The President made a statement concerning the priority debate for that morning in which he asked the Council and the Commission to endorse Parliament's position on the recent tragedies in the Mediterranean and the EU's migration and asylum policies.
° ° ° °
The following spoke: Jörg Leichtfried, on the possible introduction of the death penalty in Hungary, Marie-Christine Vergiat, on enforcement of the death penalty in Indonesia and to ask for an amendment to Thursday's agenda so that the matter might be considered, and Renato Soru on the tragic fate of migrants shipwrecked in the Mediterranean.
2. Welcome
On behalf of Parliament, the President welcomed a delegation from the Japanese Parliament, who had taken a seat in the distinguished visitors' gallery.
3. Report of the extraordinary European Council meeting (23 April 2015) - The latest tragedies in the Mediterranean and EU migration and asylum policies (debate)
European Council and Commission statement: Report of the extraordinary European Council meeting (23 April 2015) - The latest tragedies in the Mediterranean and EU migration and asylum policies (2015/2660(RSP))
Donald Tusk (President of the European Council) and Jean-Claude Juncker (President of the Commission) made the statements.
The following spoke: Manfred Weber, on behalf of the PPE Group, who also replied to a blue-card question by István Ujhelyi, Gianni Pittella, on behalf of the S&D Group, who also replied to a blue-card question by Alessandra Mussolini, Syed Kamall, on behalf of the ECR Group, who also replied to a blue-card question by Maria Grapini, Sophia in 't Veld, on behalf of the ALDE Group, who also replied to a blue-card question by Steven Woolfe, William (The Earl of) Dartmouth on the speech by Sophia in 't Veld, Malin Björk, on behalf of the GUE/NGL Group, Philippe Lamberts, on behalf of the Verts/ALE Group, and Nigel Farage, on behalf of the EFDD Group, who also replied to a blue-card question by Philippe Lamberts, José Inácio Faria on the conduct of the debate (the President gave some details of the applicable rules), Matteo Salvini, Non-attached Member, who also replied to a blue-card question by Eleonora Forenza, and Monika Hohlmeier.
IN THE CHAIR: Mairead McGUINNESS Vice-President
The following spoke: Cornelia Ernst to put a blue-card question to Monika Hohlmeier who replied, Tanja Fajon, who also replied to a blue-card question by Mario Borghezio, Helga Stevens, Cecilia Wikström, who also replied to a blue-card question by Kristina Winberg, Barbara Spinelli, who also replied to a blue-card question by Kazimierz Michał Ujazdowski, Ska Keller, Tiziana Beghin, who also replied to a blue-card question by Silvia Costa, Konstantinos Papadakis, who also replied to a blue-card question by Fredrick Federley, Esteban González Pons, who also replied to a blue-card question by Marina Albiol Guzmán, Birgit Sippel, who also replied to a blue-card question by Emmanouil Glezos, Timothy Kirkhope, who also replied to a blue-card question by Vicky Ford, Louis Michel, who also replied to a blue-card question by Gianluca Buonanno, Cornelia Ernst, Jean Lambert, Kristina Winberg, Lampros Fountoulis, Roberta Metsola, Victor Boştinaru, Jussi Halla-aho, Jean Arthuis, Marina Albiol Guzmán, Eva Joly and Laura Ferrara.
IN THE CHAIR: David-Maria SASSOLI Vice-President
The following spoke: Marine Le Pen, Giovanni La Via, Patrizia Toia, Ruža Tomašić, Filiz Hyusmenova, Kostas Chrysogonos, Josep-Maria Terricabras, Harald Vilimsky, Elmar Brok, Iratxe García Pérez, Notis Marias, Takis Hadjigeorgiou, Michał Marusik, Carlos Coelho, Jörg Leichtfried, Marcel de Graaff, Agustín Díaz de Mera García Consuegra, Kashetu Kyenge, Davor Ivo Stier, Claude Moraes, Barbara Kudrycka, Elena Valenciano, Alessandra Mussolini, Sylvie Guillaume, Frank Engel, Alfred Sant, Michèle Alliot-Marie, Ana Gomes, Dubravka Šuica, Richard Howitt, Iliana Iotova, Miltiadis Kyrkos and Pier Antonio Panzeri.
The following spoke under the catch-the-eye procedure: David Casa, Marlene Mizzi, Izaskun Bilbao Barandica, Josu Juaristi Abaunz, Ulrike Lunacek, Marijana Petir, Ignazio Corrao, Csaba Sógor and Michela Giuffrida.
The following spoke: Dimitris Avramopoulos (Member of the Commission) and Donald Tusk.
Motions for resolutions to wind up the debate tabled under Rule 123(2).
- Monika Hohlmeier, Roberta Metsola, Elissavet Vozemberg, Elmar Brok, Michèle Alliot-Marie, Rachida Dati, Davor Ivo Stier, Agustín Díaz de Mera García Consuegra, Barbara Matera, Alessandra Mussolini, Ivo Belet, Daniel Buda, Cristian Dan Preda, Arnaud Danjean, Elisabetta Gardini, Lara Comi, Dubravka Šuica, Fernando Ruas, Massimiliano Salini, Lorenzo Cesa, Emil Radev, Ivana Maletić and Andrej Plenković, on behalf of the PPE Group, on the recent migrant ship tragedies in the Mediterranean 2015/2660(RSP) (B8-0367/2015)
- Laura Ferrara and Ignazio Corrao, on behalf of the EFDD Group, on the report of the extraordinary European Council (23 April 2015), including the latest tragedies in the Mediterranean and EU migration and asylum policies 2015/2660(RSP) (B8-0377/2015);
- Ska Keller, Judith Sargentini, Bodil Valero, Eva Joly, Jean Lambert, Barbara Lochbihler, Davor Škrlec, Ulrike Lunacek, Josep-Maria Terricabras and Ernest Urtasun, on behalf of the Verts/ALE Group, on the report of the extraordinary European Council (23 April 2015) - Latest tragedies in the Mediterranean and EU migration and asylum policies 2015/2660(RSP) (B8-0378/2015);
- Timothy Kirkhope, Jussi Halla-aho, Helga Stevens, Branislav Škripek, Geoffrey Van Orden, Angel Dzhambazki, Ruža Tomašić, Ryszard Antoni Legutko, Kazimierz Michał Ujazdowski, Marek Jurek, Jadwiga Wiśniewska, Janusz Wojciechowski, Zbigniew Kuźmiuk, Stanisław Ożóg, Zdzisław Krasnodębski, Beatrix von Storch, Daniel Dalton and Marek Józef Gróbarczyk, on behalf of the ECR Group, on the latest tragedies in the Mediterranean and EU migration and asylum policies 2015/2660(RSP) (B8-0379/2015);
- Guy Verhofstadt, Cecilia Wikström, Louis Michel, Frédérique Ries, Marielle de Sarnez, Philippe De Backer, Nathalie Griesbeck, Gérard Deprez and Hilde Vautmans, on behalf of the ALDE Group, on the latest tragedies in the Mediterranean and EU migration and asylum policies 2015/2660(RSP) (B8-0380/2015);
- Barbara Spinelli, Cornelia Ernst, Marina Albiol Guzmán, Martina Anderson, Malin Björk, Kostas Chrysogonos, Marie-Christine Vergiat, Eleonora Forenza, Tania González Peñas, Takis Hadjigeorgiou, Pablo Iglesias, Patrick Le Hyaric, Younous Omarjee, Curzio Maltese, Marisa Matias, Lola Sánchez Caldentey, Neoklis Sylikiotis, Estefanía Torres Martínez, Miguel Urbán Crespo, Dimitrios Papadimoulis, Stelios Kouloglou, Sofia Sakorafa, Kostadinka Kuneva and Emmanouil Glezos, on behalf of the GUE/NGL Group, on the report of the extraordinary European Council (23 April 2015) - Latest tragedies in the Mediterranean and EU migration and asylum policies 2015/2660(RSP) (B8-0381/2015).
On behalf of Parliament, the President welcomed Vian Dakhil, a Member of the Iraqi Parliament, who was accompanied by an Iraqi delegation from the Yazidi community targeted by ISIS. Ms Dakhil and the delegation accompanying her had taken their seats in the distinguished visitors' gallery.
5. Composition of Parliament
The Finnish authorities had given notice of the election of Hannu Takkula to replace Olli Rehn as Member of Parliament with effect from 27 April 2015.
Under Rule 3(2), until such time as his credentials had been verified or a ruling had been given on any dispute, and provided that he had previously made a written declaration stating that he did not hold any office incompatible with that of Member of the European Parliament, Hannu Takkula would take his seat in Parliament and on its bodies and would enjoy all the rights attaching thereto.
