendt Bendtsen, Petri Sarvamaa, Charles Tannock, Roberta Angelilli, Ewald Stadler, Emer Costello, Julie Girling, Francesco De Angelis, Andrea Češková, Christa Klaß, Luís Paulo Alves, Seán Kelly, Oreste Rossi, Paul Murphy, Marian Harkin, Mitro Repo, Christofer Fjellner, Fabrizio Bertot and Nils Torvalds

Recommendation: Gabriel Mato Adrover - A7-0184/2013
Guido Milana, Izaskun Bilbao Barandica and Paul Murphy

Report: Antigoni Papadopoulou - A7-0245/2013
Fabrizio Bertot, Alfredo Antoniozzi, Roberta Angelilli, Ewald Stadler, Julie Girling, Anna Záborská, Diane Dodds and Marian Harkin

Report: Erminia Mazzoni - A7-0269/2013
Fabrizio Bertot, Alfredo Antoniozzi, Francesco De Angelis, Giommaria Uggias, Adam Bielan, Claudette Abela Baldacchino, Julie Girling, María Irigoyen Pérez, Izaskun Bilbao Barandica, Mitro Repo and Anna Záborská

Report: Carmen Fraga Estévez - A7-0297/2013
Guido Milana and Izaskun Bilbao Barandica

Report: Nikolaos Salavrakos - A7-0288/2013
Guido Milana, Nikola Vuljanić and Julie Girling.

11. Corrections to votes and voting intentions

Corrections to votes and voting intentions appear on the 'Séance en direct' website under 'Votes'/'Results of votes'/'Roll-call votes'. They are published in hard copy in the Result of roll-call votes annex.

The electronic version on Europarl will be regularly updated for a maximum of two weeks after the day of the vote concerned.

After the two-week deadline has passed, the list of corrections to votes and voting intentions will be finalised so that it can be translated and published in the Official Journal.

(The sitting was suspended at 14.25 and resumed at 15.00.)


12. Approval of the minutes of the previous sitting

The minutes of the previous sitting were approved.

° ° °

Andrea Češková had indicated that, for reasons outside her control, she had been unable to reach Strasbourg in time to take part in the sitting and sign the attendance register the previous day.

13. 2011 discharge: European Council and Council (debate)

Second Report on discharge in respect of the implementation of the European Union general budget for the financial year 2011, Section II – European Council and Council [COM(2012)0436 - C7-0226/2012- 2012/2169(DEC)] - Committee on Budgetary Control. Rapporteur: Andrea Češková (A7-0310/2013)

Andrea Češková introduced the report.

The following spoke: Vytautas Leškevičius (President-in-Office of the Council).

The following spoke: Bogusław Sonik, on behalf of the PPE Group, Ivailo Kalfin, on behalf of the S&D Group, Theodoros Skylakakis, on behalf of the ALDE Group, Bart Staes, on behalf of the Verts/ALE Group, Ruža Tomašić, on behalf of the ECR Group, Søren Bo Søndergaard, on behalf of the GUE/NGL Group, Frank Vanhecke, on behalf of the EFD Group, Nicole Sinclaire, Non-attached Member, Ingeborg Gräßle, Jens Geier, Bastiaan Belder, Marian-Jean Marinescu, Vojtěch Mynář and Tamás Deutsch.

The following spoke under the 'catch-the-eye' procedure: Monica Luisa Macovei, Janusz Władysław Zemke, Jan Mulder and Michael Gahler.

The following spoke: Vytautas Leškevičius and Andrea Češková.

The debate closed.

Vote: minutes of 9.10.2013, item 6.3.

14. Completing the European research area by 2014 (debate)

Question for oral answer (O-000081/2013) by Amalia Sartori, on behalf of the ITRE Committee, to the Council: Completing the European Research Area by 2014 (2013/2695(RSP)) (B7-0503/2013)

Question for oral answer (O-000082/2013) by Amalia Sartori, on behalf of the ITRE Committee, to the Commission: Completing the European Research Area by 2014 (2013/2695(RSP)) (B7-0504/2013)

Amalia Sartori moved the questions.

Vytautas Leškevičius (President-in-Office of the Council) answered the question B7-0503/2013.

Máire Geoghegan-Quinn (Member of the Commission) answered the question B7-0504/2013.

