10. Delegated acts and implementing measures (Rules 105(6) and 106(4)(d))
In accordance with Rule 105(6), the Chair of the Conference of Committee Chairs had informed the President of Parliament that no objections had been raised with regard to:
- The recommendation of the ENVI Committee to raise no objections to the draft Commission regulation amending Commission Regulation (EU) No 389/2013 establishing a Union Registry (D054274-02 - 2017/3013(RPS)) (B8-0041/2018)
If no objections to this recommendation are raised by a political group or by a number of Members corresponding at least to the threshold within 24 hours, it shall be deemed to have been approved. If this is not the case, it shall be put to the vote.
The recommendation is available on Europarl for the duration of the current part-session.