6. Implementing measures (Rule 106)
The following draft implementing measures falling under the regulatory procedure with scrutiny had been forwarded to Parliament:
- Commission Regulation amending Annexes II and III to Regulation (EC) No 396/2005 of the European Parliament and of the Council as regards maximum residue levels for difenoconazole, fluopicolide, fluopyram, isopyrazam and pendimethalin in or on certain products (D038038/02 – 2015/2667(RPS) – deadline: 23/6/2015) referred to responsible: ENVI
- Commission Regulation Annexes II, III and V to Regulation (EC) No 396/2005 of the European Parliament and of the Council as regards maximum residue levels for azoxystrobin, dimoxystrobin, fluroxypyr, methoxyfenozide, metrafenone, oxadiargyl and tribenuron in or on certain products (D038141/02 – 2015/2657(RPS) – deadline: 17/6/2015) referred to responsible: ENVI
- Commission directive amending several annexes to Directives 2004/107/EC and 2008/50/EC laying down the rules concerning reference methods, data validation and location of sampling points for the assessment of ambient air quality (D038203/04 – 2015/2671(RPS) – deadline: 25/7/2015) referred to responsible: ENVI
- Commission Regulation amending Annex XVII to Regulation (EC) No 1907/2006 of the European Parliament and of the Council on the Registration, Evaluation, Authorisation and Restriction of Chemicals (REACH) as regards benzene (D039050/01 – 2015/2672(RPS) – deadline: 25/7/2015) referred to responsible: ENVI opinion: ITRE, IMCO
7. Delegated acts (Rule 105(6))
The following draft delegated acts had been forwarded to Parliament:
- Corrigendum to Commission Delegated Regulation of 18 December 2014 supplementing Directive 2010/40/EU of the European Parliament and of the Council with regard to the provision of EU-wide real-time traffic information services (C(2014)9672) C(2015)02455 – 2015/2658(DEA))
Deadline for lodging objections: 2 months from the date of receipt of 17 April 2015
Referred to the committee responsible: TRAN
- Commission Delegated Regulation amending the methodology for the classification of products by activity given in Annex A to Regulation (EU) No 549/2013 of the European Parliament and of the Council (C(2015)02590 – 2015/2666(DEA))
Deadline for lodging objections: 3 months from the date of receipt of 22 April 2015
Referred to the committee responsible: ECON
- Commission Delegated Regulation supplementing Regulation (EU) No 1144/2014 of the European Parliament and of the Council on information provision and promotion measures concerning agricultural products implemented in the internal market and in third countries (C(2015)02593 – 2015/2668(DEA))
Deadline for lodging objections: 2 months from the date of receipt of 23 April 2015
Referred to the committee responsible: AGRI
- Commission Delegated Regulation supplementing Regulation (EC) No 273/2004 of the European Parliament and of the Council on drug precursors and Council Regulation (EC) No 111/2005 laying down rules for the monitoring of trade between the Union and third countries in drug precursors, and repealing Commission Regulation(EC) No1277/2005 (C(2015)02619 – 2015/2669(DEA))
Deadline for lodging objections: 2 months from the date of receipt of 24 April 2015
Referred to the committee responsible: INTA
- Commission Delegated Regulation supplementing Directive 2010/30/EU of the European Parliament and of the Council with regard to energy labelling of solid fuel boilers and packages of a solid fuel boiler, supplementary heaters, temperature controls and solar devices (C(2015)02623 – 2015/2674(DEA))
Deadline for lodging objections: 2 months from the date of receipt of 27 April 2015
Referred to the committee responsible: ITRE
- Commission Delegated Regulation supplementing Directive 2010/30/EU of the European Parliament and of the Council with regard to the energy labelling of local space heaters (C(2015)02638 – 2015/2670(DEA))
Deadline for lodging objections: 2 months from the date of receipt of 24 April 2015
Referred to the committee responsible: ITRE
- Commission Delegated Regulation amending Annex I to Regulation (EU) No 1305/2013 of the European Parliament and of the Council on support for rural development by the European Agricultural Fund for Rural Development (C(2015)02802 – 2015/2673(DEA))
Deadline for lodging objections: 2 months from the date of receipt of 27 April 2015
Referred to the committee responsible: AGRI
8. Documents received
The following documents had been received:
1) from the Council and Commission
- Proposal for transfer of appropriations INF1/2015 - Section VI – European Economic and Social Committee (N8-0027/2015 - C8-0081/2015 - 2015/2068(GBD))
referred to
responsible :
- Proposal for transfer of appropriations V/AB-02/T/15 - European Court of Auditors (N8-0028/2015 - C8-0082/2015 - 2015/2069(GBD))
referred to
responsible :
- Proposal for transfer of appropriations V/AB-01/C/15 - European Court of Auditors (N8-0029/2015 - C8-0084/2015 - 2015/2070(GBD))
referred to
responsible :
- Proposal for transfer of appropriations INF 1/2015 - Committee of the Regions (N8-0030/2015 - C8-0087/2015 - 2015/2075(GBD))
referred to
responsible :
- Proposal for transfer of appropriations DEC 14/2015 - Section III – Commission (N8-0031/2015 - C8-0096/2015 - 2015/2080(GBD))
referred to
responsible :
2) from Members, motions for resolution (Rule 133)
- Ivan Jakovčić. Motion for a resolution on industrial heritage (B8-0319/2015)
referred to
responsible :
- Mara Bizzotto. Motion for a resolution on the rise in the number of abortions in India based on the sex of the unborn child (B8-0325/2015)
referred to
responsible :
- Nicola Caputo. Motion for a resolution on longevity and welfare systems (B8-0327/2015)
referred to
responsible :
- Nicola Caputo. Motion for a resolution on text and data mining and copyright (B8-0329/2015)
referred to
responsible :
opinion :
- Aldo Patriciello. Motion for a resolution on case-processing times – Italy third-to-last in the EU (B8-0330/2015)
referred to
responsible :
- Aldo Patriciello. Motion for a resolution on the protection of the Marsican brown bear from bovine tuberculosis (B8-0332/2015)
referred to
responsible :
opinion :
- Aldo Patriciello. Motion for a resolution on improving Regulation (EU) No 604/2013 (B8-0333/2015)
referred to
responsible :
- Mara Bizzotto and Matteo Salvini. Motion for a resolution on increasing the SIAE ‘fair compensation’ amount and the EU single market (B8-0334/2015)
referred to
responsible :
opinion :
- Aldo Patriciello. Motion for a resolution on high-frequency trading (B8-0336/2015)
referred to
responsible :
- Aldo Patriciello. Motion for a resolution on e-commerce: proposals, recommendations and priorities for sustainable growth (B8-0337/2015)
referred to
responsible :
opinion :
- Dominique Bilde, Marine Le Pen and Sophie Montel. Motion for a resolution on compulsory stunning of livestock prior to killing and the mandatory presence of veterinary surgeons and registered independent inspectors to monitor operations involved in the slaughter of animals (B8-0338/2015)
referred to
responsible :
- Dominique Bilde, Marine Le Pen and Sophie Montel. Motion for a resolution on support for the EU steel industry (B8-0339/2015)
referred to
responsible :
- Nicolas Bay, Mario Borghezio, Aymeric Chauprade and Jean-Luc Schaffhauser. Motion for a resolution on suspending the EU-Ukraine Association Agreement (B8-0340/2015)
referred to
responsible :
- Dominique Bilde, Marine Le Pen and Sophie Montel. Motion for a resolution on combating ivory trafficking (B8-0341/2015)
referred to
responsible :
opinion :
- Aldo Patriciello. Motion for a resolution on international adoptions (B8-0345/2015)
referred to
responsible :
opinion :
- Ivan Jakovčić. Motion for a resolution on engaging education in building a sustainable Energy Union (B8-0350/2015)
referred to
responsible :
opinion :
- Ivan Jakovčić. Motion for a resolution on the need for a citizenship income (B8-0351/2015)
referred to
responsible :
9. Second anniversary of the Rana Plaza building collapse and the state of play of the Sustainability Compact (motions for resolutions tabled)
Commission statement: Second anniversary of the Rana Plaza building collapse and the state of play of the Sustainability Compact (2015/2589(RSP))
Motions for resolutions to wind up the debate tabled under Rule 123(2).
- Charles Tannock and Sajjad Karim, on behalf of the ECR Group, on the second anniversary of the Rana Plaza building collapse and progress of the Bangladesh Sustainability Compact (2015/2589(RSP)) (B8-0363/2015);
- Gabriele Zimmer, Anne-Marie Mineur, Paloma López Bermejo, Patrick Le Hyaric, Marie-Christine Vergiat, Pablo Iglesias, Lola Sánchez Caldentey, Malin Björk, Eleonora Forenza, Kateřina Konečná, Rina Ronja Kari, Younous Omarjee, Curzio Maltese, Marisa Matias, Stefan Eck, Fabio De Masi, Josu Juaristi Abaunz, Marina Albiol Guzmán, Lidia Senra Rodríguez, Javier Couso Permuy, Ángela Vallina, Sofia Sakorafa, Kostas Chrysogonos, Helmut Scholz and Martina Michels, on behalf of the GUE/NGL Group, on the second anniversary of the Rana Plaza building collapse and the state of play of the Sustainability Compact (2015/2589(RSP)) (B8-0364/2015);
- Jean Lambert, Ska Keller, Yannick Jadot, Ulrike Lunacek, Monika Vana, Karima Delli, Judith Sargentini and Davor Škrlec, on behalf of the Verts/ALE Group, on the second anniversary of the Rana Plaza building collapse and progress of the Bangladesh Sustainability Compact (2015/2589(RSP)) (B8-0365/2015);
- Tiziana Beghin and David Borrelli, on behalf of the EFDD Group, on the anniversary of the Bangladesh factory fires and progress of the Bangladesh Sustainability Compact (2015/2589(RSP)) (B8-0366/2015);
- Victor Boştinaru, Jörg Leichtfried, David Martin, Bernd Lange, Linda McAvan, Richard Howitt, Viorica Dăncilă, Agnes Jongerius, Jude Kirton-Darling, Emmanuel Maurel, Marlene Mizzi, Victor Negrescu, Inmaculada Rodríguez-Piñero Fernández, Siôn Simon, Jutta Steinruck, Martina Werner, Elena Valenciano, Afzal Khan, Alessia Maria Mosca, Maria Arena, Eric Andrieu, Pedro Silva Pereira, Norbert Neuser, Josef Weidenholzer, Liisa Jaakonsaari, Arne Lietz, Zigmantas Balčytis, Neena Gill, Momchil Nekov, Michela Giuffrida, Nicola Danti, Sorin Moisă, Enrique Guerrero Salom, Enrico Gasbarra and Andi Cristea, on behalf of the S&D Group, on the second anniversary of the Rana Plaza building collapse and progress of the Bangladesh Sustainability Compact (2015/2589(RSP)) (B8-0368/2015);
- Fernando Ruas, Tokia Saïfi, Daniel Caspary, Franck Proust, Davor Ivo Stier, Milan Zver, Ivo Belet, Lara Comi, Thomas Mann, Dubravka Šuica, József Nagy, Claude Rolin, Alessandra Mussolini, Barbara Matera, Raffaele Fitto, Giovanni Toti, Elisabetta Gardini, Ivana Maletić and Andrej Plenković, on behalf of the PPE Group, on the anniversary of the Bangladesh factory fires and progress of the Bangladesh Sustainability Compact (2015/2589(RSP)) (B8-0372/2015);
- Catherine Bearder, Filiz Hyusmenova, Ivan Jakovčić, Marielle de Sarnez, Beatriz Becerra Basterrechea, Frédérique Ries, Louis Michel, Jozo Radoš, Marietje Schaake, Ivo Vajgl, Gérard Deprez, Maite Pagazaurtundúa Ruiz, Petras Auštrevičius, Robert Rochefort, Hilde Vautmans and José Inácio Faria, on behalf of the ALDE Group, on the second anniversary of the Rana Plaza building collapse and the state of play of the Sustainability Compact (2015/2589(RSP)) (B8-0376/2015).
