The session suspended on Thursday, 4 April 2019 was resumed.
2. Opening of the sitting
The sitting opened at 17.03.
3. Statements by the President
The President made a statement on the case of 2012 Sakharov Prize winner Nasrin Sotoudeh, who had been handed down a harsh sentence by the Iranian courts for her commitment to human rights. The President unreservedly condemned the verdict on behalf of Parliament and called for her immediate release.
The President extended Parliament's condolences to the families of the victims of the dramatic floods which had recently struck Iran and stressed the European Union's readiness to help to relieve the humanitarian situation in that country.
The President made a statement on the occasion of the end of the parliamentary term in which he recalled Parliament's key role and took stock of his time in office.
4. Approval of the minutes of the previous sittings
The minutes of the sittings of 3 April 2019 and 4 April 2019 were approved.
° ° ° °
The following spoke: Tomáš Zdechovský.
5. Composition of Parliament
Ivari Padar had been elected to the Estonian Parliament, with effect from 4 April 2019.
The House took note that, under Article 7(2) of the Act concerning the election of the Members of the European Parliament by direct universal suffrage, that office was incompatible with Membership of the European Parliament, and established the vacancy of his seat as of that date.
° ° ° °
The Estonian authorities had given notice of the election of Hannes Hanso to replace Ivari Padar as Member of Parliament with effect from 4 April 2019.
6. Composition of committees and delegations
At the request of the S&D Group, Parliament ratified the following appointments:
LIBE Committee: Hannes Hanso
Delegation to the EU-Ukraine Parliamentary Cooperation Committee: Hannes Hanso
7. Interpretation of the Rules of Procedure
The President informed the House, under Rule 226(3), of the following interpretations of the following rules, provided by the Committee on Constitutional Affairs:
Interpretation of Rule 32(5), first subparagraph, second indent:
'The political declaration of a group shall set out the values that the group stands for and the main political objectives which its members intend to pursue together in the framework of the exercise of their mandate. The declaration shall describe the common political orientation of the group in a substantial, distinctive and genuine way.'
Interpretation of Rule 149a(2):
'The drafting or amendment of the title of a resolution tabled to wind up a debate under Rules 123, 128 or 135 does not constitute a change to the agenda, provided that the title remains within the scope of the subject being debated.'
If no objections to these interpretations were raised by a political group or by a number of Members corresponding at least to the threshold, pursuant to Rule 226(4) of the Rules of Procedure, within a period of 24 hours following their announcement, they would be deemed to have been approved. If this was not the case, they would be put to the vote in Parliament.
8. Announcement by the President
The President announced that the DEVE and BUDG Committees as the competent committees consulted in line with Article 234 of the Financial Regulation had submitted their joint position on the extension of the Union Trust Fund for the Central African Republic (BEKOU Trust Fund), created by Commission decision C(2014) 5019 of 11.7.2014 and set to expire on 30 July 2019.
- Joint position of the Committee on Development and the Committee on Budgets as the competent committees consulted in line with Article 234 of the Financial Regulation (2018/1046) on the extension of the Union Trust Fund for the Central African Republic (BEKOU Trust Fund), created by Commission decision C(2014) 5019 of 11.7.2014 and set to expire on 30 July 2019 - adopted by the Coordinators of BUDG and DEVE on 1 and 2 April 2019 respectively.
If no objections to this joint position were raised by a political group or a number of Members reaching at least the low threshold within 24 hours of its announcement, it would be officially forwarded to the European Commission.
