2. Approval of the minutes of the previous sitting
Julie Ward had been present at the sitting of 12 February 2015, but her name was not on the attendance register.
The minutes of the previous sitting were approved.
° ° ° °
Lorenzo Fontana had made it known that he had been present at the sitting of 10 February 2015, but that his name was not on the attendance register.
3. Composition of Parliament
The Italian authorities had given notice of the election of Damiano Zoffoli to replace Alessandra Moretti as Member of Parliament with effect from 18 February 2015.
Parliament took note of this and, pursuant to Article 7(3) of the Act of 20 September 1976 concerning the election of the representatives of the European Parliament by direct universal suffrage and to Rule 4(1) and (4) of its Rules of Procedure, established the vacancy with effect from 18 February 2015.
Under Rule 3(2), until such time as his credentials had been verified or a ruling had been given on any dispute, and provided that he had previously made a written declaration stating that he did not hold any office incompatible with that of Member of the European Parliament, Damiano Zoffoli would take his seat in Parliament and on its bodies and would enjoy all the rights attaching thereto.
° ° ° °
Teresa Rodriguez-Rubio had given notice in writing of her resignation as Member of Parliament, with effect from 5 March 2015.
In accordance with Rule 4(1) and (3), Parliament had noted that the seat was vacant from 5 March 2015 and had informed the national authority concerned.
4. Composition of committees
At the request of the GUE/NGL Group, Parliament ratified the following appointments:
DEVE Committee: Stelios Kouloglou
AFCO Committee: Kostas Chrysogonos
5. Welcome
On behalf of Parliament, the President welcomed the winners of the 2014 European Citizen's Prize who had taken their seats in the distinguished visitors' gallery.
6. Delegated acts (Rule 105(6))
The following draft delegated acts had been forwarded to Parliament:
- Commission Delegated Regulation amending Regulation (EU) No 978/2012 of the European Parliament and the Council as regards the vulnerability threshold defined in point 1(b) of Annex VII to that Regulation (C(2015)00596 – 2015/2568(DEA))
Deadline for lodging objections: 2 months from the date of receipt of 9 February 2015
Referred to the committee responsible: INTA
- Commission Delegated Regulation amending Delegated Regulation (EU) No 480/2014 as regards references therein to Regulation (EU) No 508/2014 of the European Parliament and of the Council (C(2015)00680 – 2015/2577(DEA))
Deadline for lodging objections: 2 months from the date of receipt of 13 February 2015
Referred to the committees responsible: REGI (Rule 54), EMPL (Rule 54)
- Commission Delegated Regulation amending Regulation (EC) No 376/2008 as regards the obligation to present a licence for imports of ethyl alcohol of agricultural origin and repealing Regulation (EC) No 2336/2003 introducing certain detailed rules for applying Council Regulation (EC) No 670/2003 laying down specific measures concerning the market in ethyl alcohol of agricultural origin (C(2015)00861 – 2015/2580(DEA))
Deadline for lodging objections: 2 months from the date of receipt of 20 February 2015
Referred to the committee responsible: AGRI
7. Implementing measures (Rule 106)
The following draft implementing measures falling under the regulatory procedure with scrutiny had been forwarded to Parliament:
- Commission Regulation amending Regulation (EU) No 1321/2014 as regards alleviations for maintenance procedures for general aviation aircraft (D034510/03 - 2015/2569(RPS) - deadline: 10/5/2015) referred to committee responsible: TRAN
- Commission Regulation (EU) amending Regulation (EU) No 1321/2014 as regards alignment of rules for continuing airworthiness with Regulation (EC) No 216/2008, critical maintenance tasks and aircraft continuing airworthiness monitoring (D034512/03 - 2015/2570(RPS) - deadline: 10/5/2015) referred to committee responsible: TRAN
- Commission Regulation amending Regulation (EC) No 1272/2008 of the European Parliament and of the Council on classification, labelling and packaging of substances and mixtures, for the purposes of its adaptation to technical and scientific progress (D036121/04 - 2015/2578(RPS) - deadline: 16/5/2015) referred to committee responsible: ENVI (Rule 54) opinion: IMCO (Rule 54)
- Commission Regulation amending and correcting Annexes II and III to Regulation (EC) No 1333/2008 of the European Parliament and of the Council as regards the use of certain food additives (D036822/04 - 2015/2576(RPS) - deadline: 12/4/2015) referred to committee responsible: ENVI