Detailed voting results (amendments, separate and split votes, etc.) appear in the Results of Votes annex to the minutes.
The results of roll-call votes are available in electronic form only, as an annex to the minutes, and can be accessed via Europarl.
10.1. Pre-financing of operational programmes supported by the Youth Employment Initiative ***I (Rule 150)(vote)
Report on the proposal for a regulation of the European Parliament and of the Council amending Regulation (EU) No 1304/2013 of the European Parliament and the Council on the European Social Fund, as regards an increase of the initial pre-financing amount paid to operational programmes supported by the Youth Employment Initiative [COM(2015)0046 - C8-0036/2015- 2015/0026(COD)] - Committee on Employment and Social Affairs. Rapporteur: Elisabeth Morin-Chartier (A8-0134/2015)
(Simple majority) (Voting record: 'Results of votes', Item 1)
10.2. Repeal of Council Regulation (EEC) No 3030/93 on common rules for imports of certain textile products from third countries ***I (Rule 150)(vote)
Report on the proposal for a regulation of the European Parliament and of the Council on repealing Council Regulation (EEC) No 3030/93 on common rules for imports of certain textile products from third countries [COM(2014)0707 - C8-0271/2014- 2014/0334(COD)] - Committee on International Trade. Rapporteur: Bernd Lange (A8-0026/2015)
(Simple majority) (Voting record: 'Results of votes', Item 2)
10.3. Safeguard measures provided for in the Agreement with Norway ***I (Rule 150)(vote)
Report on the proposal for a regulation of the European Parliament and of the Council on the safeguard measures provided for in the Agreement between the European Economic Community and the Kingdom of Norway (codified text) [COM(2014)0304 - C8-0010/2014- 2014/0159(COD)] - Committee on Legal Affairs. Rapporteur: Andrzej Duda (A8-0046/2015)
(Simple majority) (Voting record: 'Results of votes', Item 3)
10.4. Stabilisation and Association Agreement with Albania ***I (Rule 150)(vote)
Report on the proposal for a regulation of the European Parliament and of the Council on certain procedures for applying the Stabilisation and Association Agreement between the European Communities and their Member States, of the one part, and the Republic of Albania, of the other part (codified text) [COM(2014)0375 - C8-0034/2014- 2014/0191(COD)] - Committee on Legal Affairs. Rapporteur: Andrzej Duda (A8-0047/2015)
(Simple majority) (Voting record: 'Results of votes', Item 4)
10.5. Stabilisation and Association Agreement and Interim Agreement on trade and trade-related matters with Bosnia and Herzegovina ***I (Rule 150)(vote)
Report on the proposal for a regulation of the European Parliament and of the Council on certain procedures for applying the Stabilisation and Association Agreement between the European Communities and their Member States, of the one part, and Bosnia and Herzegovina, of the other part, and for applying the Interim Agreement on trade and trade-related matters between the European Community, of the one part, and Bosnia and Herzegovina, of the other part (codified text) [COM(2014)0443 - C8-0087/2014- 2014/0206(COD)] - Committee on Legal Affairs. Rapporteur: Andrzej Duda (A8-0017/2015)
(Simple majority) (Voting record: 'Results of votes', Item 5)
10.6. Stabilisation and Association Agreement with the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia ***I (Rule 150)(vote)
Report on the proposal for a regulation of the European Parliament and of the Council on certain procedures for applying the Stabilisation and Association Agreement between the European Communities and their Member States, of the one part, and the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, of the other part (codified text) [COM(2014)0394 - C8-0041/2014- 2014/0199(COD)] - Committee on Legal Affairs. Rapporteur: Andrzej Duda (A8-0132/2015)
(Simple majority) (Voting record: 'Results of votes', Item 6)
10.7. Application of Articles 107 and 108 TFEU to certain categories of horizontal state aid * (Rule 150)(vote)
Report on the proposal for a Council regulation on the application of Articles 107 and 108 of the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union to certain categories of horizontal state aid (codified text) [COM(2014)0377 - C8-0139/2014- 2014/0192(NLE)] - Committee on Legal Affairs. Rapporteur: Andrzej Duda (A8-0029/2014)
(Simple majority) (Voting record: 'Results of votes', Item 7)
10.8. Rules for the application of Article 108 TFEU * (Rule 150)(vote)
Report on the proposal for a Council regulation laying down detailed rules for the application of Article 108 of the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union (codified text) [COM(2014)0534 - C8-0212/2014- 2014/0246(NLE)] - Committee on Legal Affairs. Rapporteur: Andrzej Duda (A8-0047/2014)
(Simple majority) (Voting record: 'Results of votes', Item 8)
10.9. Discharge 2013: EU general budget - European Commission and executive agencies (vote)
Report on discharge in respect of the implementation of the general budget of the European Union for the financial year 2013, Section III - Commission and executive agencies [COM(2014)0510 - C8-0140/2014- 2014/2075(DEC)] - Committee on Budgetary Control. Rapporteur: Ingeborg Gräßle (A8-0101/2015)
(Simple majority) (Voting record: 'Results of votes', Item 9)
The discharges were granted and closure of the accounts was approved (see Annex V, Article 5(1) to the Rules of Procedure).
10.10. Court of Auditors' special reports in the context of the 2013 Commission discharge (vote)
Report on the Court of Auditors' special reports in the context of the 2013 Commission discharge [COM(2013)0570 - C8-0224/2014- 2014/2140(DEC)] - Committee on Budgetary Control. Rapporteur: Ingeborg Gräßle (A8-0067/2015)
(Simple majority) (Voting record: 'Results of votes', Item 10)
10.11. Discharge 2013: EU general budget - 8th, 9th and 10th EDFs (vote)
Report on discharge in respect of the implementation of the budget of the eighth, ninth and tenth European Development Funds for the financial year 2013 [COM(2014)0487 - C8-0146/2014- 2014/2077(DEC)] - Committee on Budgetary Control. Rapporteur: Martina Dlabajová (A8-0102/2015)
(Simple majority) (Voting record: 'Results of votes', Item 11)
Discharge was granted and closure of the accounts approved (see Annex V, Article 5(1) to the Rules of Procedure).
10.12. Discharge 2013: EU general budget - European Parliament (vote)
Report on discharge in respect of the implementation of the general budget of the European Union for the financial year 2013, Section I - European Parliament [COM(2014)0510 - C8-0147/2014- 2014/2078(DEC)] - Committee on Budgetary Control. Rapporteur: Gilles Pargneaux (A8-0082/2015)
(Simple majority) (Voting record: 'Results of votes', Item 12)
Discharge was granted and closure of the accounts approved (see Annex V, Article 5(1) to the Rules of Procedure).
The following had spoken:
Benedek Jávor and Gerben-Jan Gerbrandy, to request a vote on paragraphs 43 and 44, in spite of the adoption of Amendment 21/rev (having already noted, prior to voting on Amendment 21/rev, that its adoption would cause paragraphs 43 and 44 to fall, the President refused the request).
10.13. Discharge 2013: EU general budget - European Council and Council (vote)
Report on discharge in respect of the implementation of the general budget of the European Union for the financial year 2013, Section II – European Council and Council [COM(2014)0510 - C8-0148/2014- 2014/2079(DEC)] - Committee on Budgetary Control. Rapporteur: Ryszard Czarnecki (A8-0116/2015)
(Simple majority) (Voting record: 'Results of votes', Item 13)
The discharge and closure of the accounts were postponed (see Annex V, Article 5(1) to the Rules of Procedure).
The following had spoken:
Ryszard Czarnecki (rapporteur), before the vote.
10.14. Discharge 2013: EU general budget - European External Action Service (vote)
Report on discharge in respect of the implementation of the general budget of the European Union for the financial year 2013, Section X – European External Action Service [COM(2014)0510 - C8-0155/2014- 2014/2086(DEC)] - Committee on Budgetary Control. Rapporteur: Ryszard Czarnecki (A8-0109/2015)
(Simple majority) (Voting record: 'Results of votes', Item 14)
Discharge was granted and closure of the accounts approved (see Annex V, Article 5(1) to the Rules of Procedure).