9. Signature of acts adopted under the ordinary legislative procedure (Rule 78)
The President had signed the following act adopted under the ordinary legislative procedure (Rule 78):
- Regulation of the European Parliament and of the Council amending Regulation (EU) 2018/1806 listing the third countries whose nationals must be in possession of visas when crossing the external borders and those whose nationals are exempt from that requirement, as regards the withdrawal of the United Kingdom from the Union (00071/2019/LEX - C8-0156/2019 – 2018/0390(COD))
The President announced that on Wednesday, 17 April 2019, together with the President of the Council, he would sign the following acts adopted under the ordinary legislative procedure:
- Directive of the European Parliament and of the Council on copyright and related rights in the Digital Single Market and amending Directives 96/9/EC and 2001/29/EC (00051/2019/LEX - C8-0175/2019 - 2016/0280(COD));
- Directive of the European Parliament and of the Council amending Directive 2009/73/EC concerning common rules for the internal market in natural gas (00058/2019/LEX - C8-0174/2019 - 2017/0294(COD));
- Regulation of the European Parliament and of the Council amending Protocol No 3 on the Statute of the Court of Justice of the European Union (00001/2019/LEX - C8-0173/2019 - 2018/0900(COD));
- Regulation of the European Parliament and of the Council on the definition, description, presentation and labelling of spirit drinks, the use of the names of spirit drinks in the presentation and labelling of other foodstuffs, the protection of geographical indications for spirit drinks, the use of ethyl alcohol and distillates of agricultural origin in alcoholic beverages, and repealing Regulation (EC) No 110/2008 (00075/2018/LEX - C8-0172/2019 - 2016/0392(COD));
- Regulation of the European Parliament and of the Council on ENISA (the European Union Agency for Cybersecurity) and on information and communications technology cybersecurity certification and repealing Regulation (EU) No 526/2013 (Cybersecurity Act) (00086/2018/LEX - C8-0171/2019 - 2017/0225(COD));
- Regulation of the European Parliament and of the Council amending Regulation (EU) No 952/2013 to prolong the transitional use of means other than the electronic data-processing techniques provided for in the Union Customs Code (00044/2019/LEX - C8-0170/2019 - 2018/0040(COD));
- Directive of the European Parliament and of the Council amending Council Framework Decision 2009/315/JHA, as regards the exchange of information on third-country nationals and as regards the European Criminal Records Information System (ECRIS), and replacing Council Decision 2009/316/JHA (00087/2018/LEX - C8-0169/2019 - 2016/0002(COD));
- Directive of the European Parliament and of the Council on port reception facilities for the delivery of waste from ships, amending Directive 2010/65/EU and repealing Directive 2000/59/EC (00085/2018/LEX - C8-0168/2019 - 2018/0012(COD));
- Regulation of the European Parliament and of the Council on the European citizens' initiative (00092/2018/LEX - C8-0167/2019 - 2017/0220(COD));
- Regulation of the European Parliament and of the Council establishing a centralised system for the identification of Member States holding conviction information on third country nationals and stateless persons (ECRIS TCN) to supplement the European Criminal Records Information System and amending Regulation (EU) 2018/1726 (00088/2018/LEX - C8-0166/2019 - 2017/0144(COD));
- Directive of the European Parliament and of the Council on combating fraud and counterfeiting of non-cash means of payment and replacing Council Framework Decision 2001/413/JHA (00089/2018/LEX - C8-0165/2019 - 2017/0226(COD));
- Regulation of the European Parliament and of the Council setting CO2 emission performance standards for new passenger cars and for new light commercial vehicles, and repealing Regulations (EC) No 443/2009 and (EU) No 510/2011 (recast) (00006/2019/LEX - C8-0164/2019 - 2017/0293(COD));
- Regulation of the European Parliament and of the Council on the introduction and the import of cultural goods (00082/2019/LEX - C8-0163/2019 - 2017/0158(COD));
- Directive of the European parliament and of the Council on the accessibility requirements for products and services (00081/2019/LEX - C8-0162/2019 - 2015/0278(COD));
- Regulation of the European Parliament and of the Council on safeguarding competition in air transport, and repealing Regulation (EC) No 868/2004 (00077/2019/LEX - C8-0161/2019 - 2017/0116(COD));
- Regulation of the European Parliament and of the Council amending Regulation (EU) No 1303/2013 as regards the resources for the specific allocation for the Youth Employment Initiative (00066/2019/LEX - C8-0160/2019 - 2019/0027(COD));
- Directive of the European Parliament and of the Council laying down rules on the exercise of copyright and related rights applicable to certain online transmissions of broadcasting organisations and retransmissions of television and radio programmes, and amending Council Directive 93/83/EEC (00007/2019/LEX - C8-0159/2019 - 2016/0284(COD));
- Directive of the European Parliament and of the Council on unfair trading practices in business-to-business relationships in the agricultural and food supply chain (00004/2019/LEX - C8-0158/2019 - 2018/0082(COD));
- Regulation of the European Parliament and of the Council amending Regulation (EU) No 575/2013 as regards minimum loss coverage for non-performing exposures (00002/2019/LEX - C8-0157/2019 - 2018/0060(COD)).