- Commission Regulation amending Regulation (EC) No 1907/2006 of the European Parliament and the Council concerning the Registration, Evaluation, Authorisation and Restriction of Chemicals (REACH), (D037855/02 - 2015/2579(RPS) - deadline: 19/5/2015) referred to committee responsible: ENVI (Rule 54) opinion: ITRE (Rule 54), IMCO (Rule 54)
8. Decisions concerning certain documents
Amendments to referral to committees (Rule 53)
JURI Committee
- Protecting against the effects of the extra-territorial application of legislation adopted by a third country and actions based thereon or resulting therefrom (recast) (COM(2015)0048 - C8-0039/2015 - 2015/0027(COD)) referred to committee responsible: INTA opinion: AFET, JURI, JURI (Rule 104)
IMCO Committee
- The external impact of EU trade and investment policy on public-private initiatives in countries outside the EU (2014/2233(INI)) referred to committee responsible: INTA opinion: DEVE, IMCO
9. Petitions
The following petitions, which had been entered in the register on the dates shown below, had been forwarded to the committee responsible under Rule 215(6):
24 February 2015
(Name confidential) (No 2691/2014); (Name confidential) (No 2692/2014); (Name confidential) (No 2693/2014); Michael Joannides (No 2694/2014); (Name confidential) (No 2695/2014); (Name confidential) (No 2696/2014); (Name confidential) (No 2697/2014); (Name confidential) (No 2698/2014); (Name confidential) (No 2699/2014); (Name confidential) (No 2700/2014); (Name confidential) (No 2701/2014); (Name confidential) (No 2702/2014); Nerea Rodríguez Avilés (No 0001/2015); (Name confidential) (No 0002/2015); Pablo Faura (No 0003/2015); Petur Penchev Troyanski (No 0004/2015); (Name confidential) (No 0005/2015); Krzysztof Bańka (No 0006/2015); Krzysztof Bańka (No 0007/2015); Cristina Calandre Hoenigsfeld (No 0008/2015); (Name confidential) (No 0009/2015); (Name confidential) (No 0010/2015); Johanna Parikka Altenstedt (No 0011/2015); Michi Palma (No 0012/2015); (Name confidential) (No 0013/2015); (Name confidential) (No 0014/2015); (Name confidential) (No 0015/2015); Stephanie Trotter (No 0016/2015); (Name confidential) (No 0017/2015); (Name confidential) (No 0018/2015); Joaquín Contreras Rivera (No 0019/2015); (Name confidential) (No 0020/2015); Christian Buth (No 0021/2015); (Name confidential) (No 0022/2015); Leonardo Pereira (No 0023/2015); Nicola Cowell (No 0024/2015); (Name confidential) (No 0025/2015); (Name confidential) (No 0026/2015); Mateusz Wójtowicz (No 0027/2015); (Name confidential) (No 0028/2015); (Name confidential) (No 0029/2015); (Name confidential) (No 0030/2015); (Name confidential) (No 0031/2015); (Name confidential) (No 0032/2015); (Name confidential) (No 0033/2015); (Name confidential) (No 0034/2015); Andrea Atzori (No 0035/2015); Jan-Erik Hansen (No 0036/2015); (Name confidential) (No 0037/2015); Jonny Rankin (No 0038/2015); (Name confidential) (No 0039/2015); (Name confidential) (No 0040/2015); (Name confidential) (No 0041/2015); (Name confidential) (No 0042/2015); Thomas Sellig (No 0043/2015); (Name confidential) (No 0044/2015); (Name confidential) (No 0045/2015); (Name confidential) (No 0046/2015); (Name confidential) (No 0047/2015); (Name confidential) (No 0048/2015); (Name confidential) (No 0049/2015); (Name confidential) (No 0050/2015); (Name confidential) (No 0051/2015); (Name confidential) (No 0052/2015); (Name confidential) (No 0053/2015); (Name confidential) (No 0054/2015); (Name confidential) (No 0055/2015); (Name confidential) (No 0056/2015); (Name confidential) (No 0057/2015); (Name confidential) (No 0058/2015); José Carlos Guinote (No 0059/2015); Michael Gallmeister (No 0060/2015); (Name confidential) (No 0061/2015); (Name confidential) (No 0062/2015); (Name confidential) (No 0063/2015); Irene Latz (No 0064/2015); Flavio Miccono (No 0065/2015); Javier Villar Céspedes (No 0066/2015); Flavio Miccono (No 0067/2015); (Name confidential) (No 0068/2015); (Name confidential) (No 0069/2015); Kazimierz Wojewódzki (No 0070/2015); (Name confidential) (No 0071/2015); (Name confidential) (No 0072/2015); (Name confidential) (No 0073/2015); Gyula Implom (No 0074/2015); Pedro Pozas Terrados (Proyecto Gran Simio GAP (PGS-ESPAŇA)) (No 0075/2015); (Name confidential) (No 0076/2015); (Name confidential) (No 0077/2015); Joseph Christos Kondylakis (No 0078/2015); Dieter Emil Baumert (No 0079/2015); (Name confidential) (No 0080/2015); Terence Canosa Steele (No 0081/2015); (Name confidential) (No 0082/2015); Denis Ametov Verleih (No 0083/2015); (Name confidential) (No 0084/2015); Roger Boaden (No 0085/2015); Nicolas Douradou (No 0086/2015); Regina Käsmayr (No 0087/2015); (Name confidential) (No 0088/2015); Cristina Calandre Hoenigsfeld (No 0089/2015); (Name confidential) (No 0090/2015); (Name confidential) (No 0091/2015); (Name confidential) (No 0092/2015).