10.15. Discharge 2013: EU general budget - Court of Justice (vote)
Report on discharge in respect of the implementation of the general budget of the European Union for the financial year 2013, Section IV – Court of Justice [COM(2014)0510 - C8-0149/2014- 2014/2080(DEC)] - Committee on Budgetary Control. Rapporteur: Ryszard Czarnecki (A8-0111/2015)
(Simple majority) (Voting record: 'Results of votes', Item 15)
Discharge was granted and closure of the accounts approved (see Annex V, Article 5(1) to the Rules of Procedure).
10.16. Discharge 2013: EU general budget - Court of Auditors (vote)
Report on discharge in respect of the implementation of the general budget of the European Union for the financial year 2013, Section V – Court of Auditors [COM(2014)0510 - C8-0150/2014- 2014/2081(DEC)] - Committee on Budgetary Control. Rapporteur: Ryszard Czarnecki (A8-0113/2015)
(Simple majority) (Voting record: 'Results of votes', Item 16)
Discharge was granted and closure of the accounts approved (see Annex V, Article 5(1) to the Rules of Procedure).
10.17. Discharge 2013: EU general budget - Economic and Social Committee (vote)
Report on discharge in respect of the implementation of the general budget of the European Union for the financial year 2013, Section VI – European Economic and Social Committee [COM(2014)0510 - C8-0151/2014- 2014/2082(DEC)] - Committee on Budgetary Control. Rapporteur: Ryszard Czarnecki (A8-0114/2015)
(Simple majority) (Voting record: 'Results of votes', Item 17)
Discharge was granted and closure of the accounts approved (see Annex V, Article 5(1) to the Rules of Procedure).
10.18. Discharge 2013: EU general budget - Committee of the Regions (vote)
Report on discharge in respect of the implementation of the general budget of the European Union for the financial year 2013, Section VII - Committee of the Regions [COM(2014)0510 - C8-0152/2014- 2014/2083(DEC)] - Committee on Budgetary Control. Rapporteur: Ryszard Czarnecki (A8-0105/2015)
(Simple majority) (Voting record: 'Results of votes', Item 18)
Discharge was granted and closure of the accounts approved (see Annex V, Article 5(1) to the Rules of Procedure).
10.19. Discharge 2013: EU general budget - European Ombudsman (vote)
Report on discharge in respect of the implementation of the general budget of the European Union for the financial year 2013, Section VIII – European Ombudsman [COM(2014)0510 - C8-0153/2014- 2014/2084(DEC)] - Committee on Budgetary Control. Rapporteur: Ryszard Czarnecki (A8-0115/2015)
(Simple majority) (Voting record: 'Results of votes', Item 19)
Discharge was granted and closure of the accounts approved (see Annex V, Article 5(1) to the Rules of Procedure).
10.20. Discharge 2013: EU general budget - European Data Protection Supervisor (vote)
Report on discharge in respect of the implementation of the general budget of the European Union for the financial year 2013, Section IX – European Data Protection Supervisor [COM(2014)0510 - C8-0154/2014- 2014/2085(DEC)] - Committee on Budgetary Control. Rapporteur: Ryszard Czarnecki (A8-0118/2015)
(Simple majority) (Voting record: 'Results of votes', Item 20)
Discharge was granted and closure of the accounts approved (see Annex V, Article 5(1) to the Rules of Procedure).
10.21. 2013 discharge: performance, financial management and control of EU agencies (vote)
Report on discharge in respect of the implementation of the budget of the European Union agencies for the financial year 2013: performance, financial management and control [COM(2013)0570 - C8-0225/2014- 2014/2139(DEC)] - Committee on Budgetary Control. Rapporteur: Ryszard Czarnecki (A8-0070/2015)
(Simple majority) (Voting record: 'Results of votes', Item 21)
Richard Corbett, to request that the remaining reports on discharge be voted on en bloc by analogy with Rule 174(7) and Marco Valli, Anders Primdahl Vistisen and Marc Tarabella regarding this request (the President refused the request).
10.22. Discharge 2013: Agency for the Cooperation of Energy Regulators (ACER) (vote)
Report on discharge in respect of the implementation of the budget of the Agency for the Cooperation of Energy Regulators for the financial year 2013 [COM(2014)0510 - C8-0199/2014- 2014/2123(DEC)] - Committee on Budgetary Control. Rapporteur: Ryszard Czarnecki (A8-0117/2015)
(Simple majority) (Voting record: 'Results of votes', Item 22)
Discharge was granted and closure of the accounts approved (see Annex V, Article 5(1) to the Rules of Procedure).
10.23. Discharge 2013: Office of the Body of European Regulators for Electronic Communications (BEREC) (vote)
Report on discharge in respect of the implementation of the budget of the Office of the Body of European Regulators for Electronic Communications for the financial year 2013 [COM(2014)0510 - C8-0200/2014- 2014/2124(DEC)] - Committee on Budgetary Control. Rapporteur: Ryszard Czarnecki (A8-0081/2015)
(Simple majority) (Voting record: 'Results of votes', Item 23)
Discharge was granted and closure of the accounts approved (see Annex V, Article 5(1) to the Rules of Procedure).
10.24. Discharge 2013: Translation Centre for the Bodies of the European Union (CDT) (vote)
Report on discharge in respect of the implementation of the budget of the Translation Centre for the Bodies of the European Union for the financial year 2013 [COM(2014)0510 - C8-0177/2014- 2014/2101(DEC)] - Committee on Budgetary Control. Rapporteur: Ryszard Czarnecki (A8-0084/2015)
(Simple majority) (Voting record: 'Results of votes', Item 24)
Discharge was granted and closure of the accounts approved (see Annex V, Article 5(1) to the Rules of Procedure).
10.25. Discharge 2013: European Centre for the Development of Vocational Training (CEDEFOP) (vote)
Report on discharge in respect of the implementation of the budget of the European Centre for the Development of Vocational Training for the financial year 2013 [COM(2014)0510 - C8-0156/2014- 2014/2087(DEC)] - Committee on Budgetary Control. Rapporteur: Ryszard Czarnecki (A8-0079/2015)
(Simple majority) (Voting record: 'Results of votes', Item 25)
Discharge was granted and closure of the accounts approved (see Annex V, Article 5(1) to the Rules of Procedure).
10.26. Discharge 2013: European Police College (CEPOL) (vote)
Report on discharge in respect of the implementation of the budget of the European Police College for the financial year 2013 [COM(2014)0510 - C8-0188/2014- 2014/2112(DEC)] - Committee on Budgetary Control. Rapporteur: Ryszard Czarnecki (A8-0086/2015)
(Simple majority) (Voting record: 'Results of votes', Item 26)
Discharge was granted and closure of the accounts approved (see Annex V, Article 5(1) to the Rules of Procedure).
10.27. Discharge 2013: European Aviation Safety Agency (EASA) (vote)
Report on discharge in respect of the implementation of the budget of the European Aviation Safety Agency for the financial year 2013 [COM(2014)0510 - C8-0182/2014- 2014/2106(DEC)] - Committee on Budgetary Control. Rapporteur: Ryszard Czarnecki (A8-0074/2015)
(Simple majority) (Voting record: 'Results of votes', Item 27)
Discharge was granted and closure of the accounts approved (see Annex V, Article 5(1) to the Rules of Procedure).
10.28. Discharge 2013: European Asylum Support Office (EASO) (vote)
Report on discharge in respect of the implementation of the budget of the European Asylum Support Office for the financial year 2013 [COM(2014)0510 - C8-0202/2014- 2014/2126(DEC)] - Committee on Budgetary Control. Rapporteur: Ryszard Czarnecki (A8-0085/2015)
(Simple majority) (Voting record: 'Results of votes', Item 28)
Discharge was granted and closure of the accounts approved (see Annex V, Article 5(1) to the Rules of Procedure).
10.29. Discharge 2013: European Banking Authority (EBA) (vote)
Report on discharge in respect of the implementation of the budget of the European Banking Authority for the financial year 2013 [COM(2014)0510 - C8-0196/2014- 2014/2120(DEC)] - Committee on Budgetary Control. Rapporteur: Ryszard Czarnecki (A8-0072/2015)
(Simple majority) (Voting record: 'Results of votes', Item 29)
Discharge was granted and closure of the accounts approved (see Annex V, Article 5(1) to the Rules of Procedure).
10.30. Discharge 2013: European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control (ECDC) (vote)
Report on discharge in respect of the implementation of the budget of the European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control for the financial year 2013 [COM(2014)0510 - C8-0185/2014- 2014/2109(DEC)] - Committee on Budgetary Control. Rapporteur: Ryszard Czarnecki (A8-0069/2015)
(Simple majority) (Voting record: 'Results of votes', Item 30)
Discharge was granted and closure of the accounts approved (see Annex V, Article 5(1) to the Rules of Procedure).
10.31. Discharge 2013: European Chemicals Agency (ECHA) (vote)
Report on discharge in respect of the implementation of the budget of the European Chemicals Agency for the financial year 2013 [COM(2014)0510 - C8-0192/2014- 2014/2116(DEC)] - Committee on Budgetary Control. Rapporteur: Ryszard Czarnecki (A8-0073/2015)
(Simple majority) (Voting record: 'Results of votes', Item 31)
Discharge was granted and closure of the accounts approved (see Annex V, Article 5(1) to the Rules of Procedure).
10.32. Discharge 2013: European Environment Agency (EEA) (vote)
Report on discharge of the implementation of the budget of the European Environment Agency for the financial year 2013 [COM(2014)0510 - C8-0175/2014- 2014/2099(DEC)] - Committee on Budgetary Control. Rapporteur: Ryszard Czarnecki (A8-0083/2015)
(Simple majority) (Voting record: 'Results of votes', Item 32)
Discharge was granted and closure of the accounts approved (see Annex V, Article 5(1) to the Rules of Procedure).
