1. EU-Algeria Framework Agreement on the general principles for the participation of Algeria in Union programmes ***
Recommendation: Pier Antonio Panzeri (A8-0367/2016)
RCV etc.
RCV/EV – remarks
Vote: consent
594, 70, 13
2. North-East Atlantic: deep-sea stocks and fishing in international waters ***II
Recommendation for second reading Isabelle Thomas (A8-0369/2016) (qualified majority)
Am No
RCV etc.
RCV/EV – remarks
Proposal to reject the Council proposal
38, 634, 17
Council position declared approved
Requests for roll-call votes
Amendment 1
3. General revision of Parliament's Rules of Procedure
Report: Richard Corbett (A8-0344/2016) (Qualified majority required for the text of the Rules of Procedure, simple majority required for interpretations and the proposal for a decision)
Am No
RCV etc.
RCV/EV – remarks
Amendments by the committee responsible – put to the vote collectively
Amendment 234CP (rule 208, § 1), amendment 260CP (annex I, article 4, after § 4 (4b))
Requests for split votes
Amendment 139
First part
Text as a whole without the words: ‘roll-call’
Second part
those words
Amendment 222CP (rule 199, rest)
First part
Text as a whole without the words: ‘and non-attached Members’ in paragraph 1a
Second part
those words
Amendment 315
First part
Text as a whole excluding the word 'scheduled'
Second part
those words
Amendment 39
First part
Text as a whole without the words: ‘Where the committee responsible for the subject matter, a political group or at least 40 Members are of the opinion that a proposal for a legislative act or parts of it do not comply with the principle of subsidiarity, the matter shall, at their request, be referred to the committee responsible for respect of the principle of subsidiarity. That request shall be submitted within four working weeks of the announcement in Parliament of the referral to committee.’
Second part
those words
Amendment 235
First part
Text as a whole without the words: ‘with the exception of paragraph 4b’
Second part
those words
Amendment 128CP (rule 108, rest)
First part
Text as a whole excluding paragraph 6
Second part
Paragraph 6
Amendment 387
First part
Text as a whole without the words: ‘by consensus’
Second part
those words
Amendment 3
First part
Text as a whole excluding paragraph 5
Second part
Paragraph 5
Amendment 7
First part
Text as a whole without the words: ‘or by the Permanent Representations of the Member States’
Second part
those words
Amendment 53
First part
Text as a whole excluding paragraph 3
Second part
Paragraph 3
Amendment 88
First part
Text as a whole without the words: ‘guidelines, including in the form of’
Second part
those words
Amendment 89
First part
Text as a whole without the words: ‘Where it is not feasible to convene a meeting of the committee in a timely manner, the Chair of the negotiating team and the Rapporteur, on behalf of the negotiating team, shall report back to a meeting of the committee coordinators.’
Second part
those words
Amendment 119
First part
Text as a whole without the words: ‘if the committee responsible has not adopted its recommendation within six months after the request for consent was referred to it, the Conference of Presidents may either place the matter on the agenda for consideration at a subsequent part-session or, in duly substantiated cases, decide to extend the six-month period.’
Second part
those words
Amendment 137
First part
Text as a whole excluding paragraphs 1 and 3
Second part
Paragraphs 1 and 3
Amendment 142
First part
Text as a whole without the words: ‘If a motion of censure has been voted on in the preceding two months, a new one may be tabled only by one fifth of the component Members of Parliament.’
Second part
those words
Amendment 148
First part
Text as a whole without the words: ‘unless for timetabling reasons or because of the relative political relevance of the subject-matter, the Conference of Presidents decides that this is not necessary.’
Second part
those words
Amendment 195
First part
Text as a whole excluding paragraph 4a
Second part
Paragraph 4a
Amendment 200
First part
the whole amendment without paragraph 2
Second part
Paragraph 2
Amendment 42
First part
Text as a whole excluding the deletion of: ‘detailed’ and ‘which shall respect fundamental rights and the principle of subsidiarity’
Second part
this deletion
Amendment 150
First part
Text as a whole excluding the deletion of: ‘in the official languages’
Second part
this deletion
Amendment 174
First part
Text as a whole without the words: ‘It may decide by a majority representing four-fifths of the Parliament Members to reject a matter put forward by a group.’
Second part
those words
Amendment 181
First part
Text as a whole excluding the deletion of: ‘and one non-attached Member’
Second part
this deletion
Amendment 196
First part
Text as a whole without the words: ‘one-third’
Second part
those words
Amendment 154CP (rule 130, § 3, sub§ 1)
First part
Text as a whole excluding the word: ‘rolling’
Second part
this word
Amendment 9
First part
Text as a whole without the words: ‘Members shall not resort to defamatory, racist or xenophobic language or behaviour in parliamentary debates, nor in that context shall they unfurl banners.’ and without paragraph 3a
Second part
‘Members shall not resort to defamatory, racist or xenophobic language or behaviour in parliamentary debates, nor in that context shall they unfurl banners.’
