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Monday, 4 July 2016 - Strasbourg

4. Approval of the minutes of the previous sittings
Verbatim reports

Luke Ming Flanagan had made it known that he had been present at the sitting of 23 June 2016, but that his name was not on the attendance register.

Monika Smolková had been present at the sitting of 28 June 2016, but her name was not on the attendance register.

The minutes of the sittings of 22, 23 and 28 June 2016 were approved.

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The following spoke: Elisabetta Gardini, on behalf of the PPE Group, to convey her condolences to the families of the nine Italian victims of the attacks in Bangladesh, and to withdraw her group's initial request to amend the agenda for Thursday (minutes of 4.7.2016, item 12).

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