10.33. Discharge 2013: European Fisheries Control Agency (EFCA) (vote)
Report on discharge in respect of the implementation of the budget of the European Fisheries Control Agency for the financial year 2013 [COM(2014)0510 - C8-0191/2014- 2014/2115(DEC)] - Committee on Budgetary Control. Rapporteur: Ryszard Czarnecki (A8-0100/2015)
(Simple majority) (Voting record: 'Results of votes', Item 33)
Discharge was granted and closure of the accounts approved (see Annex V, Article 5(1) to the Rules of Procedure).
10.34. Discharge 2013: European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) (vote)
Report on discharge in respect of the implementation of the budget of the European Food Safety Authority for the financial year 2013 [COM(2014)0510 - C8-0184/2014- 2014/2108(DEC)] - Committee on Budgetary Control. Rapporteur: Ryszard Czarnecki (A8-0097/2015)
(Simple majority) (Voting record: 'Results of votes', Item 34)
Discharge was granted and closure of the accounts approved (see Annex V, Article 5(1) to the Rules of Procedure).
10.35. Discharge 2013: European Institute for Gender Equality (EIGE) (vote)
Report on discharge in respect of the implementation of the budget of the European Institute for Gender Equality for the financial year 2013 [COM(2014)0510 - C8-0195/2014- 2014/2119(DEC)] - Committee on Budgetary Control. Rapporteur: Ryszard Czarnecki (A8-0098/2015)
(Simple majority) (Voting record: 'Results of votes', Item 35)
Discharge was granted and closure of the accounts approved (see Annex V, Article 5(1) to the Rules of Procedure).
10.36. Discharge 2013: European Insurance and Occupational Pensions Authority (EIOPA) (vote)
Report on discharge in respect of the implementation of the budget of the European Insurance and Occupational Pensions Authority for the financial year 2013 [COM(2014)0510 - C8-0197/2014- 2014/2121(DEC)] - Committee on Budgetary Control. Rapporteur: Ryszard Czarnecki (A8-0096/2015)
(Simple majority) (Voting record: 'Results of votes', Item 36)
Discharge was granted and closure of the accounts approved (see Annex V, Article 5(1) to the Rules of Procedure).
10.37. Discharge 2013: European Institute of Innovation and Technology (EIT) (vote)
Report on discharge in respect of the implementation of the budget of the European Institute of Innovation and Technology for the financial year 2013 [COM(2014)0510 - C8-0201/2014- 2014/2125(DEC)] - Committee on Budgetary Control. Rapporteur: Ryszard Czarnecki (A8-0077/2015)
(Simple majority) (Voting record: 'Results of votes', Item 37)
The discharge and closure of the accounts were postponed (see Annex V, Article 5(1) of the Rules of Procedure).
10.38. Discharge 2013: European Medicines Agency (EMA) (vote)
Report on discharge in respect of the implementation of the budget of the European Medicines Agency for the financial year 2013 [COM(2014)0510 - C8-0178/2014- 2014/2102(DEC)] - Committee on Budgetary Control. Rapporteur: Ryszard Czarnecki (A8-0075/2015)
(Simple majority) (Voting record: 'Results of votes', Item 38)
Discharge was granted and closure of the accounts approved (see Annex V, Article 5(1) to the Rules of Procedure).
10.39. Discharge 2013: European Monitoring Centre for Drugs and Drug Addiction (EMCDDA) (vote)
Report on discharge in respect of the implementation of the budget of the European Monitoring Centre for Drugs and Drug Addiction for the financial year 2013 [COM(2014)0510 - C8-0159/2014- 2014/2090(DEC)] - Committee on Budgetary Control. Rapporteur: Ryszard Czarnecki (A8-0068/2015)
(Simple majority) (Voting record: 'Results of votes', Item 39)
Discharge was granted and closure of the accounts approved (see Annex V, Article 5(1) to the Rules of Procedure).
10.40. Discharge 2013: European Maritime Safety Agency (EMSA) (vote)
Report on discharge in respect of the implementation of the budget of the European Maritime Safety Agency for the financial year 2013 [COM(2014)0510 - C8-0181/2014- 2014/2105(DEC)] - Committee on Budgetary Control. Rapporteur: Ryszard Czarnecki (A8-0088/2015)
(Simple majority) (Voting record: 'Results of votes', Item 40)
Discharge was granted and closure of the accounts approved (see Annex V, Article 5(1) to the Rules of Procedure).
10.41. Discharge 2013: European Union Agency for Network and Information Security (ENISA) (vote)
Report on discharge in respect of the implementation of the budget of the European Union Agency for Network and Information Security for the financial year 2013 [COM(2014)0510 - C8-0186/2014- 2014/2110(DEC)] - Committee on Budgetary Control. Rapporteur: Ryszard Czarnecki (A8-0089/2015)
(Simple majority) (Voting record: 'Results of votes', Item 41)
Discharge was granted and closure of the accounts approved (see Annex V, Article 5(1) to the Rules of Procedure).
10.42. Discharge 2013: European Railway Agency (ERA) (vote)
Report on discharge in respect of the implementation of the budget of the European Railway Agency for the financial year 2013 [COM(2014)0510 - C8-0187/2014- 2014/2111(DEC)] - Committee on Budgetary Control. Rapporteur: Ryszard Czarnecki (A8-0078/2015)
(Simple majority) (Voting record: 'Results of votes', Item 42)
Discharge was granted and closure of the accounts approved (see Annex V, Article 5(1) to the Rules of Procedure).
10.43. Discharge 2013: European Securities and Markets Authority (ESMA) (vote)
Report on discharge in respect of the implementation of the budget of the European Securities and Markets Authority for the financial year 2013 [COM(2014)0510 - C8-0198/2014- 2014/2122(DEC)] - Committee on Budgetary Control. Rapporteur: Ryszard Czarnecki (A8-0087/2015)
(Simple majority) (Voting record: 'Results of votes', Item 43)
Discharge was granted and closure of the accounts approved (see Annex V, Article 5(1) to the Rules of Procedure).
10.44. Discharge 2013: European Training Foundation (ETF) (vote)
Report on discharge in respect of the implementation of the budget of the European Training Foundation for the financial year 2013 [COM(2014)0510 - C8-0180/2014- 2014/2104(DEC)] - Committee on Budgetary Control. Rapporteur: Ryszard Czarnecki (A8-0090/2015)
(Simple majority) (Voting record: 'Results of votes', Item 44)
Discharge was granted and closure of the accounts approved (see Annex V, Article 5(1) to the Rules of Procedure).
10.45. Discharge 2013 : European Agency for the operational management of large-scale IT systems in the area of freedom, security and justice (EU-LISA) (vote)
Report on discharge in respect of the implementation of the budget of the European Agency for the Οperational Management of Large-Scale IT Systems in the Area of Freedom, Security and Justice for the financial year 2013 [COM(2014)0510 - C8-0204/2014- 2014/2128(DEC)] - Committee on Budgetary Control. Rapporteur: Ryszard Czarnecki (A8-0099/2015)
(Simple majority) (Voting record: 'Results of votes', Item 45)
Discharge was granted and closure of the accounts approved (see Annex V, Article 5(1) to the Rules of Procedure).
10.46. Discharge 2013: European Agency for Safety and Health at Work (EU-OSHA) (vote)
Report on discharge in respect of the implementation of the budget of the European Agency for Safety and Health at Work for the financial year 2013 [COM(2014)0510 - C8-0176/2014- 2014/2100(DEC)] - Committee on Budgetary Control. Rapporteur: Ryszard Czarnecki (A8-0076/2015)
(Simple majority) (Voting record: 'Results of votes', Item 46)
Report on discharge in respect of the implementation of the budget of the Euratom Supply Agency for the financial year 2013 [COM(2014)0510 - C8-0193/2014- 2014/2117(DEC)] - Committee on Budgetary Control. Rapporteur: Ryszard Czarnecki (A8-0119/2015)
(Simple majority) (Voting record: 'Results of votes', Item 47)
Discharge was granted and closure of the accounts approved (see Annex V, Article 5(1) to the Rules of Procedure).
10.48. Discharge 2013: European Foundation for the Improvement of Living and Working Conditions (EUROFOUND) (vote)
Report on discharge in respect of the implementation of the budget of the European Foundation for the Improvement of Living and Working Conditions for the financial year 2013 [COM(2014)0510 - C8-0157/2014- 2014/2088(DEC)] - Committee on Budgetary Control. Rapporteur: Ryszard Czarnecki (A8-0092/2015)
(Simple majority) (Voting record: 'Results of votes', Item 48)
Discharge was granted and closure of the accounts approved (see Annex V, Article 5(1) to the Rules of Procedure).
10.49. Discharge 2013: The European Union's Judicial Cooperation Unit (EUROJUST) (vote)
Report on discharge in respect of the implementation of the budget of Eurojust for the financial year 2013 [COM(2014)0510 - C8-0179/2014- 2014/2103(DEC)] - Committee on Budgetary Control. Rapporteur: Ryszard Czarnecki (A8-0091/2015)
(Simple majority) (Voting record: 'Results of votes', Item 49)
Discharge was granted and closure of the accounts approved (see Annex V, Article 5(1) to the Rules of Procedure).
10.50. Discharge 2013: European Police Office (EUROPOL) (vote)
Report on discharge in respect of the implementation of the budget of the European Police Office for the financial year 2013 [COM(2014)0510 - C8-0194/2014- 2014/2118(DEC)] - Committee on Budgetary Control. Rapporteur: Ryszard Czarnecki (A8-0080/2015)
(Simple majority) (Voting record: 'Results of votes', Item 50)
Discharge was granted and closure of the accounts approved (see Annex V, Article 5(1) to the Rules of Procedure).