10. Transfers of appropriations and budgetary decisions
Commission Decision of 11 February 2015 on non-automatic carryover from 2014 to 2015 and commitment appropriations to be made available again in 2015, in accordance with Articles 13, 169 and 178 of the Financial Regulation.
In accordance with Article 203(4) and (7) of the Financial Regulation, the European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control (ECDC) has notified the European Parliament on an early warning of a building project anticipated to have budgetary impact in 2018 and beyond.
Body of European Regulators for Electronic Communications (BEREC) – Office Budget including the establishment plan for 2015, in accordance with Art 208 of the Financial Regulation.
11. Documents received
The following documents had been received:
(1) from the Council and Commission
- Proposal for a Council decision on the approval, on behalf of the European Union, of the Declaration on the granting of fishing opportunities in EU waters to fishing vessels flying the flag of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela in the exclusive economic zone off the coast of French Guiana (05420/2015 - C8-0043/2015 - 2015/0001(NLE))
referred to
responsible :
- Proposal for a Council decision on the conclusion of the Protocol to the Euro-Mediterranean Agreement establishing an Association between the European Community and its Member States, of the one part, and the Republic of Lebanon, of the other part, on a Framework Agreement between the European Union and the Republic of Lebanon on the general principles for the participation of the Republic of Lebanon in Union programmes (16136/2014 - C8-0044/2015 - 2014/0110(NLE))
referred to
responsible :
opinion :
- Proposal for a Council regulation amending regulation (EU, Euratom) No 1311/2013 laying down the multiannual financial framework for the years 2014-2020 (05479/2015 - C8-0047/2015 - 2015/0010(APP))
referred to
responsible :
opinion :
- Discharge to be given to the executive agencies in respect of the implementation of the budget for the financial year 2013 - Draft Council recommendations (05305/2015 - C8-0048/2015 - 2014/2075(DEC))
- Discharge to be given to the joint undertakings in respect of the implementation of the budget for the financial year 2013 - Draft Council recommendations (05306/2015 - C8-0049/2015 - 2014/2129(DEC))
referred to
responsible :
opinion :
- Council recommendation concerning the discharge to be given to the Commission in respect of the implementation of the operations of the European Development Fund (eighth EDF) for the financial year 2013 (05135/2015 - C8-0050/2015 - 2014/2077(DEC))
referred to
responsible :
opinion :
- Council recommendation concerning the discharge to be given to the Commission in respect of the implementation of the operations of the European Development Fund (ninth EDF) for the financial year 2013 (05136/2015 - C8-0051/2015 - 2014/2077(DEC))
referred to
responsible :
opinion :
- Council recommendation concerning the discharge to be given to the Commission in respect of the implementation of the operations of the European Development Fund (tenth EDF) for the financial year 2013 (05138/2015 - C8-0052/2015 - 2014/2077(DEC))
referred to
responsible :
opinion :
- Discharge to be given to the Commission in respect of the implementation of the general budget of the European Union for the financial year 2013 - Draft Council recommendation (05303/2015 - C8-0053/2015 - 2014/2075(DEC))
- Discharge to be given to the bodies set up under the TFEU and the Euratom Treaty in respect of the implementation of the budget for the financial year 2013 - Draft Council recommendations (05304/2015 - C8-0054/2015 - 2014/2087(DEC))
- Proposal for a Council decision on the conclusion of the Agreement for scientific and technological cooperation between the European Union and European Atomic Energy Community and the Swiss Confederation associating the Swiss Confederation to Horizon 2020, the Framework Programme for Research and Innovation, and the Research and Training Programme of the European Atomic Energy Community complementing Horizon 2020, and regulating the Swiss Confederation’s participation in the ITER activities carried out by Fusion for Energy (05662/2015 - C8-0056/2015 - 2014/0304(NLE))