Third part
Paragraph 3a
Amendment 13CP (rule 15, § 1)
First part
Text as a whole without the words: ‘In the event of a single ballot for more than one office holder, the ballot paper shall only be valid if more than half of the available votes have been cast.’
Second part
those words
Amendment 49CP (rule 52, rest)
First part
Text as a whole without the words: ‘and requests for split votes or separate votes’
Second part
those words
Amendment 60
First part
Text as a whole excluding paragraph 1a
Second part
Paragraph 1a
Amendment 74
First part
Text as a whole excluding paragraph 2
Second part
Paragraph 2
Amendment 139
First part
Text as a whole without the words: ‘roll-call’
Second part
those words
Amendment 147
First part
Text as a whole excluding paragraph 4a
Second part
Paragraph 4a
Amendment 184
First part
Text as a whole excluding paragraphs 1 and 2 and the word ‘thirty’ in paragraph 3, (b) and (c)
Second part
Paragraph 1
Third part
Paragraph 2
Fourth part
‘thirty’ in paragraph 3, points (b) and (c)
Amendment 201
First part
Text as a whole excluding paragraph 1a
Second part
Paragraph 1a
Amendment 206
First part
Text as a whole without the words: ‘each Member may give a maximum of three oral explanations of vote per part-session’ and ‘secret ballot or’
Second part
‘each Member may give a maximum of three oral explanations of vote per part-session’
Third part
‘secret ballot or’
Miscellaneous: The EFDD Group had withdrawn its amendments 376-379.
The President had ruled amendment 320 inadmissible.
György Schöpflin moved an oral amendment to Amendment 181, which then read as follows:
‘Rule 162(4)(ca)
the allocation of speaking time in the plenary shall take into consideration the fact that Members with disabilities might need more time’
4. Situation of fundamental rights in the European Union in 2015
Text as a whole without the words: ‘to create safe and legal routes for asylum seekers in order’
Second part
those words
§ 33
First part
‘Emphasises that any system of indiscriminate mass surveillance constitutes a serious interference with the fundamental rights of citizens;’
Second part
‘stresses that any legislative proposal in the Member States related to surveillance capabilities of intelligence bodies should always comply with the Charter and the principle of proportionality and necessity and, while acknowledging the exclusive competences of Member States in this regard,’
Third part
‘calls on the Commission closely to monitor the compliance of such legislative developments with the Treaties, as they potentially raise important legal issues;’
§ 65
First part
‘Regrets that women and girls do not enjoy the same protection against violence in all Member States; stresses that many improvements are still needed to combat violence against women and girls;’
Second part
‘calls on the EU to sign and ratify the Istanbul Convention, following the launch of the procedure by the Commission in March 2016; reminds the Member States that the EU’s accession to the Istanbul Convention does not exonerate them from signing, ratifying and enforcing the Convention, and urges them to do so;’
Third part
‘calls on the Commission and the Member States to review existing legislation, and to keep the issue of violence against women high on the agenda, as gender-based violence should not be tolerated;’
Fourth part
‘reiterates its call on the Commission to submit a legal act establishing measures to promote and support the action of Member States in the field of prevention of violence against women and girls;’
§ 73
First part
‘Recalls, in this context, that equality between men and women can only be achieved through a fair redistribution of paid and unpaid work;’
Second part
‘recognises that upholding women and girls’ fundamental rights can be guaranteed through further economic, political and social empowerment, representation and inclusion; notes that, in recent years, anti-gender equality movements have emerged that challenge existing achievements in the area of women’s rights and gender equality;’
§ 79
First part
Text as a whole without the words: ‘protect and fulfil rights related to the sexual and reproductive health of’
Second part
those words
5. A coherent EU policy for cultural and creative industries
Report: Christian Ehler and Luigi Morgano (A8-0357/2016)
Am No
RCV etc.