10.51. Discharge 2013: European Union Fundamental Rights Agency (FRA) (vote)
Report on discharge in respect in the implementation of the budget of the European Union Agency for Fundamental Rights for the financial year 2013 [COM(2014)0510 - C8-0158/2014- 2014/2089(DEC)] - Committee on Budgetary Control. Rapporteur: Ryszard Czarnecki (A8-0093/2015)
(Simple majority) (Voting record: 'Results of votes', Item 51)
Discharge was granted and closure of the accounts approved (see Annex V, Article 5(1) to the Rules of Procedure).
10.52. Discharge 2013: European Agency for the Management of Operational Cooperation at the External Borders of the Member States of the European Union (FRONTEX) (vote)
Report on discharge in respect of the implementation of the budget of the European Agency for the Management of Operational Cooperation at the External Borders of the Member States of the European Union for the financial year 2013 [COM(2014)0510 - C8-0189/2014- 2014/2113(DEC)] - Committee on Budgetary Control. Rapporteur: Ryszard Czarnecki (A8-0094/2015)
(Simple majority) (Voting record: 'Results of votes', Item 52)
Discharge was granted and closure of the accounts approved (see Annex V, Article 5(1) to the Rules of Procedure).
10.53. Discharge 2013: European GNSS Agency (GNSS) (vote)
Report on discharge in respect of the implementation of the budget of the European GNSS Agency for the financial year 2013 [COM(2014)0510 - C8-0190/2014- 2014/2114(DEC)] - Committee on Budgetary Control. Rapporteur: Ryszard Czarnecki (A8-0095/2015)
(Simple majority) (Voting record: 'Results of votes', Item 53)
Report on discharge in respect of the implementation of the budget of the ARTEMIS Joint Undertaking for the financial year 2013 [COM(2014)0510 - C8-0208/2014- 2014/2132(DEC)] - Committee on Budgetary Control. Rapporteur: Ryszard Czarnecki (A8-0103/2015)
(Simple majority) (Voting record: 'Results of votes', Item 54)
Report on discharge in respect of the implementation of the budget of the Clean Sky Joint Undertaking for the financial year 2013 [COM(2014)0510 - C8-0207/2014- 2014/2131(DEC)] - Committee on Budgetary Control. Rapporteur: Ryszard Czarnecki (A8-0107/2015)
(Simple majority) (Voting record: 'Results of votes', Item 55)
Report on discharge in respect of the implementation of the budget of the ENIAC Joint Undertaking for the financial year 2013 [COM(2014)0510 - C8-0211/2014- 2014/2135(DEC)] - Committee on Budgetary Control. Rapporteur: Ryszard Czarnecki (A8-0104/2015)
(Simple majority) (Voting record: 'Results of votes', Item 56)
Discharge and closure of the accounts was postponed (see Annex V, Article 5(1) of the Rules of Procedure).
10.57. Discharge 2013: Fuel Cells and Hydrogen Joint Undertaking (vote)
Report on discharge in respect of the implementation of the budget of the Fuel Cells and Hydrogen Joint Undertaking for the financial year 2013 [COM(2014)0510 - C8-0210/2014- 2014/2134(DEC)] - Committee on Budgetary Control. Rapporteur: Ryszard Czarnecki (A8-0112/2015)
(Simple majority) (Voting record: 'Results of votes', Item 57)
Report on discharge in respect of the implementation of the budget of the Joint Undertaking for the implementation of the Joint Technology Initiative on Innovative Medicines for the financial year 2013 [COM(2014)0510 - C8-0209/2014- 2014/2133(DEC)] - Committee on Budgetary Control. Rapporteur: Ryszard Czarnecki (A8-0106/2015)
(Simple majority) (Voting record: 'Results of votes', Item 58)
Discharge was granted and closure of the accounts approved (see Annex V, Article 5(1) to the Rules of Procedure).
10.59. Discharge 2013: Joint Undertaking for ITER and the development of fusion energy (vote)
Report on discharge in respect of the implementation of the budget of the Joint Undertaking for ITER and the Development of Fusion Energy for the financial year 2013 [COM(2014)0510 - C8-0205/2014- 2014/2129(DEC)] - Committee on Budgetary Control. Rapporteur: Anders Primdahl Vistisen (A8-0108/2015)
(Simple majority) (Voting record: 'Results of votes', Item 59)
Report on discharge in respect of the implementation of the budget of the SESAR Joint Undertaking for the financial year 2013 [COM(2014)0510 - C8-0206/2014- 2014/2130(DEC)] - Committee on Budgetary Control. Rapporteur: Anders Primdahl Vistisen (A8-0110/2015)
(Simple majority) (Voting record: 'Results of votes', Item 60)
Discharge was granted and closure of the accounts approved (see Annex V, Article 5(1) to the Rules of Procedure).
10.61. Money market funds ***I (vote)
Report on the proposal for a regulation of the European Parliament and of the Council on Money Market Funds [COM(2013)0615 - C7-0263/2013- 2013/0306(COD)] - Committee on Economic and Monetary Affairs. Rapporteur: Neena Gill (A8-0041/2015)
(Simple majority) (Voting record: 'Results of votes', Item 61)
Neena Gill, rapporteur proposed that the vote on the draft legislative resolution should be postponed in accordance with Rule 61(2)).
Parliament approved the proposal. The matter was thus deemed to have been referred back to the committee responsible for reonsideration.
10.62. Imports of textile products from certain third countries not covered by specific Union import rules ***I (vote)
Report on the proposal for a regulation of the European Parliament and of the Council on common rules for imports of textile products from certain third countries not covered by bilateral agreements, protocols or other arrangements, or by other specific Union import rules (recast) [COM(2014)0345 - C8-0023/2014- 2014/0177(COD)] - Committee on International Trade. Rapporteur: Jarosław Wałęsa (A8-0016/2015)
(Simple majority) (Voting record: 'Results of votes', Item 62)
10.63. Estimates of revenue and expenditure for the financial year 2016 - Section I - Parliament (vote)
Report on Parliament's estimates of revenue and expenditure for the financial year 2016 [2015/2012(BUD)] - Committee on Budgets. Rapporteur: Gérard Deprez (A8-0144/2015)
(Simple majority) (Voting record: 'Results of votes', Item 63)
Interim report on the proposal for a Council regulation on the establishment of the European Public Prosecutor’s Office [COM(2013)0534 - 2013/0255(APP)] - Committee on Civil Liberties, Justice and Home Affairs. Rapporteur: Monica Macovei (A8-0055/2015)
(Simple majority) (Voting record: 'Results of votes', Item 64)
Fernando Ruas, Tokia Saïfi, Daniel Caspary, Franck Proust, Davor Ivo Stier, Milan Zver, Ivo Belet, Lara Comi, Thomas Mann, Dubravka Šuica, József Nagy, Claude Rolin, Alessandra Mussolini, Barbara Matera, Raffaele Fitto, Giovanni Toti, Elisabetta Gardini, Ivana Maletić, Jiří Pospíšil and Tomáš Zdechovský, on behalf of the PPE Group;
Victor Boştinaru, Jörg Leichtfried, David Martin, Bernd Lange, Linda McAvan, Richard Howitt, Viorica Dăncilă, Agnes Jongerius, Jude Kirton-Darling, Emmanuel Maurel, Marlene Mizzi, Victor Negrescu, Inmaculada Rodríguez-Piñero Fernández, Siôn Simon, Jutta Steinruck, Martina Werner, Elena Valenciano, Afzal Khan, Alessia Maria Mosca, Maria Arena, Eric Andrieu, Pedro Silva Pereira, Norbert Neuser, Josef Weidenholzer, Liisa Jaakonsaari, Arne Lietz, Zigmantas Balčytis, Neena Gill, Momchil Nekov, Michela Giuffrida, Nicola Danti, Sorin Moisă, Enrique Guerrero Salom, Enrico Gasbarra, Tonino Picula and Nicola Caputo, on behalf of the S&D Group;
Sajjad Karim and Charles Tannock, on behalf of the ECR Group;
Catherine Bearder, Filiz Hyusmenova, Ivan Jakovčić, Marielle de Sarnez, Beatriz Becerra Basterrechea, Frédérique Ries, Louis Michel, Jozo Radoš, Marietje Schaake, Ivo Vajgl, Gérard Deprez, Maite Pagazaurtundúa Ruiz, Petras Auštrevičius, Robert Rochefort, Hilde Vautmans and José Inácio Faria, on behalf of the ALDE Group;
Anne-Marie Mineur, Helmut Scholz, Stefan Eck, Patrick Le Hyaric, Rina Ronja Kari, Marie-Christine Vergiat, Malin Björk, Paloma López Bermejo, Kostas Chrysogonos, Eleonora Forenza, Sofia Sakorafa and Luke Ming Flanagan, on behalf of the GUE/NGL Group;
Jean Lambert and Judith Sargentini, on behalf of the Verts/ALE Group;
Tiziana Beghin, David Borrelli and Marco Valli, on behalf of the EFDD Group.
