Angelika Mlinar (ALDE Group) had also signed joint motion for a resolution RC-B8-0695/2017.
Molly Scott Cato moved an oral amendment to recital C, which then read as follows:
“whereas after spending the last ten years in prison, Teodora del Carmen Vásquez’s case was reviewed by the Second Sentencing Tribunal on 13 December 2017 and her appeal was rejected, and Evelyn Beatriz Hernandez Cruz’s sentence was confirmed in October 2017;”
4. Decision to enter into interinstitutional negotiations: Enforcement of the Directive 2006/123/EC on services in the internal market, laying down a notification procedure for authorisation schemes and requirements related to services, and amending Directive 2006/123/EC and Regulation (EU) No 1024/2012 on administrative cooperation through the Internal Market Information System ***I
‘Reminds the Commission that restrictions on online contents should be grounded in the law, well defined, proportionate, legitimate and pursue a clear aim;’
Second part
‘considers, therefore, that any measures set by Member States to monitor services such as video-sharing platforms should be limited to the protection of minors from child sexual abuse material and online phishing;’
8. Deliberations of the Committee on Petitions 2016
‘Stresses the wide range of subjects raised in the petitions filed, from the internal market, justice, energy and transport to fundamental rights, health, environmental law, disability and animal welfare, and on the various implications of Brexit on citizens;’
Second part
‘underlines the increase by 10 % in the number of petitions received in 2016 (1 569) and calls for the European institutions to adequately staff the services in charge of handling petitions, notably the secretariat of the Committee on Petitions;’
Recital T
First part
Text as a whole excluding the second reference to the word: ‘both’ and the words ‘and the supporters’
Second part
those words
§ 5
First part
‘Continues to consider it a particular obligation to ensure that, where petitions are inadmissible or unfounded, no disproportionately long delay occurs before they are declared inadmissible or are closed;’
Second part
‘emphasises, in this context, the requirement that the inadmissibility or closure of petitions on account of being unfounded must be carefully justified vis-à-vis the petitioner;’
Recital O
First part
Text as a whole excluding the words: ‘rapidly’, ‘in order not to overburden the work of the committee’ and ‘administrative’
Second part
those words
amendment 1
First part
Text as a whole excluding the word: ‘full’
Second part
this word
amendment 3
First part
Text as a whole excluding the word: ‘full’
Second part
this word
amendment 7
First part
Text as a whole excluding the word: ‘full’
Second part
those words
§ 22
First part
Text as a whole excluding the words: ‘regrets that the Commission failed to duly take into account the recent work on a non-legislative resolution on the ECI, in particular the opinion of the Committee on Petitions, thereby also failing to fully respect the interinstitutional agreement;’
‘Welcomes the Commission’s efforts at developing standards for interoperable electronic tolling systems in the EU, as well as the forthcoming revision of the Eurovignette directive,’
Second part
which should include distance-based charging and differentiation on the basis of CO2 emissions, as well as the possibility of differentiation of charging on the basis of updated Euro standards; believes that the extension of distance-based charging should cover all passenger cars and vans, while allowing for some form of flexibility for remote and sparsely populated areas;’