The final draft agenda for the April I 2019 sittings (PE 637.886/PDOJ) had been distributed and the following changes had been proposed (Rule 149a):
After consulting the political groups, the President proposed the following changes:
The report by Maria Grapini entitled 'Establishing the 'Customs' programme for cooperation in the field of customs' (A8-0464/2018) (item 38 of the final draft agenda) and the report by Jiří Pospíšil entitled 'Establishing the instrument for financial support for customs control equipment' (A8-0460/2018) (item 39 of the final draft agenda) would be put to the vote during the April II part-session.
The recommendation by Jean Arthuis entitled 'Implementation and financing of the EU general budget for 2019 in relation to the UK's withdrawal from the Union' (item 49 of the final draft agenda), which had been included without debate in voting time, had not yet been adopted by the BUDG Committee. It had therefore been withdrawn from the agenda.
The JURI Committee had adopted the 3 reports by Angel Dzhambazki (A8-0185/2019, A8-0184/2019 and A8-0183/2019) on requests for waivers of immunity. In accordance with Rule 9(9), they had been included in voting time on Thursday.
Parliament noted its agreement with the above changes.
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Request by the PPE Group for the title of the Council and Commission declarations entitled 'Trade relations between the EU and China' (item 81 of the final draft agenda) to be replaced by the title 'EU-China relations'.
The following spoke: Cristian Dan Preda, on behalf of the PPE Group, to move the request.
Parliament approved the request by roll-call vote (304 for, 177 against, 13 abstentions).
Request by a group of Members reaching at least the low threshold, and by the EFDD and ECR Groups, for the vote on the 'Mobility Package', including the reports by Ismail Ertug (A8-0204/2018), Merja Kyllönen (A8-0206/2018) and Wim van de Camp (A8-0205/2018) (items 76, 77 and 78 of the final draft agenda), to be withdrawn from the agenda.
The following spoke: Andrey Novakov, to move the request on behalf of a number of Members reaching at least the low threshold, and Ismail Ertug (rapporteur), to oppose the request.
Parliament rejected the request by roll-call vote (219 for, 267 against, 17 abstentions).
In view of the length of voting time, the President proposed moving the start of the debates to 8.30 and voting time to 11.00.
The House agreed to the proposal.
The President announced that, pursuant to Rule 174(8), a number of amendments with similar content or objectives would be put to the vote together.
Request by the EFDD Group for a debate on the report by Sergei Stanishev entitled 'Report on the proposal for a regulation of the European Parliament and of the Council amending Council Regulation (EC) No 539/2001 listing the third countries whose nationals must be in possession of visas when crossing the external borders and those whose nationals are exempt from that requirement, as regards the withdrawal of the United Kingdom from the Union' (A8-0047/2019) (item 73 of the final draft agenda), which had been included without debate in voting time, to be included as the first item on the agenda.
The following spoke: Julia Reid, on behalf of the EFDD Group, to move the request, and Esteban González Pons, on behalf of the PPE Group, to oppose the request.
Parliament rejected the request by roll-call vote (144 for, 299 against, 9 abstentions).
Request by the S&D Group for a Commission declaration on a global European Union framework for endocrine disruptors to be included as the third item on the agenda. The debate would be closed by the tabling of proposals for resolutions which would be put to the vote during the next part-session.
The following spoke: Eric Andrieu, on behalf of the S&D Group, to move the request.
Parliament rejected the request by roll-call vote (216 for, 222 against, 12 abstentions).