10. Action taken on Parliament's positions and resolutions
The Commission communications on the action taken on the positions and resolutions adopted by Parliament at the November II 2018, December 2018 (2nd part) and January I and II 2019 part-sessions were available on Europarl.
11. Questions for oral answer (submission)
The following questions for oral answer followed by a debate had been placed on the agenda (Rule 128):
— O-000003/2019 by Danuta Maria Hübner, on behalf of the AFCO Committee, to the Council: Negotiations with the Council and Commission on Parliament's right of inquiry: legislative proposal (B8-0019/2019);
— O-000004/2019 by Danuta Maria Hübner, on behalf of the AFCO Committee, to the Commission: Negotiations with the Council and Commission on Parliament's right of inquiry: legislative proposal (B8-0020/2019).
12. Documents received
The following documents had been received:
1) from other institutions
- Council Regulation on measures concerning the implementation and financing of the general budget of the Union in 2019 in relation to the withdrawal of the United Kingdom from the Union (06823/2019 - C8-0155/2019 - 2019/0031(APP))
referred to
responsible :
2)from committees
- ***I Report on the proposal for a regulation of the European Parliament and of the Council amending Regulation (EU, Euratom) No 883/2013 concerning investigations conducted by the European Anti-Fraud Office (OLAF) as regards cooperation with the European Public Prosecutor's Office and the effectiveness of OLAF investigations (COM(2018)0338 - C8-0214/2018 - 2018/0170(COD)) - CONT Committee - Rapporteur: Ingeborg Gräßle (A8-0179/2019)
- ***I Report on the proposal for a regulation of the European Parliament and of the Council on sovereign bond-backed securities (COM(2018)0339 - C8-0206/2018 - 2018/0171(COD)) - ECON Committee - Rapporteur: Jonás Fernández (A8-0180/2019)
- *** Recommendation on the draft Council decision on the conclusion on behalf of the European Union of the International Agreement on Olive Oil and Table Olives, 2015 (06781/2019 - C8-0134/2019 - 2017/0107(NLE)) - INTA Committee - Rapporteur: Eleonora Forenza (A8-0186/2019)
- *** Recommendation on the draft Council decision on the accession of the European Union to the Geneva Act of the Lisbon Agreement on Appellations of Origin and Geographical Indications (06929/2019 - C8-0133/2019 - 2018/0214(NLE)) - JURI Committee - Rapporteur: Virginie Rozière (A8-0187/2019)
- *** Recommendation on the draft Council decision on the renewal of the Agreement on cooperation in science and technology between the European Community and the Government of the Russian Federation (07683/2019 - C8-0153/2019 - 2019/0005(NLE)) - ITRE Committee - Rapporteur: Christian Ehler (A8-0188/2019)
- * Report on the proposal for a Council decision amending the Statute of the European Investment Bank (07651/2019 - C8-0149/2019 - 2019/0804(CNS)) - AFCO Committee - Rapporteur: Danuta Maria Hübner (A8-0189/2019)
- *** Recommendation on the draft Council decision on the conclusion on behalf of the Union of the Agreement between the European Union and the Government of the Republic of the Philippines on certain aspects of air services (15056/2018 - C8-0051/2019 - 2016/0156(NLE)) - TRAN Committee - Rapporteur: Jozo Radoš (A8-0191/2019)
- * Report on the draft Council implementing decision approving the conclusion by Eurojust of the Agreement on Criminal Justice Cooperation between Eurojust and the Kingdom of Denmark (07770/2019 - C8-0152/2019 - 2019/0805(CNS)) - LIBE Committee - Rapporteur: Claude Moraes (A8-0192/2019)