10.67. Report of the extraordinary European Council meeting (23 April 2015) - The latest tragedies in the Mediterranean and EU migration and asylum policies (vote)
Monika Hohlmeier, Roberta Metsola, Elmar Brok, Cristian Dan Preda, Andrej Plenković, Arnaud Danjean, Elisabetta Gardini, Ramón Luis Valcárcel Siso, Davor Ivo Stier, Lara Comi, Dubravka Šuica, Fernando Ruas, Barbara Matera, Alessandra Mussolini, Massimiliano Salini, Lorenzo Cesa and Ivo Belet, on behalf of the PPE Group;
Gianni Pittella, Tanja Fajon, Jörg Leichtfried, Birgit Sippel, Enrique Guerrero Salom, Claude Moraes, Kashetu Kyenge and Soledad Cabezón Ruiz, on behalf of the S&D Group;
Guy Verhofstadt, Cecilia Wikström, Louis Michel, Frédérique Ries, Marielle de Sarnez, Philippe De Backer, Nathalie Griesbeck, Gérard Deprez and Hilde Vautmans, on behalf of the ALDE Group;
Ska Keller, Judith Sargentini and Jean Lambert, on behalf of the Verts/ALE Group.
Tanja Fajon, to move an oral amendment to Amendment 11, which was not accepted, as more than 40 Members had objected, and Mercedes Bresso.
11. Explanations of vote
Written explanations of vote:
Explanations of vote submitted in writing under Rule 183 appear in the Verbatim Report of Proceedings for the sitting.
Oral explanations of vote:
Report: Ingeborg Gräßle - A8-0101/2015 Paloma López Bermejo and Peter Jahr
Report: Elisabeth Morin-Chartier - A8-0134/2015 Igor Šoltes, Momchil Nekov, Marian Harkin, Anna Záborská, Ivana Maletić, Stanislav Polčák and Maria Spyraki
Report: Gilles Pargneaux - A8-0082/2015 Michaela Šojdrová and Tomáš Zdechovský
Report: Ryszard Czarnecki - A8-0116/2015 Tomáš Zdechovský
Report: Ryszard Czarnecki - A8-0115/2015 Tomáš Zdechovský
Report: Ryszard Czarnecki - A8-0085/2015 Angelika Mlinar
Report: Ryszard Czarnecki - A8-0097/2015 Tomáš Zdechovský
Report: Monica Macovei - A8-0055/2015 Jiří Pospíšil, Zoltán Balczó, Martina Anderson, Jan Zahradil, Tomáš Zdechovský, Csaba Sógor and Angel Dzhambazki.
12. Corrections to votes and voting intentions
Corrections to votes and voting intentions appear on the Europarl website under 'Plenary/Votes/Results of Votes (Results of roll-call votes)'. They are published in hard copy in the Result of roll-call votes annex.
The electronic version on Europarl will be regularly updated for a maximum of two weeks after the day of the vote concerned.
After the two-week deadline has passed, the list of corrections to votes and voting intentions will be finalised so that it can be translated and published in the Official Journal.
° ° ° °
Bruno Gollnisch announced that he had had to leave the Chamber at 13:30 to welcome a Japanese parliamentary delegation.
(The sitting was suspended at 14.35 and resumed at 15.05.)
IN THE CHAIR: Alexander Graf LAMBSDORFF Vice-President
13. Approval of the minutes of the previous sitting
The minutes of the previous sitting were approved.
14. Amendment of the agenda
After consulting the political groups, the President proposed adding to the following day's agenda a Commission declaration on capital punishment in Indonesia without a subsequent proposal for a resolution.
Parliament agreed to the change. Voting time would therefore begin at 16:30.
The agenda was amended accordingly.
15. Composition of committees and delegations
The President had received the following requests for appointments from the ALDE Group:
INTA Committee: Hannu Takkula
Delegation for relations with the United States: Hannu Takkula
The appointments would be deemed ratified if there were no objections before the approval of these minutes.
16. Situation in Burundi (debate)
Statement by the Vice-President of the Commission/High Representative of the Union for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy: Situation in Burundi (2015/2678(RSP))
Neven Mimica (Member of the Commission) made the statement on behalf of the Vice-President of the Commission/High Representative of the Union for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy.
The following spoke: Joachim Zeller, on behalf of the PPE Group, Gianni Pittella, on behalf of the S&D Group, Anna Elżbieta Fotyga, on behalf of the ECR Group, Hilde Vautmans, on behalf of the ALDE Group, Marie-Christine Vergiat, on behalf of the GUE/NGL Group, and Maria Heubuch, on behalf of the Verts/ALE Group, Kashetu Kyenge, Linda McAvan and Elena Valenciano.
The following spoke under the catch-the-eye procedure: Nicola Caputo, Notis Marias, Ivan Jakovčić and Fabio Massimo Castaldo.
The following spoke: Neven Mimica.
The debate closed.
17. Persecution of the Christians around the world, in relation to the killing of students in Kenya by terror group Al-Shabaab (debate)
Statement by the Vice-President of the Commission/High Representative of the Union for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy: Persecution of the Christians around the world, in relation to the killing of students in Kenya by terror group Al-Shabaab (2015/2661(RSP))
Neven Mimica (Member of the Commission) made the statement on behalf of the Vice-President of the Commission/High Representative of the Union for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy.
The following spoke: Teresa Jiménez-Becerril Barrio, on behalf of the PPE Group, Elena Valenciano, on behalf of the S&D Group, Angel Dzhambazki, on behalf of the ECR Group, Enrique Calvet Chambon, on behalf of the ALDE Group, Lidia Senra Rodríguez, on behalf of the GUE/NGL Group, Maria Heubuch, on behalf of the Verts/ALE Group, Fabio Massimo Castaldo, on behalf of the EFDD Group, Mara Bizzotto, Non-attached Member, György Hölvényi, Kashetu Kyenge, Ruža Tomašić, Pavel Telička, Inês Cristina Zuber, Jonathan Arnott, Jean-Luc Schaffhauser, Arnaud Danjean, Ana Gomes, Urmas Paet, Miloslav Ransdorf, Ignazio Corrao, who also replied to a blue-card question by Teresa Jiménez-Becerril Barrio, Georgios Epitideios, Elisabetta Gardini, who also replied to a blue-card question by Ignazio Corrao, Neena Gill, Franz Obermayr and Davor Ivo Stier.
IN THE CHAIR: Sylvie GUILLAUME Vice-President
The following spoke: Marlene Mizzi, who also replied to a blue-card question by Momchil Nekov, Michèle Alliot-Marie, who also replied to a blue-card question by Victor Negrescu, Gilles Pargneaux, Tunne Kelam, Michela Giuffrida, László Tőkés, Josef Weidenholzer, Lars Adaktusson and Jaromír Štětina.
The following spoke under the catch-the-eye procedure:Marijana Petir, Nicola Caputo, Notis Marias, Ivan Jakovčić, Stanislav Polčák, Doru-Claudian Frunzulică and Afzal Khan.
The following spoke: Neven Mimica.
The motions for resolutions to be tabled under Rule 123(2) would be announced in the House at a later time.
18. Destruction of cultural sites perpetrated by ISIS/Da'esh (debate)
Question for oral answer (O-000031/2015) by Silvia Costa, on behalf of the CULT Committee to the Council : Destruction of cultural sites perpetrated by ISIS/Da'esh (2015/2649(RSP)) (B8-0115/2015)
Question for oral answer (O-000032/2015) by Silvia Costa, on behalf of the CULT Committee, to the Commission: Destruction of cultural sites perpetrated by ISIS/Daesh (2015/2649(RSP)) (B8-0116/2015)
Silvia Costa who also replied to a blue-card question by Bogdan Andrzej Zdrojewski, moved the questions.
Zanda Kalniņa-Lukaševica (President-in-Office of the Council) answered the question B8-0115/2015.
Neven Mimica (Member of the Commission) answered the question B8-0116/2015.
The following spoke: Esteban González Pons, on behalf of the PPE Group, Krystyna Łybacka, on behalf of the S&D Group, David Campbell Bannerman, on behalf of the ECR Group, Fernando Maura Barandiarán, on behalf of the ALDE Group, Curzio Maltese, on behalf of the GUE/NGL Group, Helga Trüpel, on behalf of the Verts/ALE Group, Isabella Adinolfi, on behalf of the EFDD Group, Marie-Christine Arnautu, Non-attached Member, Sabine Verheyen, Marlene Mizzi, Angel Dzhambazki, Marietje Schaake, Sofia Sakorafa, Ernest Maragall, Hans Jansen, Santiago Fisas Ayxelà, Luigi Morgano, Branislav Škripek, Pavel Telička, Georgios Epitideios, Milan Zver, Julie Ward, Aymeric Chauprade, Bogdan Brunon Wenta, Liliana Rodrigues, Afzal Khan and Ana Gomes.
The following spoke under the catch-the-eye procedure: Alessandra Mussolini, Nicola Caputo, Notis Marias and Ilhan Kyuchyuk.
IN THE CHAIR: Ildikó GÁLL-PELCZ Vice-President
The following spoke under the catch-the-eye procedure: Kostas Chrysogonos, Fabio Massimo Castaldo, Marijana Petir, Michela Giuffrida and Bogdan Andrzej Zdrojewski.
The following spoke: Neven Mimica and Zanda Kalniņa-Lukaševica.
The motions for resolutions to be tabled under Rule 128(5) would be announced in the House at a later time.
Statement by the Vice-President of the Commission/High Representative of the Union for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy: Situation in the Maldives (2015/2662(RSP))
Neven Mimica (Member of the Commission) made the statement on behalf of the Vice-President of the Commission/High Representative of the Union for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy.
The following spoke: Davor Ivo Stier, on behalf of the PPE Group, Richard Howitt, on behalf of the S&D Group, Charles Tannock, on behalf of the ECR Group, Marietje Schaake, on behalf of the ALDE Group, Javier Couso Permuy, on behalf of the GUE/NGL Group, Jean Lambert, on behalf of the Verts/ALE Group, Cristian Dan Preda, Alessia Maria Mosca and Doru-Claudian Frunzulică.
