Report on the proposal for a regulation of the European Parliament and of the Council establishing the Connecting Europe Facility and repealing Regulations (EU) No 1316/2013 and (EU) No 283/2014 [COM(2018)0438 - C8-0255/2018 - 2018/0228(COD)] - Committee on Industry, Research and Energy - Committee on Transport and Tourism. Rapporteurs: Henna Virkkunen, Marian-Jean Marinescu and Pavel Telička (A8-0409/2018)
Henna Virkkunen introduced the report
IN THE CHAIR: Antonio TAJANI President
The President announced that following the attack in central Strasbourg that evening, which had killed or injured several people, Parliament's doors had been locked for security reasons. He stressed that Parliament would not be intimidated but would continue with its business and thus respond to violence with democracy and freedom.
IN THE CHAIR: Zdzisław KRASNODĘBSKI Vice-President
Marian-Jean Marinescu and Pavel Telička introduced the report.
The following spoke: Violeta Bulc (Member of the Commission).
The following spoke Mirosław Piotrowski (rapporteur for the opinion of the REGI Committee), Markus Pieper, on behalf of the PPE Group, Inés Ayala Sender, on behalf of the S&D Group, Fabio Massimo Castaldo (rapporteur for the opinion of the AFET Committee), Dominique Riquet, on behalf of the ALDE Group, Tania González Peñas, on behalf of the GUE/NGL Group, Indrek Tarand, on a point of order, Jakop G. Dalunde, on behalf of the Verts/ALE Group, Mario Borghezio, Dario Tamburrano, on behalf of the EFDD Group, Massimiliano Salini, Miapetra Kumpula-Natri and Karima Delli.
The following spoke Violeta Bulc and Pavel Telička.
The following spoke: Edouard Martin on the advisability of continuing the sitting.