- ***I Report on the proposal for a regulation of the European Parliament and of the Council on preventing the dissemination of terrorist content online (COM(2018)0640 - C8-0405/2018 - 2018/0331(COD)) - LIBE Committee - Rapporteur: Daniel Dalton (A8-0193/2019)
- * Report on the nomination of Viorel Ştefan as a Member of the Court of Auditors (06341/2019 - C8-0049/2019 - 2019/0802(NLE)) - CONT Committee - Rapporteur: Indrek Tarand (A8-0194/2019)
- * Report on the nomination of Ivana Maletić as a Member of the Court of Auditors (07034/2019 - C8-0116/2019 - 2019/0803(NLE)) - CONT Committee - Rapporteur: Indrek Tarand (A8-0195/2019)
- *** Recommendation on the draft Council decision on the conclusion of the Protocol to the Agreement between the European Community and the Kingdom of Denmark on the criteria and mechanisms for establishing the State responsible for examining a request for asylum lodged in Denmark or any other Member State of the European Union and "Eurodac" for the comparison of fingerprints for the effective application of the Dublin Convention regarding access to Eurodac for law enforcement purposes (15822/2018 - C8-0151/2019 - 2018/0423(NLE)) - LIBE Committee - Rapporteur: Ignazio Corrao (A8-0196/2019)
- Recommendation on the draft Council regulation on measures concerning the implementation and financing of the general budget of the Union in 2019 in relation to the withdrawal of the United Kingdom from the Union (06823/2019 - C8-0155/2019 - 2019/0031(APP)) - BUDG Committee - Rapporteur: Jean Arthuis (A8-0197/2019)
13. Order of business
The final draft agenda for the April II 2019 (PE 637.987/PDOJ) sittings had been distributed and the following changes had been proposed (Rule 149a):
In agreement with the political groups, the President proposed that the statements by the Council and Commission on the withdrawal of the United Kingdom from the European Union be brought forward from Wednesday morning to Tuesday morning, as the first item on the agenda (item 129, PDOJ).
Parliament agreed to the proposal.
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The following spoke: Thomas Waitz.
Request from the ECR Group to enter on the agenda, before the one-minute speeches, a statement from the Commission on recognition of the Pontic Greek genocide 1914-1923. The debate would be wound up with the tabling of motions for resolutions.
The following spoke:Notis Marias, on behalf of the ECR Group, to move the request.
Parliament rejected the request by roll-call vote (79 for, 199 against, 18 abstentions).
Request from the GUE/NGL Group to enter on the agenda, in conjunction with the report by Virginie Rozière on the protection of persons reporting on breaches of Union law (A8-0398/2018)(item 55/PDOJ), statements from the Council and the Commission on threats to the rights and integrity of whistle-blowers: the case of Julian Assange.
The following spokeEstefanía Torres Martínez, on behalf of the GUE/NGL Group, to move the request, Eva Joly, on behalf of the Verts/ALE Group, to request that the case of Julian Assange form the subject of a separate debate on the Tuesday morning, and Javier Nart, against the GUE/NGL Group request.
Parliament rejected the request by roll-call vote (40 for, 260 against, 12 abstentions).
Request from the PPE Group to take off the agenda the vote on the report by Ingeborg Grässle on OLAF investigations and cooperation with the European Public Prosecutor's Office (A8-0179/2019) (item 16/PDOJ).
The following spoke Ingeborg Gräßle, on behalf of the PPE Group, to move the request, and Arndt Kohn, against the request.
Parliament rejected the request by roll-call vote (128 for, 178 against, 10 abstentions).