The following spoke: Romana Jordan, on behalf of the PPE Group, Teresa Riera Madurell, on behalf of the S&D Group, Liam Aylward, on behalf of the ALDE Group, James Nicholson, on behalf of the ECR Group, Marisa Matias, on behalf of the GUE/NGL Group, Zofija Mazej Kukovič, Patrizia Toia, Vicky Ford, Traian Ungureanu, António Fernando Correia de Campos, Sari Essayah and Andrej Plenković.

The following spoke under the 'catch-the-eye' procedure: Ivana Maletić.


The following spoke under the 'catch-the-eye' procedure: Lambert van Nistelrooij, Petru Constantin Luhan, Krisztina Morvai, Miroslav Mikolášik and Csaba Sógor, who also replied to a blue-card question by Krisztina Morvai.

The following spoke: Máire Geoghegan-Quinn and Vytautas Leškevičius.

The debate closed.

15. Convention on preventing and combating violence against women (Istanbul convention) (debate)

Question for oral answer (O-000083/2013) by Roberta Angelilli, Mikael Gustafsson, Antonyia Parvanova, Sonia Alfano, Martina Anderson, Francesca Barracciu, Paolo Bartolozzi, Elena Băsescu, Regina Bastos, Sandrine Bélier, Jean-Luc Bennahmias, Phil Bennion, Sergio Berlato, Mara Bizzotto, Franco Bonanini, Emine Bozkurt, Jerzy Buzek, Antonio Cancian, Maria Da Graça Carvalho, Michael Cashman, Nikos Chrysogelos, Minodora Cliveti, Sergio Gaetano Cofferati, Lara Comi, Anna Maria Corazza Bildt, Ricardo Cortés Lastra, Silvia Costa, Emer Costello, Andrea Cozzolino, Corina Creţu, Vasilica Viorica Dăncilă, Rachida Dati, Francesco De Angelis, Susy De Martini, Marielle de Sarnez, Anne Delvaux, Agustín Díaz de Mera García Consuegra, Leonidas Donskis, Isabelle Durant, Sari Essayah, Rosa Estaràs Ferragut, Tanja Fajon, Mariya Gabriel, Pat the Cope Gallagher, Iratxe García Pérez, Dolores García-Hierro Caraballo, Lidia Joanna Geringer de Oedenberg, Nathalie Griesbeck, Marian Harkin, Satu Hassi, Nadja Hirsch, Salvatore Iacolino, Sophia in 't Veld, Vincenzo Iovine, Liisa Jaakonsaari, Lívia Járóka, Sidonia Elżbieta Jędrzejewska, Teresa Jiménez-Becerril Barrio, Filip Kaczmarek, Seán Kelly, Nicole Kiil-Nielsen, Mojca Kleva Kekuš, Jürgen Klute, Lena Kolarska-Bobińska, Jan Kozłowski, Rodi Kratsa-Tsagaropoulou, Eduard Kukan, Giovanni La Via, Jean Lambert, Jörg Leichtfried, Barbara Lochbihler, Sabine Lösing, Petru Constantin Luhan, Astrid Lulling, Ulrike Lunacek, Marusya Lyubcheva, Jiří Maštálka, Clemente Mastella, Barbara Matera, Véronique Mathieu Houillon, Iosif Matula, Erminia Mazzoni, Edward McMillan-Scott, Roberta Metsola, Willy Meyer, Louis Michel, Claude Moraes, Claudio Morganti, Elisabeth Morin-Chartier, Tiziano Motti, Cristiana Muscardini, Norica Nicolai, Ria Oomen-Ruijten, Rolandas Paksas, Alfredo Pallone, Pier Antonio Panzeri, Antigoni Papadopoulou, Aldo Patriciello, Sirpa Pietikäinen, Jacek Protasiewicz, Evelyn Regner, Raül Romeva i Rueda, Licia Ronzulli, Oreste Rossi, Potito Salatto, Nikolaos Salavrakos, Marie-Thérèse Sanchez-Schmid, Amalia Sartori, Helmut Scholz, Giancarlo Scottà, Olga Sehnalová, Joanna Senyszyn, Sergio Paolo Francesco Silvestris, Nicole Sinclaire, Renate Sommer, Dimitar Stoyanov, Claudiu Ciprian Tănăsescu, Inés Ayala Sender, Marc Tarabella, Salvatore Tatarella, Rebecca Taylor, Britta Thomsen, Silvia-Adriana Ţicău, Patrizia Toia, Giommaria Uggias, Oldřich Vlasák, Manfred Weber, Angelika Werthmann, Cecilia Wikström, Iva Zanicchi, Andrea Zanoni, Tadeusz Zwiefka, Doris Pack, Marco Scurria, Othmar Karas and Gianni Pittella, to the Council: Convention on preventing and combating violence against women (Istanbul Convention): state of play and actions to be taken (2013/2876(RSP)) (B7-0511/2013)

