MinutesVotesRoll-call votesTexts adoptedVerbatim reports
Tuesday, 29 May 2018 - Strasbourg
 1.Opening of the sitting
 2.2021-2027 Multiannual Financial Framework and own resources (debate)
 3.Posting of workers in the framework of the provision of services ***I (debate)
 4.Statement by the President
 5.Formal sitting - Republic of Guinea
 6.Resumption of the sitting
 7.Voting time
7.1.Extension of the term of office of the Special Committee on Terrorism (vote)
7.2.Fishing mortality ranges and safeguard levels for certain herring stocks in the Baltic Sea ***I (Rule 150) (vote)
7.3.Statistics of goods transport by inland waterways (codification) ***I (Rule 150) (vote)
7.4.EU-Switzerland Agreement on the cumulation of origin between the EU, Switzerland, Norway and Turkey in the framework of the Generalised System of Preferences *** (Rule 150) (vote)
7.5.EU-Norway Agreement on the cumulation of origin between the EU, Switzerland, Norway and Turkey in the framework of the Generalised System of Preferences *** (Rule 150) (vote)
7.6.EU-Norway Agreement on administrative cooperation, combating fraud and recovery of claims in the field of Value Added Tax* (Rule 150) (vote)
7.7.Optimisation of the value chain in the EU fishing sector (Rule 150) (vote)
7.8.Implementation of CAP young farmers’ tools in the EU after the 2013 reform (Rule 150) (vote)
7.9.Multiannual plan for demersal stocks in the North Sea and the fisheries exploiting those stocks ***I (vote)
7.10.Posting of workers in the framework of the provision of services ***I (vote)
7.11.Management, conservation and control measures applicable in the Convention Area of the South Pacific Regional Fisheries Management Organisation ***I (vote)
7.12.Sustainable finance (vote)
7.13.The 2017 EU Justice Scoreboard (vote)
 8.Explanations of vote
 9.Corrections to votes and voting intentions
 10.Resumption of the sitting
 11.Approval of the minutes of the previous sitting
 12.Request for consultation of the European Economic and Social Committee on (Rule 137(2))
 13.Situation in Gaza Strip and the status of Jerusalem (debate)
 14.Situation in Nicaragua (debate)
 15.US tariffs in the steel and aluminium sector and the EU's response (debate)
 16.Corrigendum (Rule 231)
 17.Recommendation to the Council, the Commission and the Vice-President of the Commission/High Representative on Libya (debate)
 18.Annual Report on the functioning of the Schengen area (debate)
 19.Minimum standards on the rights, support and protection of victims of crime (debate)
 20.Composition of political groups
 21.Protection against dumped and subsidised imports from countries not members of the EU ***II (debate)
 22.Annual report on the implementation of the Common Commercial Policy (debate)
 23.Agenda of the next sitting
 24.Closure of the sitting
Minutes (162 kb) Attendance register (63 kb) Results of votes (57 kb) Results of roll-call votes (468 kb) 
Minutes (77 kb) Attendance register (11 kb) Results of votes (27 kb) Results of roll-call votes (51 kb) 
Minutes (263 kb) Attendance register (70 kb) Results of votes (447 kb) Results of roll-call votes (768 kb) 
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