MinutesVotesRoll-call votesTexts adoptedVerbatim reports
Monday, 9 December 2013 - Strasbourg
 1.Resumption of the session
 2.Statements by the President
 3.Approval of the minutes of the previous sitting
 4.Composition of Parliament
 5.Verification of credentials
 6.Interpretation of the Rules of Procedure
 7.Composition of committees and delegations
 8.Delegated acts (Rule 87a)
 9.Corrigenda (Rule 216)
 10.Signature of acts adopted under the ordinary legislative procedure (Rule 74)
 11.Announcement by the President (deadlines for questions for written answer (Rule 117) and written declarations (Rule 123))
 12.Questions for oral answer (submission)
 13.Texts of agreements forwarded by the Council
 14.Action taken on Parliament's positions and resolutions
 16.Documents received
 17.Order of business
 18.Common Fisheries Policy ***II - Common organisation of the markets in fishery and aquaculture products ***II (debate)
 19.North-East Atlantic: deep-sea stocks and fishing in international waters ***I - Status of the North-East Atlantic mackerel fishery (debate)
 20.EU-Morocco Fisheries Partnership Agreement: protocol setting out fishing opportunities and financial contributions *** (debate)
 21.Gender aspects of the European framework of national Roma inclusion strategies - Progress made in the implementation of national Roma integration strategies (debate)
 22.One-minute speeches on matters of political importance
 23.Negotiations for an EU-Canada strategic partnership agreement (short presentation)
 24.Development and 'state building' in South Sudan (short presentation)
 25.Recovery and resolution framework for non-bank institutions (short presentation)
 26.EU space industrial policy (short presentation)
 27.CARS 2020: towards a strong, competitive and sustainable European car industry (short presentation)
 28.Agenda of the next sitting
 29.Closure of the sitting
Minutes (233 kb) Attendance register (57 kb) 
Minutes (203 kb) Attendance register (36 kb) 
Minutes (292 kb) Attendance register (63 kb) 
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