Question for oral answer (O-000084/2013) by Roberta Angelilli, Mikael Gustafsson, Antonyia Parvanova, Sonia Alfano, Martina Anderson, Francesca Barracciu, Paolo Bartolozzi, Elena Băsescu, Regina Bastos, Sandrine Bélier, Jean-Luc Bennahmias, Phil Bennion, Sergio Berlato, Mara Bizzotto, Franco Bonanini, Emine Bozkurt, Jerzy Buzek, Antonio Cancian, Maria Da Graça Carvalho, Michael Cashman, Nikos Chrysogelos, Minodora Cliveti, Sergio Gaetano Cofferati, Lara Comi, Anna Maria Corazza Bildt, Ricardo Cortés Lastra, Silvia Costa, Emer Costello, Andrea Cozzolino, Corina Creţu, Vasilica Viorica Dăncilă, Rachida Dati, Francesco De Angelis, Susy De Martini, Marielle de Sarnez, Anne Delvaux, Agustín Díaz de Mera García Consuegra, Leonidas Donskis, Isabelle Durant, Sari Essayah, Rosa Estaràs Ferragut, Tanja Fajon, Mariya Gabriel, Pat the Cope Gallagher, Iratxe García Pérez, Dolores García-Hierro Caraballo, Lidia Joanna Geringer de Oedenberg, Nathalie Griesbeck, Marian Harkin, Satu Hassi, Nadja Hirsch, Salvatore Iacolino, Sophia in 't Veld, Vincenzo Iovine, Liisa Jaakonsaari, Lívia Járóka, Sidonia Elżbieta Jędrzejewska, Teresa Jiménez-Becerril Barrio, Filip Kaczmarek, Seán Kelly, Nicole Kiil-Nielsen, Mojca Kleva Kekuš, Jürgen Klute, Lena Kolarska-Bobińska, Jan Kozłowski, Rodi Kratsa-Tsagaropoulou, Eduard Kukan, Giovanni La Via, Jean Lambert, Jörg Leichtfried, Barbara Lochbihler, Sabine Lösing, Petru Constantin Luhan, Astrid Lulling, Ulrike Lunacek, Marusya Lyubcheva, Jiří Maštálka, Clemente Mastella, Barbara Matera, Véronique Mathieu Houillon, Iosif Matula, Erminia Mazzoni, Edward McMillan-Scott, Roberta Metsola, Willy Meyer, Louis Michel, Claude Moraes, Claudio Morganti, Elisabeth Morin-Chartier, Tiziano Motti, Cristiana Muscardini, Norica Nicolai, Ria Oomen-Ruijten, Rolandas Paksas, Alfredo Pallone, Pier Antonio Panzeri, Antigoni Papadopoulou, Aldo Patriciello, Sirpa Pietikäinen, Jacek Protasiewicz, Evelyn Regner, Raül Romeva i Rueda, Licia Ronzulli, Oreste Rossi, Potito Salatto, Nikolaos Salavrakos, Marie-Thérèse Sanchez-Schmid, Amalia Sartori, Helmut Scholz, Giancarlo Scottà, Olga Sehnalová, Joanna Senyszyn, Sergio Paolo Francesco Silvestris, Nicole Sinclaire, Renate Sommer, Dimitar Stoyanov, Claudiu Ciprian Tănăsescu, Inés Ayala Sender, Marc Tarabella, Salvatore Tatarella, Rebecca Taylor, Britta Thomsen, Silvia-Adriana Ţicău, Patrizia Toia, Giommaria Uggias, Oldřich Vlasák, Manfred Weber, Angelika Werthmann, Cecilia Wikström, Iva Zanicchi, Andrea Zanoni, Tadeusz Zwiefka, Doris Pack, Marco Scurria, Othmar Karas and Gianni Pittella, to the Commission: Convention on preventing and combating violence against women (Istanbul Convention): state of play and actions to be taken (2013/2876(RSP)) (B7-0512/2013)

Roberta Angelilli moved the questions.

Vytautas Leškevičius (President-in-Office of the Council) answered the question B7-0511/2013.

Karel De Gucht (Member of the Commission) answered the question B7-0512/2013.

