2. International aviation agreements (motions for resolutions tabled)
Question for oral answer (O-000128/2016) by Michael Cramer, on behalf of the TRAN Committee, to the Commission: International aviation agreements (2016/2961(RSP)) (B8-1807/2016)
Motions for resolutions to wind up the debate tabled under Rule 128(5):
— Michael Cramer, on behalf of the TRAN Committee, on international aviation agreements (2016/2961(RSP)) (B8-1337/2016);
— Daniela Aiuto, Rolandas Paksas, Rosa D’Amato and Peter Lundgren, on behalf of the EFDD Group, on international aviation agreements (2016/2961(RSP)) (B8-1338/2016);
— Marie-Christine Arnautu, on behalf of the ENF, on international aviation agreements (2016/2961(RSP)) (B8-1339/2016).