The following spoke under the catch-the-eye procedure: Eduard Kukan, Notis Marias, Ivan Jakovčić, Fabio Massimo Castaldo and Stanislav Polčák.
The following spoke: Neven Mimica.
The motions for resolutions to be tabled under Rule 123(2) would be announced in the House at a later time.
Council and Commission statements: 2014 Progress Report on Albania (2015/2951(RSP))
Zanda Kalniņa-Lukaševica (President-in-Office of the Council) and Neven Mimica (Member of the Commission) made the statements.
The following spoke: Knut Fleckenstein, on behalf of the S&D Group, Eduard Kukan, on behalf of the PPE Group, who also replied to a blue-card question by Ivan Jakovčić, Charles Tannock, on behalf of the ECR Group, Ilhan Kyuchyuk, on behalf of the ALDE Group, Martina Anderson, on behalf of the GUE/NGL Group, Tamás Meszerics, on behalf of the Verts/ALE Group, Diane James, on behalf of the EFDD Group, Eleftherios Synadinos, Non-attached Member, David McAllister, who also replied to a blue-card question by Ivo Vajgl, Angel Dzhambazki, Fabio Massimo Castaldo, Nicolas Bay, László Tőkés, Elly Schlein, Notis Marias, Sotirios Zarianopoulos, Francisco José Millán Mon, Eugen Freund, Marek Jurek and Monica Macovei.
IN THE CHAIR: Adina-Ioana VĂLEAN Vice-President
The following spoke: Eva Kaili, Miroslav Mikolášik, Alojz Peterle and Eleni Theocharous, who also replied to a blue-card question by Knut Fleckenstein.
The following spoke under the catch-the-eye procedure: Andrej Plenković, Doru-Claudian Frunzulică, Ivan Jakovčić, Stanislav Polčák, Kostas Chrysogonos, Tibor Szanyi and Igor Šoltes.
The following spoke: Neven Mimica and Zanda Kalniņa-Lukaševica.
Motion for a resolution to wind up the debate tabled under Rule 123(2):
- Knut Fleckenstein, on behalf of the AFET Committee, on the 2014 Progress Report on Albania (2014/2951(RSP)) (B8-0358/2015).
The debate closed.
Vote: minutes of 30.4.2015, item 10.52.
21. 2014 Progress Report on Bosnia and Herzegovina (debate)
Council and Commission statements: 2014 Progress Report on Bosnia and Herzegovina (2014/2952(RSP))
Zanda Kalniņa-Lukaševica (President-in-Office of the Council) and Neven Mimica (Member of the Commission) made the statements.
The following spoke: Cristian Dan Preda, on behalf of the PPE Group, who also replied to a blue-card question by Tibor Szanyi, Afzal Khan, on behalf of the S&D Group, Angel Dzhambazki, on behalf of the ECR Group, Jozo Radoš, on behalf of the ALDE Group, Javier Couso Permuy, on behalf of the GUE/NGL Group, Igor Šoltes, on behalf of the Verts/ALE Group, who also replied to a blue-card question by Ivan Jakovčić, Fabio Massimo Castaldo, on behalf of the EFDD Group, Dominique Bilde, Non-attached Member, Elmar Brok, Tonino Picula, Charles Tannock, Aymeric Chauprade, who also replied to a blue-card question by Cristian Dan Preda, Andrej Plenković, Tanja Fajon, Bas Belder, who also replied to a blue-card question by Fabio Massimo Castaldo, Mario Borghezio, Eduard Kukan, Zigmantas Balčytis, Amjad Bashir, Tunne Kelam, Alessia Maria Mosca, Ruža Tomašić, Dubravka Šuica and Andi Cristea.
The following spoke under the catch-the-eye procedure: Franc Bogovič, Doru-Claudian Frunzulică, Notis Marias and Marijana Petir.
The following spoke: Neven Mimica and Zanda Kalniņa-Lukaševica.
Motion for a resolution to wind up the debate tabled under Rule 123(2):
- Cristian Dan Preda, on behalf of the AFET Committee, on the 2014 Progress Report on Bosnia and Herzegovina (2014/2952(RSP)) (B8-0359/2015).
22. Suspension of exceptional trade measures with regard to Bosnia and Herzegovina ***I (debate)
Report on the proposal for a regulation of the European Parliament and of the Council amending Council Regulation (EC) No 1215/2009 introducing exceptional trade measures for countries and territories participating in or linked to the European Union's Stabilisation and Association process and suspending its application with regard to Bosnia and Herzegovina [COM(2014)0386 - C8-0039/2014 - 2014/0197(COD)] - Committee on International Trade. Rapporteur: Goffredo Maria Bettini (A8-0060/2015)
Goffredo Maria Bettini introduced the report.
The following spoke: Cristian Dan Preda (rapporteur for the opinion of the AFET Committee).
IN THE CHAIR: Ryszard CZARNECKI Vice-President
The following spoke: Neven Mimica (Member of the Commission).
The following spoke: Davor Ivo Stier, on behalf of the PPE Group, Costas Mavrides, on behalf of the S&D Group, Angel Dzhambazki, on behalf of the ECR Group, who also replied to a blue-card question by Doru-Claudian Frunzulică, Jozo Radoš, on behalf of the ALDE Group, Klaus Buchner, on behalf of the Verts/ALE Group, and Tonino Picula.
The following spoke under the catch-the-eye procedure: Franc Bogovič, Notis Marias and Ivan Jakovčić.
The following spoke: Neven Mimica and Goffredo Maria Bettini.
23. EU Member States' commitments on Official Development Assistance (ODA) (debate)
Question for oral answer (O-000035/2015) by Linda McAvan, on behalf of the DEVE Committee, to the Council: EU Member States' commitments to Official Development Assistance (ODA) ) (2015/2611(RSP)) (B8-0113/2015)
Question for oral answer (O-000036/2015) by Linda McAvan, on behalf of the DEVE Committee, to the Commission: EU Member States' commitment to Official Development Assistance (ODA) (2015/2611(RSP)) (B8-0114/2015)
Linda McAvan moved the questions.
Zanda Kalniņa-Lukaševica (President-in-Office of the Council) answered the question B8-0113/2015.
Neven Mimica (Member of the Commission) answered the question B8-0114/2015.
The following spoke: Davor Ivo Stier, on behalf of the PPE Group, who also replied to a blue-card question by Ivan Jakovčić, Pedro Silva Pereira, on behalf of the S&D Group, Richard Sulík, on behalf of the ECR Group, Lola Sánchez Caldentey, on behalf of the GUE/NGL Group, Heidi Hautala, on behalf of the Verts/ALE Group, Ignazio Corrao, on behalf of the EFDD Group, Cristian Dan Preda, Enrique Guerrero Salom, Marina Albiol Guzmán, Diane James, who also replied to a blue-card question by Heidi Hautala, Bogdan Brunon Wenta, Elly Schlein, who also replied to a blue-card question by Richard Sulík, Joachim Zeller and Arne Lietz.
The following spoke under the catch-the-eye procedure: Doru-Claudian Frunzulică, Notis Marias, Catherine Stihler, Richard Sulík, who also replied to a blue-card question by Catherine Stihler, and Victor Negrescu.
The following spoke: Neven Mimica and Zanda Kalniņa-Lukaševica.
The debate closed.
(The sitting was suspended for a short time)
24. Marrakesh Treaty on copyright exceptions for the visually impaired (debate)
Question for oral answer (O-000021/2015) by Pavel Svoboda, on behalf of the JURI Committee, to the Council: Marrakesh Treaty on copyright exceptions for the visually impaired (2015/2586(RSP)) (B8-0110/2015)
Pavel Svoboda moved the question.
Zanda Kalniņa-Lukaševica (President-in-Office of the Council) and Neven Mimica (Member of the Commission) answered the question.
The following spoke: Rosa Estaràs Ferragut, on behalf of the PPE Group, Enrico Gasbarra, on behalf of the S&D Group, Ángela Vallina, on behalf of the GUE/NGL Group, Max Andersson, on behalf of the Verts/ALE Group, Laura Ferrara, on behalf of the EFDD Group, Ádám Kósa, Catherine Stihler, Isabella Adinolfi, Pál Csáky and Josef Weidenholzer.
The following spoke under the catch-the-eye procedure: Notis Marias and Julia Reda.
The following spoke: Neven Mimica and Zanda Kalniņa-Lukaševica.
The debate closed.
25. Transfers of appropriations
In accordance with Article 203(5) of the Financial Regulation, the Committee on Budgets had decided to extend the deadline for adopting a decision on the Commission proposal regarding the location of two buildings for the transfer of staff currently located in the Jean Monnet building in Luxembourg by two weeks.
In accordance with Article 25 of the Financial Regulation, the Committee on Budgets had decided to approve the project presented by the European Court of Auditors regarding the transfers of appropriations V/AB-01/C/15 and V/AB-02/T/15 at its meeting on 16 April 2015.
In accordance with Article 25 of the Financial Regulation, the Committee on Budgets had decided to approve the project presented by the Committee of the Regions regarding the transfer of appropriations INF 1/2015 at its meeting on 16 April 2015.
26. Decisions concerning certain documents
Decision to draw up own-initiative reports (Rule 52) Associated committees(Rule 54)
IMCO Committee (Rule 54) (Following the decision of the Conference of Presidents of 12/03/2015)
- Unfair trading practices in the food supply chain (2015/2065(INI)) (opinion: ENVI, JURI, AGRI) (Rule 54)
27. Agenda of the next sitting
The agenda of the next day's sitting had been established ('Agenda' PE 552.730/OJJE).