The following spoke: Mariya Gabriel, on behalf of the PPE Group, Iratxe García Pérez, on behalf of the S&D Group, Antonyia Parvanova, on behalf of the ALDE Group, Raül Romeva i Rueda, on behalf of the Verts/ALE Group, Marina Yannakoudakis, on behalf of the ECR Group, Mikael Gustafsson, on behalf of the GUE/NGL Group, Regina Bastos, Edite Estrela, Anneli Jäätteenmäki, Cristiana Muscardini, Anna Maria Corazza Bildt, Mojca Kleva Kekuš, Barbara Matera, Zita Gurmai, who also replied to a blue-card question by Radvilė Morkūnaitė-Mikulėnienė, Sergio Gaetano Cofferati, Evelyn Regner, Patrizia Toia, Michael Cashman and Britta Thomsen.

The following spoke under the 'catch-the-eye' procedure: Georgios Koumoutsakos, Seán Kelly, Angelika Werthmann, Krisztina Morvai, Licia Ronzulli and Franz Obermayr.

The following spoke: Antonyia Parvanova.

The following spoke: Karel De Gucht and Vytautas Leškevičius.

The debate closed.

16. EU-China negotiations for a bilateral investment agreement (debate)

Commission statement: EU-China negotiations for a bilateral investment agreement (2013/2674(RSP))

Karel De Gucht (Member of the Commission) made the statement.

The following spoke: Iuliu Winkler, on behalf of the PPE Group.


The following spoke: Bernd Lange, on behalf of the S&D Group, who also replied to a blue-card question by Krisztina Morvai, Niccolò Rinaldi, on behalf of the ALDE Group, Franziska Keller, on behalf of the Verts/ALE Group, who also replied to a blue-card question by Jörg Leichtfried, Cristiana Muscardini, on behalf of the ECR Group, Helmut Scholz, on behalf of the GUE/NGL Group, Lorenzo Fontana, on behalf of the EFD Group, Daniel Caspary, Vital Moreira, Marietje Schaake, Jan Zahradil, William (The Earl of) Dartmouth, Andrew Henry William Brons, Ria Oomen-Ruijten, Jörg Leichtfried, who also replied to a blue-card question by Helmut Scholz, Graham Watson, who also replied to a blue-card question by William (The Earl of) Dartmouth, Adam Bielan, Claudio Morganti, Gay Mitchell, Josefa Andrés Barea, Bastiaan Belder, who also replied to a blue-card question by Bogusław Liberadzki, Crescenzio Rivellini, George Sabin Cutaş, Matteo Salvini, Christofer Fjellner, Derek Vaughan, Davor Ivo Stier, Bogusław Liberadzki, Pablo Zalba Bidegain and Csaba Sándor Tabajdi.

The following spoke under the 'catch-the-eye' procedure: Csaba Sógor, Victor Boştinaru, Franz Obermayr, Seán Kelly and Andreas Mölzer.

The following spoke: Karel De Gucht.

Motions for resolutions to wind up the debate tabled under Rule 110(2):

- Vital Moreira and Helmut Scholz, on behalf of the INTA Committee, on the EU-China negotiations for a bilateral investment agreement (2013/2674(RSP)) (B7-0436/2013);

- Franziska Keller, Yannick Jadot, Reinhard Bütikofer, Philippe Lamberts and Satu Hassi, on behalf of the Verts/ALE Group, on the EU-China negotiations for a bilateral investment agreement (2013/2674(RSP)) (B7-0439/2013).

The debate closed.

Vote: minutes of 9.10.2013, item 6.10.

17. Corrigenda (Rule 216)

Corrigenda P7_TA-PROV(2013)0262(COR01) and P7_TA-PROV(2013)0287(COR01) had been announced in plenary the previous day (minutes of 7.10.2013, item 6).

As there had been no request for a vote by a political group or at least 40 Members (Rule 216(4)), these corrigenda were deemed to have been approved.

18. EU-Taiwan trade relations (debate)

Question for oral answer (O-000093/2013) by Vital Moreira and Franck Proust, on behalf of the INTA Committee, to the Commission: EU - Taiwan trade relations (2013/2675(RSP)) (B7-0509/2013)

Daniel Caspary moved the question.

Karel De Gucht (Member of the Commission) answered the question.

The following spoke: Peter Šťastný, on behalf of the PPE Group, Vital Moreira, on behalf of the S&D Group, Metin Kazak, on behalf of the ALDE Group, Franziska Keller, on behalf of the Verts/ALE Group, Charles Tannock, on behalf of the ECR Group, who also replied to a blue-card question by Helmut Scholz, Bastiaan Belder, on behalf of the EFD Group, and Bruno Gollnisch.