RCV/EV – remarks
§ 2
original text
§ 5
original text
§ 6
original text
§ 8
original text
§ 11
original text
§ 12
original text
§ 13
original text
411, 258, 34
§ 16
original text
§ 24
original text
572, 124, 9
§ 25
original text
§ 27
original text
§ 34
original text
§ 38
original text
490, 156, 58
385, 256, 48
§ 42
original text
428, 230, 41
§ 45
original text
§ 53
original text
§ 54
original text
§ 61
original text
500, 177, 28
Recital Z
original text
Vote: resolution (text as a whole)
540, 77, 85
Requests for roll-call votes
§§ 24 (2nd part), 38
§§ 42, 61
Requests for separate votes
§ 27
recital Z, §§ 5, 42, 45, 53
Requests for split votes
§ 24
First part
‘Points out that the atypical employment (part-time and fixed-duration contracts, temporary work and economically dependent self-employment) of cultural and creative workers, specifically in the media and culture sector, is commonplace; underlines the need to remove obstacles to mobility of artists and culture professionals and supports the European Economic and Social Committee’s request to the Commission to provide an appropriate solution to improve mobility within the EU for CCI workers’
Second part
‘and ease visa procedures for exchanges with third countries;’
§ 34
First part
Text as a whole without the words: ‘awareness campaigns and’
Second part
those words
§ 54
First part
Text as a whole without the words: ‘Increase the budget of Creative Europe and the Guarantee Facility, in order to’
Second part
those words
§ 2
First part
Text as a whole without the words: ‘In particular from intellectual property’
Second part
those words
§ 6
First part
Text as a whole without the words: ‘stresses that digital technology and infrastructure rely on the content provided by creators;’ And ‘creators and all parties involved in the creative process and their works’
Second part
those words
§ 12
First part
Text as a whole without the words: ‘and strengthen’
Second part
those words
§ 16
First part
‘Considers it essential for the EU and its Member States to maintain the possibility of preserving and developing their cultural and audiovisual policies, and to do so in the context of their existing laws, standards and agreements, including the UNESCO Convention on the Protection and Promotion of the Diversity of Cultural Expressions; calls, therefore, for the exclusion of cultural and audiovisual services, including those provided online, to be clearly stated in agreements between the Union and third countries;’
Second part
‘emphasises, in this context, the need to keep cultural and audiovisual services outside the scope of the negotiating mandate for general free trade agreements, while pointing out that cultural and creative works have a dual and intrinsic value;’
§ 25
First part
Text as a whole without the words: ‘legal and institutional’ and ‘with respect to contracts, means of collective representation, social security, sickness insurance, direct and indirect taxation and compliance with European rules’
Second part
‘legal and institutional’
Third part
‘with respect to contracts, means of collective representation, social security, sickness insurance, direct and indirect taxation and compliance with European rules’
Verts/ALE, ALDE:
§ 8
First part
Text as a whole without the words: ‘in order to make it clear that liability exemptions can only apply to genuinely neutral and passive online service providers, as defined by the E-Commerce Directive and the case law of the CJEU, and not to services that play an active role in distributing, promoting and monetising content at the expense of creators;’
Second part
those words
§ 11
First part
Text as a whole without the words: ‘stresses that these illicit activities cause serious income and job losses, and can result in safety and health concerns that need to be addressed;’ and ‘and underlines the need to reinforce the fight against these illegal activities’
Second part
‘stresses that these illicit activities cause serious income and job losses, and can result in safety and health concerns that need to be addressed;’ without ‘and health’
Third part
‘and health’
Fourth part
‘and underlines the need to reinforce the fight against these illegal activities’
§ 13
First part
‘Calls on the Commission to propose effective measures to fight online piracy,’
Second part
‘in particular to ensure that online services which host content apply effective means in order to remove unlicensed content from their services’
Third part
‘and to take action to prevent this content, once removed, from reappearing;’
§ 38
First part
‘Calls for the creation of a ‘European award for creative and cultural industries’’
Second part
‘designed along the same lines as the ‘Franco-German Prize for Creative and Cultural Industries’’
6. Rights of women in the Eastern Partnership States
‘Encourages the EaP countries to sign and ratify the Istanbul Convention on preventing and combating violence against women as soon as possible, since none of the countries concerned have ratified it, and’
Second part
‘calls on the authorities to put in place and strictly monitor the effective implementation of national strategies to combat violence against women;’
Recital T
First part
‘whereas prenatal care and skilled birth attendance at delivery, with backup emergency obstetric care and essential supplies in place are crucial in reducing maternal mortality;’
Second part
‘whereas EaP countries are still lagging behind in reaching all women, especially those in the poorest, most remote areas and those belonging to marginalised groups such as national minorities, migrants and women with disabilities;’
§ 25
First part
Text as a whole without the words: ‘especially Moldova, Georgia and Azerbaijan’
Second part
those words
§ 34
First part
Text as a whole without the words: ‘according to the Nordic model’
Second part
those words
§ 51
First part
Text as a whole without the words: ‘impose the’, ‘of’ and ‘and to implement gender budgeting and gender impact assessments’
Second part
‘impose the’ and ‘of’
Third part
‘and to implement gender budgeting and gender impact assessments’
§ 11
First part
Text as a whole without the words: ‘all’ and ‘obligatory quotas for the lists of candidates’
Second part
Third part
‘obligatory quotas for the lists of candidates’
§ 38
First part
Text as a whole without the words: ‘contraception’ and ‘safe and legal abortion and sex education’