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Wednesday, 11 May 2016 - Strasbourg

22. Delegated acts (Rule 105(6))

Draft delegated acts forwarded to Parliament:

- Commission Delegated Regulation supplementing Directive 2014/65/EU of the European Parliament and of the Council as regards organisational requirements and operating conditions for investment firms and defined terms for the purpose of that Directive (C(2016)02398 – 2016/2679(DEA))

Deadline for lodging objections: 3 months from the date of receipt of 25 April 2016
Referred to the committee responsible: ECON

- Commission Delegated Regulation amending Delegated Regulation (EU) No 640/2014 supplementing Regulation (EU) No 1306/2013 of the European Parliament and of the Council with regard to the integrated administration and control system and conditions for refusal or withdrawal of payments and administrative penalties applicable to direct payments, rural development support and cross compliance (C(2016)02658 – 2016/2715(DEA))

Deadline for lodging objections: 2 months from the date of receipt of 4 May 2016
Referred to the committee responsible: AGRI

- Commission Delegated Regulation supplementing Directive 2014/59/EU of the European Parliament and of the Council with regard to regulatory technical standards specifying the minimum elements of a business reorganisation plan and the minimum contents of the reports on the progress in the implementation of the plan (C(2016)02665 – 2016/2720(DEA))

Deadline for lodging objections: 1 one month from the date of receipt of 10 May 2016
Referred to the committee responsible: ECON

- Commission Delegated Regulation amending Annex IX to Regulation (EU) No 1308/2013 of the European Parliament and of the Council as regards the optional reserved terms for olive oil (C(2016)02693 – 2016/2716(DEA))

Deadline for lodging objections: 2 months from the date of receipt of 4 May 2016
Referred to the committee responsible: AGRI

Draft delegated act for which the period for lodging objections had been extended at the request of the committee responsible:

- Commission Delegated Decision amending Annex III to Decision No 466/2014/EU of the European Parliament and of the Council granting an EU guarantee to the European Investment Bank against losses under financing operations supporting investment projects outside the Union, as regards Belarus C(2016)02164 2016/2669(DEA)

Deadline for lodging objections: 2 months from the date of receipt of 15 April 2016
Extension of the deadline for lodging objections: 2 months
Referred to the committee responsible: BUDG

Draft delegated act for which the deadline had been extended from 1 to 3 months at the request of the committee responsible:

– Commission Delegated Regulation supplementing Directive 2014/59/EU of the European Parliament and of the Council with regard to regulatory technical standards specifying the content of recovery plans, resolution plans and group resolution plans, the minimum criteria that the competent authority is to assess as regards recovery plans and group recovery plans, the conditions for group financial support, the requirements for independent valuers, the contractual recognition of write-down and conversion powers, the procedures and contents of notification requirements and of notice of suspension and the operational functioning of the resolution colleges – (C(2016)01691 – 2016/2627(DEA))

Deadline for lodging objections: 3 months from the date of receipt of 23 March 2016 at the request of the committee responsible.
Referred to the committee responsible: ECON

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