The following spoke: Laima Liucija Andrikienė, Andrea Cozzolino, Niccolò Rinaldi, Philip Claeys, Krzysztof Lisek, Maria Badia i Cutchet, Graham Watson, who also replied to a blue-card question by Metin Kazak, Christofer Fjellner, George Sabin Cutaş and Agustín Díaz de Mera García Consuegra.

The following spoke under the 'catch-the-eye' procedure: Seán Kelly, Krisztina Morvai, Eduard Kukan, Andrew Henry William Brons and Adam Bielan.

The following spoke: Karel De Gucht.

Motion for a resolution to wind up the debate tabled under Rule 115(5):

- Vital Moreira and Franck Proust, on behalf of the INTA Committee, on EU-Taiwan trade relations (2013/2675(RSP)) (B7-0435/2013)

The debate closed.

Vote: minutes of 9.10.2013, item 6.11.

19. Discriminatory customs procedures against Lithuanian trucks at the Russian border (debate)

Question for oral answer (O-000098/2013) by Laima Liucija Andrikienė and Daniel Caspary, on behalf of the PPE Group, and Leonidas Donskis, on behalf of the ALDE Group to the Commission: Discriminatory customs procedures against Lithuanian trucks at the Russian border (2013/2868(RSP)) (B7-0516/2013)

Gesine Meissner moved the question and replied to a blue-card question by Juozas Imbrasas.

Karel De Gucht (Member of the Commission) answered the question.

The following spoke: Daniel Caspary, on behalf of the PPE Group, who also replied to a blue-card question by Gesine Meissner, and Vilija Blinkevičiūtė, on behalf of the S&D Group.

The following spoke: Vytautas Leškevičius (President-in-Office of the Council).

The following spoke: Roberts Zīle, on behalf of the ECR Group, who also replied to a blue-card question by Jörg Leichtfried, Laima Liucija Andrikienė, Libor Rouček, Vytautas Landsbergis and Jörg Leichtfried.

The following spoke under the 'catch-the-eye' procedure: Radvilė Morkūnaitė-Mikulėnienė, Zigmantas Balčytis, Leonidas Donskis, Tunne Kelam, Janusz Władysław Zemke and Jaroslav Paška.

The following spoke: Karel De Gucht.


The debate closed.

20. Action taken following a request for waiver of immunity

Following the decision adopted by the European Parliament on 11 September 2012 to waive the parliamentary immunity of Birgit Collin-Langen in connection with legal proceedings before the Court of Koblenz (minutes of 11.9.2012, item 10.5), the competent German authorities had notified Parliament, pursuant to Rule 7(9) that the legal proceedings had ended.

21. Recreational craft and personal watercraft ***I (debate)

Report on the proposal for a directive of the European Parliament and of the Council on recreational craft and personal watercraft [COM(2011)0456 - C7-0212/2011- 2011/0197(COD)] - Committee on the Internal Market and Consumer Protection. Rapporteur: Malcolm Harbour (A7-0213/2012)

Malcolm Harbour introduced the report.

The following spoke: Antonio Tajani (Vice-President of the Commission).

The following spoke: Andreas Schwab, on behalf of the PPE Group, Mitro Repo, on behalf of the S&D Group, Toine Manders, on behalf of the ALDE Group, Susy De Martini, on behalf of the ECR Group, Małgorzata Handzlik, Alexander Mirsky, Ildikó Gáll-Pelcz and Sergio Gaetano Cofferati.

The following spoke under the 'catch-the-eye' procedure: Jaroslav Paška.

The following spoke: Antonio Tajani and Malcolm Harbour.

The debate closed.

Vote: minutes of 9.10.2013, item 6.4.

22. Technical requirements and administrative procedures related to air operations (debate)

Motion for a resolution, tabled pursuant to Rule 88(2), (3) and (4)(c) of the Rules of Procedure, on the draft Commission implementing regulation on draft Commission Regulation (EU) No …/.. of XXX amending Regulation (EU) No 965/2012 laying down technical requirements and administrative procedures related to air operations pursuant to Regulation (EC) No 216/2008 of the European Parliament and of the Council (D028112/02 – 2013/2758(RPS)) – (2013/2847(RSP) - B7-0440/2013) - Committee on Transport and Tourism - Rapporteur: Brian Simpson.