Request from the GUE/NGL Group to enter on the agenda, as the third point in the afternoon, a statement by the Vice-President of the Commission/High Representative of the Union for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy on the recognition by the United States of the Golan Heights as Israeli territory and the possible annexation of Israel's West Bank settlements.
The following spoke: Marisa Matias, on behalf of the GUE/NGL Group, to move the request.
Parliament approved the request by roll-call vote (168 for, 135 against, 6 abstentions).
Request from the GUE/NGL Group to enter on the agenda a statement from the Vice-President of the Commission/High Representative of the Union for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy on the situation in Sudan, without the tabling of motions for resolutions.
The following spokeJoão Pimenta Lopes, on behalf of the GUE/NGL Group, to move the request, and Victor Boştinaru, against the request.
Parliament approved the request.
Request from the Verts/ALE Group to enter on the agenda statements from the Council and the Commission on the possible extradition of Julian Assange.
Parliament agreed to the request by electronic vote (140 in favour, 123 against, 40 abstentions).
Request from the S&D Group to enter on the agenda, as the first item, a debate on the report by Guillaume Balas on the coordination pf social security systems (A8-0386/2018).
The following spoke Maria João Rodrigues, on behalf of the S&D Group, to move the request, Sven Schulze, against the request, Guillaume Balas and Gabriele Zimmer, on behalf of the GUE/NGL Group.
Parliament approved the request by roll-call vote (151 for, 148 against, 5 abstentions).
The sitting would therefore start at 8.30.
The tabling deadlines would be:
for amendments: Tuesday 16 April 2019 at 10.00.
for requests for separate votes and split votes: Wednesday 17 April 2019 at 16.00.
The vote would take place on Thursday.
Request from the EFDD Group to enter on the agenda statements by the Council and Commission on universal digital identity: a fundamental right for all European citizens. The debate would be wound up with the tabling of motions for resolutions, which would be put to the vote on Thursday.
The following spoke: Fabio Massimo Castaldo, on behalf of the EFDD Group, to move the request.
Parliament rejected the request by roll-call vote (20 for, 249 against, 18 abstentions).
No changes.
° ° ° °
The order of business was thus established.
The following spoke: Anna Maria Corazza Bildt
IN THE CHAIR: Lívia JÁRÓKA Vice-President
The following spoke: Virginie Rozière.
14. Protection of persons reporting on breaches of Union law ***I (debate)
Report on the proposal for a directive of the European Parliament and of the Council on the protection of persons reporting on breaches of Union law [COM(2018)0218 - C8-0159/2018 - 2018/0106(COD)] - Committee on Legal Affairs. Rapporteur: Virginie Rozière (A8-0398/2018)
Virginie Rozière introduced the report.
The following spoke: Miguel Viegas (rapporteur for the opinion of the ECON Committee) and Maite Pagazaurtundúa (rapporteur for the opinion of the LIBE Committee).
The following spoke: Věra Jourová (Member of the Commission).
The following spoke: Luke Ming Flanagan (rapporteur for the opinion of the CONT Committee), Patrick Le Hyaric (rapporteur for the opinion of the EMPL Committee), Younous Omarjee (rapporteur for the opinion of the ENVI Committee), Nikolaos Chountis (rapporteur for the opinion of the CULT Committee), Ramón Jáuregui Atondo (rapporteur for the opinion of the AFCO Committee), Axel Voss, on behalf of the PPE Group, Sylvia-Yvonne Kaufmann, on behalf of the S&D Group, Ruža Tomašić, on behalf of the ECR Group, Jean-Marie Cavada, on behalf of the ALDE Group, Pascal Durand, on behalf of the Verts/ALE Group, Fabio Massimo Castaldo, on behalf of the EFDD Group, Francis Zammit Dimech, Sergio Gaetano Cofferati, Julia Reda, Pavel Svoboda, Evelyn Regner, Eva Joly, Carlos Coelho, Ana Gomes, Elly Schlein and David Casa.
