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Thursday, 27 October 2016 - Strasbourg

14. Decisions concerning certain documents

Associated committees (Rule 54)

ECON Committee (Rule 54)

- Establishing a Union programme to support specific activities enhancing the involvement of consumers and other financial services end-users in Union policy making in the field of financial services for the period of 2017-2020 (COM(2016)0388 - C8-0220/2016 - 2016/0182(COD))
(opinion: CONT, IMCO (Rule 54))
(Following the Conference of Presidents' decision of 29/09/2016)

IMCO Committee (Rule 54)

- Laying down rules on the making available on the market of CE marked fertilising products (COM(2016)0157 - C8-0123/2016 - 2016/0084(COD))
(opinion: ITRE, INTA, AGRI (Rule 54), ENVI (Rule 54))
(Following the Conference of Presidents' decision of 6 October 2016)

Modified referrals to committees (Rule 53)

DEVE Committee

- Statelessness in South and South East Asia (2016/2220(INI))
referred back to committee responsible: AFET
(opinion: DEVE)

committees ECON, IMCO

- Establishing a Union programme to support specific activities enhancing the involvement of consumers and other financial services end-users in Union policy making in the field of financial services for the period of 2017-2020 (COM(2016)0388 - C8-0220/2016 - 2016/0182(COD))
referred back to committee responsible: ECON
(opinion: CONT (Rule 53), IMCO (Rule 53))

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