MinutesVotesRoll-call votesTexts adoptedVerbatim reports
Wednesday, 18 January 2017 - Strasbourg
 1.Opening of the sitting
 2.Election of the Vice-Presidents of the European Parliament (first ballot) (announcement of nominations)
 3.Election of Vice-Presidents of the European Parliament (first ballot)
 4.Election of Vice-Presidents of the European Parliament (first ballot) (announcement of results)
 5.Documents received
 6.Order of business
 7.Voting time
7.1.Numerical strength of the standing committees (vote)
 8.Explanations of vote
 9.Corrections to votes and voting intentions
 10.Programme of activities of the Maltese Presidency (debate)
 11.Election of the Vice-Presidents of Parliament (second ballot) (announcement of nominations)
 12.Election of the Vice-Presidents of Parliament (second ballot) (announcement of results)
 13.Approval of the minutes of the previous sittings
 14.Implementing measures (Rule 106)
 15.Conclusions of the European Council meeting of 15 December 2016 (debate)
 16.Election of the Quaestors of the European Parliament
 17.Amendment of the agenda
 18.Appointments to committees
 19.State of play on the Financial Transaction Tax negotiations (debate)
 20.Composition of committees and delegations
 21.Emergency Aid for refugees and migrants facing severe weather conditions in European camps (debate)
 22.Logistics in the EU and multimodal transport in the new TEN-T corridors (short presentation)
 23.Delegated acts (Rule 105(6))
 24.Debate on cases of breaches of human rights, democracy and the rule of law (announcement of motions for resolutions tabled)
 25.Agenda of the next sitting
 26.Closure of the sitting
 Annex 1 - Election of the Vice-Presidents of Parliament (First ballot)
 Annex 2 - Election of the Vice-Presidents of Parliament (Second ballot)
 Annex 3 - Election of Quaestors of the European Parliament
Minutes (193 kb) Attendance register (65 kb)    Annex 1 (7 kb) Annex 2 (7 kb) Annex 3 (6 kb) 
Minutes (86 kb) Attendance register (11 kb) Results of votes (17 kb)    
Minutes (300 kb) Attendance register (66 kb) Results of votes (205 kb)    
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