The following spoke under the catch-the-eye procedure: Notis Marias and Georgios Epitideios.
The following spoke: Věra Jourová and Virginie Rozière.
Commission statement: Rule of law in Romania (2019/2697(RSP))
Věra Jourová (Member of the Commission) made the statement.
The following spoke: Ingeborg Gräßle, on behalf of the PPE Group, who also replied to a blue-card question by Andi Cristea, Josef Weidenholzer, on behalf of the S&D Group, Monica Macovei, on behalf of the ECR Group, Sophia in 't Veld, on behalf of the ALDE Group, who also replied to two blue-card questions by Cristian Dan Preda and Victor Boştinaru, and Judith Sargentini, on behalf of the Verts/ALE Group.
IN THE CHAIR: Sylvie GUILLAUME Vice-President
The following spoke: Jeroen Lenaers, Dan Nica, Renate Weber, Cristian Dan Preda, Maria Grapini, Gunnar Hökmark, Petri Sarvamaa, Victor Boştinaru, to make a point of order (the Chair cut off the speaker, as his speech was not a point of order), and Siegfried Mureşan, who also replied to a blue-card question by Maria Grapini.
The following spoke under the catch-the-eye procedure: Lívia Járóka, Andi Cristea, Marek Jurek, Norica Nicolai, Krisztina Morvai, Răzvan Popa, Claudia Țapardel, Mircea Diaconu, Maria Gabriela Zoană, Ana Gomes and Juan Fernando López Aguilar.
The following spoke: Věra Jourová.
The debate closed.
16. Cross-border distribution of collective investment undertakings (Directive) ***I - Cross-border distribution of collective investment undertakings (Regulation) ***I (debate)
Report on the proposal for a directive of the European Parliament and of the Council amending Directive 2009/65/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council and Directive 2011/61/EU of the European Parliament and of the Council with regard to cross-border distribution of collective investment funds [COM(2018)0092 - C8-0111/2018 - 2018/0041(COD)] - Committee on Economic and Monetary Affairs. Rapporteur: Wolf Klinz (A8-0430/2018)
Report on the proposal for a regulation of the European Parliament and of the Council on facilitating cross-border distribution of collective investment funds and amending Regulations (EU) No 345/2013 and (EU) No 346/2013 [COM(2018)0110 - C8-0110/2018 - 2018/0045(COD)] - Committee on Economic and Monetary Affairs. Rapporteur: Wolf Klinz (A8-0431/2018)
The following spoke: Valdis Dombrovskis (Vice-President of the Commission).
The following spoke: Alain Lamassoure, on behalf of the PPE Group, Mady Delvaux, on behalf of the S&D Group, Notis Marias, on behalf of the ECR Group, Stefan Gehrold, Neena Gill and Sirpa Pietikäinen.
17. Capital Requirements (Regulation) ***I - Capital Requirements (Directive) ***I - Loss-absorbing and recapitalisation capacity for credit institutions and investment firms (Regulation) ***I -Loss-absorbing and recapitalisation capacity of credit institutions and investment firms (Directive) ***I (debate)
Report on the proposal for a regulation of the European Parliament and of the Council amending Regulation (EU) No 575/2013 as regards the leverage ratio, the net stable funding ratio, requirements for own funds and eligible liabilities, counterparty credit risk, market risk, exposures to central counterparties, exposures to collective investment undertakings, large exposures, reporting and disclosure requirements and amending Regulation (EU) No 648/2012 [COM(2016)0850 - C8-0480/2016 - 2016/0360A(COD)] - Committee on Economic and Monetary Affairs. Rapporteur: Peter Simon (A8-0242/2018)
Report on the proposal for a directive of the European Parliament and of the Council amending Directive 2013/36/EU as regards exempted entities, financial holding companies, mixed financial holding companies, remuneration, supervisory measures and powers and capital conservation measures [COM(2016)0854 - C8-0474/2016 - 2016/0364(COD)] - Committee on Economic and Monetary Affairs. Rapporteur: Peter Simon (A8-0243/2018)
Report on the proposal for a regulation of the European Parliament and of the Council amending Regulation (EU) No 806/2014 as regards loss-absorbing and Recapitalisation Capacity for credit institutions and investment firms [COM(2016)0851 - C8-0478/2016 - 2016/0361(COD)] - Committee on Economic and Monetary Affairs. Rapporteur: Gunnar Hökmark (A8-0216/2018)
Report on the proposal for a directive of the European Parliament and of the Council amending Directive 2014/59/EU on loss-absorbing and recapitalisation capacity of credit institutions and investment firms and amending Directive 98/26/EC, Directive 2002/47/EC, Directive 2012/30/EU, Directive 2011/35/EU, Directive 2005/56/EC, Directive 2004/25/EC and Directive 2007/36/EC [COM(2016)0852 - C8-0481/2016 - 2016/0362(COD)] - Committee on Economic and Monetary Affairs. Rapporteur: Gunnar Hökmark (A8-0218/2018)
Peter Simon and Gunnar Hökmark introduced the reports.