Brian Simpson introduced the motion for a resolution.

The following spoke: Siim Kallas (Vice-President of the Commission).

The following spoke: Mathieu Grosch, on behalf of the PPE Group, Saïd El Khadraoui, on behalf of the S&D Group, Gesine Meissner, on behalf of the ALDE Group, Michael Cramer, on behalf of the Verts/ALE Group, who also replied to a blue-card question by Gesine Meissner, Jacqueline Foster, on behalf of the ECR Group, Sabine Wils, on behalf of the GUE/NGL Group, Werner Kuhn, who also replied to a blue-card question by Michael Cramer, Phil Bennion, Eva Lichtenberger, who also replied to a blue-card question by Jörg Leichtfried, Jacky Hénin, Dieter-Lebrecht Koch, who also replied to a blue-card question by Michael Cramer, Jörg Leichtfried, Werner Kuhn, on the way the debate was being conducted, Isabelle Durant, who also replied to a blue-card question by Gesine Meissner, João Ferreira, who also replied to a blue-card question by Jacky Hénin.

The following spoke under the 'catch-the-eye' procedure: Indrek Tarand, Jaroslav Paška, who also replied to a blue-card question by Jacqueline Foster, Elisabeth Schroedter and Brian Simpson.

The following spoke: Siim Kallas and Saïd El Khadraoui, on behalf of the Committee on Transport and Tourism.

The following spoke: Michael Cramer on what Saïd El Khadraoui had said.

The debate closed.

Vote: minutes of 9.10.2013, item 6.12.

23. Implementation of REMIT and ACER 2014 budget (debate)

Question for oral answer (O-000099/2013) by Amalia Sartori, on behalf of the ITRE Committee, to the Commission: The implementation of REMIT and the ACER 2014 budget (2013/2723(RSP)) (B7-0510/2013)

Romana Jordan, deputising for the author, moved the question.

Günther Oettinger (Member of the Commission) answered the question.

The following spoke: Zofija Mazej Kukovič and António Fernando Correia de Campos.

The following spoke: Günther Oettinger.

The debate closed.

24. Agenda of the next sitting

The agenda of the next day's sitting had been established ('Agenda' PE 515.413/OJME).

25. Closure of the sitting

The sitting closed at 22.30.

Klaus Welle

Jacek Protasiewicz




The following signed:

