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Procedure : 2017/0123(COD)
Document stages in plenary
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Debates :

PV 03/07/2018 - 18
CRE 03/07/2018 - 18
PV 27/03/2019 - 8
CRE 27/03/2019 - 8

Votes :

PV 14/06/2018 - 7.9
CRE 14/06/2018 - 7.9
PV 04/07/2018 - 9.3
CRE 04/07/2018 - 9.3
Explanations of votes
PV 04/04/2019 - 6.9
CRE 04/04/2019 - 6.9
Explanations of votes

Texts adopted :


Wednesday, 27 March 2019 - Strasbourg


8. Enforcement requirements and specific rules for posting drivers in the road transport sector ***I - Daily and weekly driving times, minimum breaks and rest periods and positioning by means of tachographs ***I - Adapting to development in the road transport sector ***I (debate)
Verbatim reports

Report on the proposal for a directive of the European Parliament and of the Council amending Directive 2006/22/EC as regards enforcement requirements and laying down specific rules with respect to Directive 96/71/EC and Directive 2014/67/EU for posting drivers in the road transport sector [COM(2017)0278 - C8-0170/2017- 2017/0121(COD)] - Committee on Transport and Tourism. Rapporteur: Merja Kyllönen (A8-0206/2018)

Report on the proposal for a regulation of the European Parliament and of the Council amending Regulation (EC) No 561/2006 as regards on minimum requirements on maximum daily and weekly driving times, minimum breaks and daily and weekly rest periods and Regulation (EU) No 165/2014 as regards positioning by means of tachographs [COM(2017)0277 - C8-0167/2017- 2017/0122(COD)] - Committee on Transport and Tourism. Rapporteur: Wim van de Camp (A8-0205/2018)

Report on the proposal for a regulation of the European Parliament and of the Council amending Regulation (EC) 1071/2009 and Regulation (EC) 1072/2009 with a view to adapting them to developments in the sector [COM(2017)0281 - C8-0169/2017 - 2017/0123(COD)] - Committee on Transport and Tourism. Rapporteur: Ismail Ertug (A8-0204/2018)

An initial debate had taken place on 3 July 2018 (minutes of 3.7.2018, item 18).
The question had been referred back for interinstitutional negotiations to the committee responsible, in accordance with Rule 59(4), on 4 July 2018 (minutes of 4.7.2018, item 9.1, minutes of 4.7.2018, item 9.2 and minutes of 4.7.2018, item 9.3).

Merja Kyllönen, Wim van de Camp and Ismail Ertug introduced the reports.

The following spoke: Georges Bach (rapporteur for the opinion of the EMPL Committee), and Martina Dlabajová (rapporteur for the opinion of the EMPL Committee), who also replied to a blue-card question by Michael Cramer.

The following spoke: Karmenu Vella (Member of the Commission).

The following spoke: Verónica Lope Fontagné (rapporteur for the opinion of the EMPL Committee), Andor Deli, on behalf of the PPE Group, Inés Ayala Sender, on behalf of the S&D Group, Roberts Zīle, on behalf of the ECR Group, Izaskun Bilbao Barandica, on behalf of the ALDE Group, Karima Delli, on behalf of the Verts/ALE Group, Tania González Peñas, on behalf of the GUE/NGL Group, Rosa D'Amato, on behalf of the EFDD Group, Georg Mayer, on behalf of the ENF Group, who also replied to a blue-card question by Karima Delli, Elżbieta Katarzyna Łukacijewska, who also replied to a blue-card question by Dennis Radtke, Isabella De Monte, Kosma Złotowski, who also replied to a blue-card question by Ismail Ertug, Pavel Telička, Keith Taylor, Rina Ronja Kari, Marie-Christine Arnautu, Dieter-Lebrecht Koch, Evelyn Regner, Peter van Dalen, Gesine Meissner, Marie-Pierre Vieu, Marian-Jean Marinescu, Ole Christensen, Ilhan Kyuchyuk, Claudia Schmidt, Mercedes Bresso, Luis de Grandes Pascual, Bogusław Liberadzki, Danuta Jazłowiecka, Agnes Jongerius, Elisabeth Morin-Chartier, Peter Kouroumbashev, Cláudia Monteiro de Aguiar, Claudia Țapardel and Andrey Novakov.

The following spoke under the catch-the-eye procedure: Laima Liucija Andrikienė, Zigmantas Balčytis, Peter Lundgren, João Pimenta Lopes, Michaela Šojdrová, Nicola Caputo, Csaba Sógor, Cristian-Silviu Buşoi, Michael Cramer and Antanas Guoga.

The following spoke: Karmenu Vella, Merja Kyllönen, Wim van de Camp and Ismail Ertug.

The debate closed.

Vote: next part-session.

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