referred to
responsible :
opinion :
- Proposal for a Council decision on the conclusion of the Agreement for scientific and technological cooperation between the European Union and the Faroe Islands associating the Faroe Islands to 'Horizon 2020' the Framework Programme for Research and Innovation (2014-2020) (05660/2015 - C8-0057/2015 - 2014/0228(NLE))
referred to
responsible :
opinion :
- Proposal for a decision of the European Parliament and of the Council on the mobilisation of the European Globalisation Adjustment Fund (application EGF/2014/017 FR/Mory-Ducros) (COM(2015)0068 - C8-0058/2015 - 2015/2056(BUD))
referred to
responsible :
opinion :
- Proposal for a Council and Commission decision on the conclusion by the European Union and the European Atomic Energy Community of the Partnership and Cooperation Agreement establishing a Partnership between the European Communities and their Member States, of the one part, and Turkmenistan, of the other part (12183/2011 - C8-0059/2015 - 1998/0031(NLE))
referred to
responsible :
opinion :
(2) from committees
- Report on the European Central Bank Annual Report for 2013 (2014/2157(INI)) - ECON Committee - Rapporteur: Pablo Zalba Bidegain (A8-0011/2015)
(3) from Members, motions for resolutions (Rule 133)
- Viktor Uspaskich. Motion for a resolution on the minimum wage (B8-0164/2015)
referred to
responsible :
- Viktor Uspaskich. Motion for a resolution on the functioning of the European Court of Human Rights (B8-0165/2015)
referred to
responsible :
opinion :
- Aldo Patriciello. Motion for a resolution on coastal tourism in Europe (B8-0166/2015)
referred to
responsible :
- Aldo Patriciello. Motion for a resolution on freedom of the press in Europe (B8-0168/2015)
referred to
responsible :
opinion :
- Alessia Maria Mosca. Motion for a resolution on a European crowdfunding campaign to finance the Erasmus+ programme (B8-0173/2015)
referred to
responsible :
opinion :
- Dominique Bilde, Jean-Marie Le Pen and Sophie Montel. Motion for a resolution on the prohibition of the plucking of down from live geese (B8-0174/2015)
referred to
responsible :
- Marie-Christine Arnautu, Mara Bizzotto, Sylvie Goddyn, Marine Le Pen, Dominique Martin, Georg Mayer, Joëlle Mélin, Franz Obermayr, Florian Philippot and Mylène Troszczynski. Motion for a resolution on establishing a European platform to enhance cooperation in the prevention and deterrence of undeclared or falsely declared work (B8-0175/2015)
referred to
responsible :
- Dominique Bilde, Marine Le Pen and Sophie Montel. Motion for a resolution on compliance with Directive 2010/63/EU and opposing an expansion in the primate breeding programme in Niederhausbergen (B8-0176/2015)
referred to
responsible :
opinion :
- Louis Aliot, Dominique Bilde, Steeve Briois, Mireille D'Ornano, Jean-Marie Le Pen, Marine Le Pen, Philippe Loiseau, Sophie Montel and Florian Philippot. Motion for a resolution on promotion of and respect for the Francophonie within the European institutions (B8-0177/2015)
referred to
responsible :
opinion :
- Mario Borghezio. Motion for a resolution on the threat posed by ISIS to shipping and the risk of terrorist infiltration under the guise of illegal immigration (B8-0178/2015)
referred to
responsible :
opinion :
- Ivan Jakovčić. Motion for a resolution on urgent measures supporting and promoting the European olive sector (B8-0179/2015)
referred to
responsible :
- Ivan Jakovčić. Motion for a resolution on measures for the evaluation of high-quality extra virgin olive oils within the European olive sector aimed at protecting consumers and producers (B8-0180/2015)
referred to
responsible :
- Mario Borghezio. Motion for a resolution on the management of emergencies in the field of plant protection and pest eradication procedures (B8-0181/2015)
referred to
responsible :
opinion :
12. Order of business
The final draft agenda for the sitting of February II (PE 550.476/PDOJ) had been distributed and the following change had been proposed (Rule 152):
Request by the PPE Group to have included as the last item on the agenda a debate on the situation in Venezuela, wound up by the tabling of motions for resolutions which would be put to the vote at the next part-session.
