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Thursday, 21 January 2016 - Strasbourg

8. Voting time
Verbatim reports

Detailed voting results (amendments, separate and split votes, etc.) appear in the Results of Votes annex to the minutes.

The results of roll-call votes are available in electronic form only, as an annex to the minutes, and can be accessed via Europarl.

8.1. EU-Kosovo Stabilisation and Association Agreement *** (Rule 150) (vote)

8.2. Appointment of the members of the Committee of Inquiry on emission measurements in the automotive sector (vote)

8.3. Association Agreements / Deep and Comprehensive Free Trade Agreements with Georgia, Moldova and Ukraine (vote)

8.4. Mutual defence clause (Article 42(7) TEU) (vote)

8.5. EU priorities for the UNHRC sessions in 2016 (vote)

8.6. Activities of the Committee on Petitions 2014 (vote)
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