The following spoke: Valdis Dombrovskis (Vice-President of the Commission).
The following spoke: Othmar Karas, on behalf of the PPE Group, Pervenche Berès, on behalf of the S&D Group, also on the subject of the fire at Notre-Dame Cathedral in Paris, Ralph Packet, on behalf of the ECR Group, Martin Schirdewan, on behalf of the GUE/NGL Group, Sven Giegold, on behalf of the Verts/ALE Group, on the subject of the fire at Notre-Dame Cathedral in Paris, Caroline Nagtegaal, on behalf of the ALDE Group, Marco Valli, on behalf of the EFDD Group, Pervenche Berès, on behalf of the S&D Group, Markus Ferber, Pedro Silva Pereira, Notis Marias, Matt Carthy, Ernest Urtasun, also on the subject of the fire at Notre-Dame Cathedral in Paris, Sirpa Pietikäinen, also on the subject of the fire at Notre-Dame Cathedral in Paris, Paul Tang, also on the subject of the fire at Notre-Dame Cathedral in Paris, Joachim Starbatty and Miguel Viegas.
The following spoke under the catch-the-eye procedure: Nicola Caputo.
The following spoke: Valdis Dombrovskis, Gunnar Hökmark and Peter Simon (all also on the subject of the fire at Notre-Dame Cathedral in Paris).
18. Sovereign bond-backed securities ***I (debate)
Report on the proposal for a regulation of the European Parliament and of the Council on sovereign bond-backed securities [COM(2018)0339 - C8-0206/2018 - 2018/0171(COD)] - Committee on Economic and Monetary Affairs. Rapporteur: Jonás Fernández (A8-0180/2019)
Jonás Fernández introduced the report.
The following spoke: Valdis Dombrovskis (Vice-President of the Commission).
The following spoke: Stefan Gehrold, on behalf of the PPE Group, Ralph Packet, on behalf of the ECR Group, also on the subject of the fire at Notre-Dame Cathedral in Paris, Enrique Calvet Chambon, on behalf of the ALDE Group, also on the subject of the fire at Notre-Dame Cathedral in Paris, and Martin Schirdewan, on behalf of the GUE/NGL Group.
IN THE CHAIR: Mairead McGUINNESS Vice-President
The following spoke: Ernest Urtasun, on behalf of the Verts/ALE Group, Lampros Fountoulis and Notis Marias.
The following spoke: Valdis Dombrovskis and Jonás Fernández.