The following spoke:Luis de Grandes Pascual, on behalf of the PPE Group, to move the request, and Marina Albiol Guzmán, against it.
Parliament approved the request.
The sitting was therefore prolonged to 22.00.
The order of business was thus established.
13. Decision adopted on a Strategic framework for the Energy Union (debate)
Commission statement: Decision adopted on a Strategic framework for the Energy Union (2015/2565(RSP))
Maroš Šefčovič (Vice-President of the Commission) made the statement.
IN THE CHAIR: Antonio TAJANI Vice-President
The following spoke: Françoise Grossetête, on behalf of the PPE Group, Kathleen Van Brempt, on behalf of the S&D Group, Marek Józef Gróbarczyk, on behalf of the ECR Group, Morten Helveg Petersen, on behalf of the ALDE Group, Neoklis Sylikiotis, on behalf of the GUE/NGL Group, Rebecca Harms, on behalf of the Verts/ALE Group, Dario Tamburrano, on behalf of the EFDD Group, Zoltán Balczó, non-attached Member, Krišjānis Kariņš, Dan Nica, Evžen Tošenovský, Gerben-Jan Gerbrandy, Kateřina Konečná, Claude Turmes, David Coburn, Jean-Luc Schaffhauser, Jerzy Buzek, Matthias Groote, Ian Duncan, Kaja Kallas, Paloma López Bermejo, Bas Eickhout, Valentinas Mazuronis, Olaf Stuger, Peter Liese, Patrizia Toia, Jadwiga Wiśniewska, José Inácio Faria, Josu Juaristi Abaunz, Piernicola Pedicini, Nicolas Bay, Adina-Ioana Vălean, Jeppe Kofod, Ashley Fox, Herbert Reul, Victor Boştinaru, András Gyürk, Soledad Cabezón Ruiz, Algirdas Saudargas, Miriam Dalli, Andrzej Grzyb, Csaba Molnár, Massimiliano Salini, Carlos Zorrinho and Nuno Melo.
The following spoke under the catch-the-eye procedure: Seán Kelly, Nicola Caputo, Notis Marias, Ivan Jakovčić, Lidia Senra Rodríguez, Davor Škrlec, Barbara Kappel, Milan Zver, Michela Giuffrida, Ruža Tomašić, Franc Bogovič, Martina Werner, Angel Dzhambazki, Dubravka Šuica and Monika Flašíková Beňová.
The following spoke: Maroš Šefčovič.
IN THE CHAIR: Martin SCHULZ President
The debate closed.
14. Report of the informal meeting of Heads of State or Government (12 February 2015) (debate)
Council and Commission statements: Report of the informal meeting of Heads of State or Government (12 February 2015) (2015/2942(RSP))
Donald Tusk (President of the European Council) andJean-Claude Juncker (President of the Commission) made the statements.
The following spoke: Jacek Saryusz-Wolski, on behalf of the PPE Group, Gianni Pittella, on behalf of the S&D Group, Krisztina Morvai on the conduct of the debate (the President explained the rules), Anna Elżbieta Fotyga, on behalf of the ECR Group, Guy Verhofstadt, on behalf of the ALDE Group, Dimitrios Papadimoulis, on behalf of the GUE/NGL Group, Philippe Lamberts, on behalf of the Verts/ALE Group, Paul Nuttall, on behalf of the EFDD Group, Marine Le Pen, Non-attached Member, Alain Lamassoure, Knut Fleckenstein, Bernd Lucke, Jan Philipp Albrecht, Tiziana Beghin, Sotirios Zarianopoulos, Esteban González Pons, Elisa Ferreira, Helga Stevens, Peter Lundgren, Harald Vilimsky, Paulo Rangel, Iliana Iotova, Eleftherios Synadinos, Othmar Karas, Kashetu Kyenge, Dubravka Šuica, Emmanuel Maurel, Milan Zver and Monika Flašíková Beňová.
The following spoke: Jean-Claude Juncker and Donald Tusk.
The debate closed.
IN THE CHAIR: Mairead McGUINNESS Vice-President
15. European Central Bank annual report for 2013 (debate)
Report on the European Central Bank Annual Report for 2013 [2014/2157(INI)] - Committee on Economic and Monetary Affairs. Rapporteur: Pablo Zalba Bidegain (A8-0011/2015)
Pablo Zalba Bidegain introduced the report.
