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Monday, 9 May 2016 - Strasbourg

12. Questions for oral answer (submission)

The following questions for oral answer had been submitted by Members (Rule 128):

—   (O-000031/2016) by Renate Sommer, Glenis Willmott, Julie Girling, Anneli Jäätteenmäki, Lynn Boylan, Michèle Rivasi, Piernicola Pedicini and Matteo Salvini, on behalf of the ENVI Committee, to the Commission: Mandatory indication of the country of origin or place of provenance for certain foods (2016/2583(RSP)) (B8-0363/2016);

—   (O-000070/2016) by Iskra Mihaylova, on behalf of the DEVE Committee, to the Commission: Speeding up implementation of cohesion policy (2016/2550(RSP)) (B8-0364/2016);

—   (O-000052/2016) by Alain Cadec, on behalf of the PECH Committee, to the Commission: Traceability of fishery and aquaculture products in restaurants and retail (2016/2532(RSP)) (B8-0365/2016);

—   (O-000046/2016) by Bernd Lange and Pablo Zalba Bidegain, on behalf of the INTA Committee, to the Commission: EU-MERCOSUR: The way forward in the Association Agreement's trade negotiations (2016/2596(RSP)) (B8-0366/2016);

—   (O-000038/2016) by Claude Moraes, on behalf of the LIBE Committee, to the Council: Follow-up to the resolution of Parliament of 11 February 2015 on the US Senate report on the use of torture by the CIA (2014/2997(RSP)) (2016/2573(RSP)) (B8-0367/2016);

—   (O-000039/2016) by Claude Moraes, on behalf of the LIBE Committee, to the Commission: Follow-up to the resolution of Parliament of 11 February 2015 on the US Senate report on the use of torture by the CIA (2014/2997(RSP)) (2016/2573(RSP)) (B8-0368/2016);

—   (O-000047/2016) by Thomas Händel, on behalf of the EMPL Committee, to the Commission: Tackling inequalities in order to boost inclusive and sustainable economic growth in the EU (2016/2594(RSP)) (B8-0369/2016).

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