Abela Baldacchino, Agnew, Albrecht, Alfonsi, Allam, Alves, Andersdotter, Anderson, Andreasen, Andrés Barea, Andrieu, Andrikienė, Angelilli, Angourakis, Antonescu, Antoniozzi, Arias Echeverría, Arsenis, Ashworth, Atkins, Attard-Montalto, Auconie, Audy, Auken, Ayala Sender, Aylward, Ayuso, van Baalen, Bach, Badia i Cutchet, Bagó, Balčytis, Baldassarre, Baldini, Balz, Balzani, Barracciu, Bartolozzi, Bastos, Batten, Bauer, Bearder, Becker, Belder, Belet, Bélier, Benarab-Attou, Bendtsen, Bennahmias, Bennion, Berès, Berlato, Berman, Berra, Bertot, Besset, Bicep, Bielan, Bilbao Barandica, Binev, Bizzotto, Blinkevičiūtė, Bodu, Böge, Bokros, Bonanini, Bonsignore, Borghezio, Borissov, Borys, Borzan, Boştinaru, Boulland, Bové, Bowles, Bozkurt, Bradbourn, Bratkowski, Březina, Brok, Brons, Brzobohatá, Bufton, Bullmann, Bušić, Buzek, Cadec, Callanan, van de Camp, Campbell Bannerman, Cancian, Capoulas Santos, Caronna, Carvalho, Casa, Cashman, Casini, Caspary, Castex, del Castillo Vera, Cavada, Cercas, Češková, Chatzimarkakis, Chichester, Childers, Chountis, Christensen, Chrysogelos, Claeys, Cliveti, Cochet, Coelho, Cofferati, Collin-Langen, Colman, Comi, Corazza Bildt, Cornelissen, Correa Zamora, Correia de Campos, Cortés Lastra, Costa, Costello, Cottigny, Cozzolino, Cramer, Creţu, Creutzmann, Crowley, Cuschieri, Cutaş, Cymański, Czarnecki, Daerden, van Dalen, Dăncilă, Danellis, Danjean, Dantin, (The Earl of) Dartmouth, Dati, Daul, Davies, De Angelis, De Backer, De Castro, Dehaene, De Keyser, Delli, Delvaux, De Martini, Demesmaeker, De Mita, de Sarnez, Deß, Deutsch, Deva, De Veyrac, Díaz de Mera García Consuegra, Dodds, Domenici, Donskis, Dorfmann, Droutsas, Duff, Durant, Dušek, Ehler, Ehrenhauser, Eickhout, El Khadraoui, Elles, Enciu, Engel, Engström, Eppink, Ernst, Ertug, Essayah, Estaràs Ferragut, Estrela, Evans, Fajmon, Fajon, Falbr, Färm, Feio, Ferber, Fernandes, Ferreira Elisa, Ferreira João, Fidanza, Fisas Ayxela, Fjellner, Flautre, Fleckenstein, Fontana, Ford, Foster, Fox, Frigo, Gabriel, Gahler, Gál, Gallagher, Gallo, Gáll-Pelcz, Garcés Ramón, García-Hierro Caraballo, García Pérez, Gardiazábal Rubial, Gardini, Gargani, Gauzès, Gebhardt, Geier, Gerbrandy, Geringer de Oedenberg, Giannakou, Giegold, Gierek, Girling, Glante, Glattfelder, Godmanis, Goebbels, Goerens, Gollnisch, Gomes, Göncz, Goulard, de Grandes Pascual, Gräßle, Grèze, Griesbeck, Gróbarczyk, Groote, Grosch, Grossetête, Grzyb, Gualtieri, Guerrero Salom, Guillaume, Gurmai, Gustafsson, Gutiérrez-Cortines, Gutiérrez Prieto, Gyürk, Hadjigeorgiou, Häfner, Hall, Händel, Handzlik, Hankiss, Hannan, Harbour, Harkin, Hartong, Hassi, Haug, Häusling, Hedh, Hellvig, Helmer, Hénin, Herczog, Hibner, Higgins, Hoang Ngoc, Hohlmeier, Hökmark, Honeyball, Hortefeux, Howitt, Hübner, Hudghton, Hughes, Hyusmenova, Iacolino, Ibrisagic, Ilchev, Imbrasas, in "t Veld, Iotova, Iovine, Irazabalbeitia Fernández, Irigoyen Pérez, Iturgaiz Angulo, Ivan, Jaakonsaari, Jäätteenmäki, Jadot, Jahr, Járóka, Jazłowiecka, Jędrzejewska, Jeggle, Jensen, Jiménez-Becerril Barrio, Johansson, Joly, de Jong, Jordan, Juvin, Kacin, Kadenbach, Kalfin, Kalinowski, Kalniete, Kamall, Kamiński, van der Kammen, Kammerevert, Karas, Karim, Kariņš, Kastler, Kazak, Kelam, Keller, Kelly, Kiil-Nielsen, Kirkhope, Klaß, Kleva Kekuš, Klinz, Klute, Koch, Koch-Mehrin, Kohlíček, Kolarska-Bobińska, Koppa, Korhola, Kósa, Köstinger, Koumoutsakos, Kovatchev, Kowal, Kozlík, Kozłowski, Kožušník, Krahmer, Kratsa-Tsagaropoulou, Krehl, Kuhn, Kukan, Kurski, Lamassoure, Lambert, Lamberts, Lambsdorff, Landsbergis, Lange, de Lange, Langen, La Via, Le Brun, Le Grip, Legutko, Lehne, Le Hyaric, Leichtfried, Leinen, Lepage, Le