Barbara Lochbihler, Ignazio Corrao, Josef Weidenholzer, Tomáš Zdechovský, Marie-Christine Vergiat and Petras Auštrevičius introduced motions for resolutions.
The following spoke: Jiří Pospíšil, on behalf of the PPE Group, Pier Antonio Panzeri, on behalf of the S&D Group, Javier Nart, on behalf of the ALDE Group, Eleftherios Synadinos, non-attached Member, Krzysztof Hetman and Dita Charanzová.
The following spoke under the catch-the-eye procedure: Eduard Kukan, Jonathan Arnott and Stanislav Polčák.
The following spoke: Christos Stylianides (Member of the Commission).
Heidi Hautala, Ignazio Corrao, Charles Tannock, Pier Antonio Panzeri, Tunne Kelam, Lola Sánchez Caldentey and Ilhan Kyuchyuk introduced motions for resolutions.
The following spoke: Jaromír Štětina, on behalf of the PPE Group, Marju Lauristin, on behalf of the S&D Group, Arne Gericke, on behalf of the ECR Group, Seán Kelly and Doru-Claudian Frunzulică.
The following spoke under the catch-the-eye procedure: Eduard Kukan, Notis Marias, Stanislav Polčák, Herbert Dorfmann and Fabio Massimo Castaldo.
The following spoke: Christos Stylianides (Member of the Commission).
Ignazio Corrao, Mark Demesmaeker, Barbara Lochbihler, Pier Antonio Panzeri, Jeroen Lenaers and Frédérique Ries introduced motions for resolutions.
The following spoke: Cristian Dan Preda, on behalf of the PPE Group, who also replied to a blue-card question by Jean-Luc Mélenchon, Andi Cristea, on behalf of the S&D Group (the President pointed out that Parliament defended human rights throughout the world), Bas Belder, on behalf of the ECR Group, Diane James, on behalf of the EFDD Group, Edouard Ferrand, on behalf of the ENF Group, Csaba Sógor, Francisco Assis and Amjad Bashir.
The following spoke under the catch-the-eye procedure: Jiří Pospíšil, Nicola Caputo, Notis Marias, José Inácio Faria, Fabio Massimo Castaldo, Patricija Šulin and Seán Kelly.
The following spoke: Christos Stylianides (Member of the Commission).