The following spoke: Mario Draghi (President of the European Central Bank) andValdis Dombrovskis (Vice-President of the Commission).
The following spoke:David Casa (rapporteur for the opinion of the EMPL Committee), Burkhard Balz, on behalf of the PPE Group, Renato Soru, on behalf of the S&D Group, Notis Marias, on behalf of the ECR Group, Ramon Tremosa i Balcells, on behalf of the ALDE Group, Miguel Viegas, on behalf of the GUE/NGL Group, Philippe Lamberts, on behalf of the Verts/ALE Group, Marco Zanni, on behalf of the EFDD Group, and Mara Bizzotto, non-attached Member.
The following spoke: Mario Draghi.
The following spoke: Sylvie Goulard and David Coburn, both on the organisation of the debate (the President gave clarifications), Fulvio Martusciello and Roberto Gualtieri.
IN THE CHAIR: David-Maria SASSOLI Vice-President
The following spoke: Stanisław Ożóg, Marisa Matias, Ernest Urtasun, David Coburn, Bernard Monot, Ivana Maletić, David Coburn, referring back to his earlier speech, Pervenche Berès, Bernd Lucke, Michael Theurer, Matt Carthy, Mario Borghezio, Eva Paunova, Bogusław Liberadzki, Sander Loones, Marian Harkin, Paloma López Bermejo, Gerolf Annemans, Dariusz Rosati, Jonás Fernández, Karol Karski, Alfred Sant, Richard Sulík, Eva Kaili and Ulrike Trebesius.
The following spoke under the catch-the-eye procedure: Stanislav Polčák, Tibor Szanyi and Seán Kelly.
The following spoke: Valdis Dombrovskis and Pablo Zalba Bidegain.
The debate closed.
Vote: next part-session.
16. Situation in Venezuela (debate)
Statement by the Vice-President of the Commission and High Representative of the Union for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy: Situation in Venezuela (2015/2582(RSP))
Christos Stylianides (Member of the Commission) made the statement on behalf of the Vice-President of the Commission / High Representative for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy.
The following spoke: Luis de Grandes Pascual, on behalf of the PPE Group, Francisco Assis, on behalf of the S&D Group, Charles Tannock, on behalf of the ECR Group, Fernando Maura Barandiarán, on behalf of the ALDE Group, Javier Couso Permuy, on behalf of the GUE/NGL Group, Ernest Urtasun, on behalf of the Verts/ALE Group, Fabio Massimo Castaldo, on behalf of the EFDD Group, Georgios Epitideios, non-attached Member, Elmar Brok, who also replied to a blue-card question by Ángela Vallina, andElena Valenciano.
IN THE CHAIR: Ryszard CZARNECKI Vice-President
The following spoke: Dita Charanzová who also replied to a blue-card question by Elmar Brok, Inês Cristina Zuber, Igor Šoltes, Gilles Lebreton, Davor Ivo Stier, Nicola Caputo, Beatriz Becerra Basterrechea, Gabriel Mato, Carlos Zorrinho, who also replied to a blue-card question by Fabio Massimo Castaldo, andJuan Fernando López Aguilar.
The following spoke under the catch-the-eye procedure:Ana Gomes, Lidia Senra Rodríguez and Stelios Kouloglou.
The following spoke: Christos Stylianides.
The motions for resolutions to be tabled under Rule 123(2) would be announced in the House at a later time.
The debate closed.
Vote: next part-session.
17. One-minute speeches on matters of political importance
In accordance with Rule 163, the following Members who wished to draw the attention of Parliament to matters of political importance spoke for one minute:
Ivan Štefanec, Victor Negrescu, Zdzisław Krasnodębski, Angelika Mlinar, Kostas Chrysogonos, Bronis Ropė, Fabio Massimo Castaldo, Diane Dodds, Claude Rolin, Michela Giuffrida, Anna Elżbieta Fotyga, Matt Carthy, Tiziana Beghin, Daniel Buda, Claudiu Ciprian Tănăsescu, Beatrix von Storch, Pál Csáky, Alfred Sant, Kazimierz Michał Ujazdowski, Deirdre Clune, Csaba Molnár, Marijana Petir, Biljana Borzan, Ángela Vallina, György Hölvényi, Neena Gill, Marisa Matias, Franc Bogovič and László Tőkés.
18. Dates of forthcoming sittings
The next sittings would be held from 9 to 12 March 2015.
19. Adjournment of the session
The session of the European Parliament was adjourned.