8. Enforcement requirements and specific rules for posting drivers in the road transport sector ***I - Daily and weekly driving times, minimum breaks and rest periods and positioning by means of tachographs ***I - Adapting to development in the road transport sector ***I (debate)
Report on the proposal for a directive of the European Parliament and of the Council amending Directive 2006/22/EC as regards enforcement requirements and laying down specific rules with respect to Directive 96/71/EC and Directive 2014/67/EU for posting drivers in the road transport sector [COM(2017)0278 - C8-0170/2017- 2017/0121(COD)] - Committee on Transport and Tourism. Rapporteur: Merja Kyllönen (A8-0206/2018)
Report on the proposal for a regulation of the European Parliament and of the Council amending Regulation (EC) No 561/2006 as regards on minimum requirements on maximum daily and weekly driving times, minimum breaks and daily and weekly rest periods and Regulation (EU) No 165/2014 as regards positioning by means of tachographs [COM(2017)0277 - C8-0167/2017- 2017/0122(COD)] - Committee on Transport and Tourism. Rapporteur: Wim van de Camp (A8-0205/2018)
Report on the proposal for a regulation of the European Parliament and of the Council amending Regulation (EC) 1071/2009 and Regulation (EC) 1072/2009 with a view to adapting them to developments in the sector [COM(2017)0281 - C8-0169/2017 - 2017/0123(COD)] - Committee on Transport and Tourism. Rapporteur: Ismail Ertug (A8-0204/2018)
Merja Kyllönen, Wim van de Camp and Ismail Ertug introduced the reports.
The following spoke: Georges Bach (rapporteur for the opinion of the EMPL Committee), and Martina Dlabajová (rapporteur for the opinion of the EMPL Committee), who also replied to a blue-card question by Michael Cramer.
The following spoke: Karmenu Vella (Member of the Commission).
The following spoke: Verónica Lope Fontagné (rapporteur for the opinion of the EMPL Committee), Andor Deli, on behalf of the PPE Group, Inés Ayala Sender, on behalf of the S&D Group, Roberts Zīle, on behalf of the ECR Group, Izaskun Bilbao Barandica, on behalf of the ALDE Group, Karima Delli, on behalf of the Verts/ALE Group, Tania González Peñas, on behalf of the GUE/NGL Group, Rosa D'Amato, on behalf of the EFDD Group, Georg Mayer, on behalf of the ENF Group, who also replied to a blue-card question by Karima Delli, Elżbieta Katarzyna Łukacijewska, who also replied to a blue-card question by Dennis Radtke, Isabella De Monte, Kosma Złotowski, who also replied to a blue-card question by Ismail Ertug, Pavel Telička, Keith Taylor, Rina Ronja Kari, Marie-Christine Arnautu, Dieter-Lebrecht Koch, Evelyn Regner, Peter van Dalen, Gesine Meissner, Marie-Pierre Vieu, Marian-Jean Marinescu, Ole Christensen, Ilhan Kyuchyuk, Claudia Schmidt, Mercedes Bresso, Luis de Grandes Pascual, Bogusław Liberadzki, Danuta Jazłowiecka, Agnes Jongerius, Elisabeth Morin-Chartier, Peter Kouroumbashev, Cláudia Monteiro de Aguiar, Claudia Țapardel and Andrey Novakov.
The following spoke under the catch-the-eye procedure: Laima Liucija Andrikienė, Zigmantas Balčytis, Peter Lundgren, João Pimenta Lopes, Michaela Šojdrová, Nicola Caputo, Csaba Sógor, Cristian-Silviu Buşoi, Michael Cramer and Antanas Guoga.
The following spoke: Karmenu Vella, Merja Kyllönen, Wim van de Camp and Ismail Ertug.