 Full text 
Monday, 9 May 2016 - Strasbourg

14. Order of business
Verbatim reports

The final draft agenda for the May I 2016 plenary sittings (PE 581.444/PDOJ) had been distributed.

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The following spoke: Olaf Stuger, to deplore the fact that the agenda did not include a debate on the Netherlands Referendum of 6 April 2016 (the President replied that this request had been rejected in the Conference of Presidents).

The following spoke: Jean-Luc Schaffhauser.

The following spoke: David-Maria Sassoli.

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The following amendment to the agenda had been proposed (Rule 152):


Request by the GUE/NGL Group to include as the third item on the agenda in the afternoon the statements by the Council and the Commission on the progress made by Turkey in implementing the requirements of the visa liberalisation roadmap.

The following spoke: Barbara Spinelli, on behalf of the GUE/NGL Group, to move the request, Rebecca Harms, to second the request, and Roberta Metsola, against the request.

Parliament agreed to the request by electronic vote (181 in favour, 92 against, 11 abstentions).

Wednesday's sitting would therefore be prolonged until midnight.

The following spoke: Rebecca Harms.

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The order of business was thus established.

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