Pen Jean-Marie, Le Pen Marine, Liberadzki, Lichtenberger, Liese, Liotard, Lisek, Lochbihler, Løkkegaard, Lope Fontagné, López Aguilar, López-Istúriz White, Lösing, Lövin, Ludford, Ludvigsson, Luhan, Łukacijewska, Lulling, Lunacek, Lyon, Lyubcheva, McAvan, McClarkin, McGuinness, McIntyre, Macovei, Maletić, Malinov, Manders, Maňka, Mann, Marcinkiewicz, Marinescu, Martin David, Martin Hans-Peter, Martínez Martínez, Masip Hidalgo, Mastella, Matera, Mathieu Houillon, Matias, Mato Adrover, Matula, Mayer, Mayor Oreja, Mazej Kukovič, Mazzoni, Meissner, Mélenchon, Melo, Menéndez del Valle, Merkies, Messerschmidt, Mészáros, Metsola, Meyer, Michel, Michels, Migalski, Mikolášik, Milana, Millán Mon, Mirsky, Mitchell, Mizzi, Mölzer, Moraes, Moreira, Morganti, Morin-Chartier, Morkūnaitė-Mikulėnienė, Morvai, Motti, Mulder, Muñiz De Urquiza, Murphy, Muscardini, Mynář, Naranjo Escobar, Nattrass, Neuser, Neveďalová, Newton Dunn, Neynsky, Neyts-Uyttebroeck, Nicholson, Niebler, Nilsson, van Nistelrooij, Nitras, Nuttall, Obermayr, Obiols, Ojuland, Olbrycht, Olejniczak, Omarjee, Oomen-Ruijten, Ortiz Vilella, Őry, Pack, Padar, Paksas, Paleckis, Paliadeli, Pallone, Panayotov, Panayotova, Panzeri, Papadopoulou, Papanikolaou, Pargneaux, Parvanova, Paşcu, Paška, Patrão Neves, Patriciello, Paulsen, Perelló Rodríguez, Peterle, Petrović Jakovina, Picula, Pieper, Pietikäinen, Piotrowski, Pirillo, Pirker, Pitsillides, Plenković, Poc, Podimata, Ponga, Poręba, Posselt, Pöttering, Poupakis, Preda, Prendergast, Prodi, Protasiewicz, Proust, Quisthoudt-Rowohl, Rangel, Ransdorf, Rapkay, Rapti, Regner, Reimers, Repo, Reul, Riera Madurell, Ries, Rinaldi, Riquet, Rivasi, Rivellini, Roatta, Rochefort, Rodust, Rohde, Roithová, Romero López, Romeva i Rueda, Ronzulli, Rosbach, Rossi, Roth-Behrendt, Rouček, Rübig, Rubiks, Rühle, Šadurskis, Saïfi, Salafranca Sánchez-Neyra, Salatto, Salavrakos, Salvini, Sánchez Presedo, Sanchez-Schmid, Sârbu, Sartori, Sarvamaa, Saryusz-Wolski, Sassoli, Saudargas, Savisaar-Toomast, Schaake, Schaldemose, Schlyter, Schmidt, Schnellhardt, Schnieber-Jastram, Scholz, Schöpflin, Schroedter, Schulz Martin, Schulz Werner, Schwab, Scurria, Sedó i Alabart, Seeber, Sehnalová, Senyszyn, Severin, Siekierski, Silaghi, Silvestris, Simon, Simpson, Sinclaire, Sippel, Siwiec, Skinner, Skrzydlewska, Skylakakis, Smith, Smolková, Sógor, Sommer, Søndergaard, Sonik, Sophocleous, Sosa Wagner, Sousa, Speroni, Stadler, Staes, Stassen, Šťastný, Stavrakakis, Steinruck, Stevenson, Stier, Stihler, van der Stoep, Stolojan, Stoyanov, Strejček, Striffler, Šuica, Surján, Svensson, Swinburne, Szájer, Szymański, Tabajdi, Tănăsescu, Tannock, Tarabella, Tarand, Tatarella, Tavares, Taylor Keith, Taylor Rebecca, Teixeira, Terho, Theocharous, Theurer, Thomas, Thomsen, Thun und Hohenstein, Thyssen, Tirolien, Toia, Tőkés, Tomaševski, Tomašić, Torvalds, Tošenovský, Toussas, Trautmann, Tremosa i Balcells, Triantaphyllides, Trzaskowski, Tsoukalas, Turmes, Turunen, Uggias, Ulmer, Ulvskog, Ungureanu, Urutchev, Vaidere, Vălean, Van Brempt, Vanhecke, Van Orden, Vattimo, Vaughan, Vergnaud, Verheyen, Vidal-Quadras, de Villiers, Vlasák, Vlasto, Voss, Vuljanić, Wałęsa, Watson, Weber Henri, Weber Manfred, Weber Renate, Weidenholzer, Weiler, Weisgerber, Werthmann, Westphal, Wieland, Wikström, Willmott, Wils, Winkler Hermann, Winkler Iuliu, Włosowicz, Wojciechowski, Wortmann-Kool, Yáñez-Barnuevo García, Yannakoudakis, Záborská, Zahradil, Zala, Zalba Bidegain, Zalewski, Zamfirescu, Zanicchi, Zanoni, Zasada, Ždanoka, Zemke, Zéribi, Zijlstra, Zīle, Zimmer, Ziobro, Zuber, Zver, Zwiefka

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