19. European Supervisory Authorities and financial markets ***I - European Union macro-prudential oversight of the financial system and establishing a European Systemic Risk Board ***I - Markets in financial instruments and taking-up and pursuit of the business of Insurance and Reinsurance (Solvency II) ***I (debate)
Report on the proposal for a regulation of the European Parliament and of the Council amending Regulation (EU) No 1093/2010 establishing a European Supervisory Authority (European Banking Authority); Regulation (EU) No 1094/2010 establishing a European Supervisory Authority (European Insurance and Occupational Pensions Authority); Regulation (EU) No 1095/2010 establishing a European Supervisory Authority (European Securities and Markets Authority); Regulation (EU) No 345/2013 on European venture capital funds; Regulation (EU) No 346/2013 on European social entrepreneurship funds; Regulation (EU) No 600/2014 on markets in financial instruments; Regulation (EU) 2015/760 on European long-term investment funds; Regulation (EU) 2016/1011 on indices used as benchmarks in financial instruments and financial contracts or to measure the performance of investment funds; Regulation (EU) 2017/1129 on the prospectus to be published when securities are offered to the public or admitted to trading on a regulated market; and Directive (EU) 2015/849 on the prevention of the use of the financial system for the purposes of money-laundering or terrorist financing [COM(2017)0536 - C8-0319/2017 - 2017/0230(COD)] - Committee on Economic and Monetary Affairs. Rapporteurs: Othmar Karas and Pervenche Berès (A8-0013/2019)
Report on the proposal for a regulation of the European Parliament and of the Council amending Regulation (EU) No 1092/2010 on European Union macro-prudential oversight of the financial system and establishing a European Systemic Risk Board [COM(2017)0538 - C8-0317/2017 - 2017/0232(COD)] - Committee on Economic and Monetary Affairs. Rapporteurs: Othmar Karas and Pervenche Berès (A8-0011/2019)
Report on the proposal for a directive of the European Parliament and of the Council amending Directive 2014/65/EU on markets in financial instruments and Directive 2009/138/EC on the taking-up and pursuit of the business of Insurance and Reinsurance (Solvency II) [COM(2017)0537 - C8-0318/2017 - 2017/0231(COD)] - Committee on Economic and Monetary Affairs. Rapporteurs: Othmar Karas and Pervenche Berès (A8-0012/2019)
Othmar Karas and Pervenche Berèsintroduced the reports.
The following spoke: Valdis Dombrovskis (Vice-President of the Commission) and Věra Jourová (Member of the Commission).
The following spoke: Danuta Maria Hübner (rapporteur for the opinion of the AFCO Committee), Sirpa Pietikäinen, on behalf of the PPE Group, Neena Gill, on behalf of the S&D Group, Notis Marias, on behalf of the ECR Group, Matt Carthy, on behalf of the GUE/NGL Group, Sven Giegold, on behalf of the Verts/ALE Group, and Paul Tang.
The following spoke: Valdis Dombrovskis, Othmar Karas and Pervenche Berès.
20. Prudential supervision of investment firms (Directive) ***I - Prudential requirements of investment firms (Regulation) ***I (debate)
Report on the proposal for a directive of the European Parliament and of the Council on the prudential supervision of investment firms and amending Directives 2013/36/EU and 2014/65/EU [COM(2017)0791 - C8-0452/2017 - 2017/0358(COD)] - Committee on Economic and Monetary Affairs. Rapporteur: Markus Ferber (A8-0295/2018)
Report on the proposal for a regulation of the European Parliament and of the Council on the prudential requirements of investment firms and amending Regulations (EU) No 575/2013, (EU) No 600/2014 and (EU) No 1093/2010 [COM(2017)0790 - C8-0453/2017 - 2017/0359(COD)] - Committee on Economic and Monetary Affairs. Rapporteur: Markus Ferber (A8-0296/2018)
Markus Ferber introduced the reports.
The following spoke: Valdis Dombrovskis (Vice-President of the Commission).
The following spoke: Mady Delvaux, on behalf of the S&D Group.
The following spoke under the catch-the-eye procedure: Notis Marias.
The following spoke: Valdis Dombrovskis and Markus Ferber.
21. Failure to adopt a EU digital services tax (debate)
Commission statement: Failure to adopt a EU digital services tax (2019/2695(RSP))
Valdis Dombrovskis (Vice-President of the Commission) made the statement.
IN THE CHAIR: Evelyne GEBHARDT Vice-President
The following spoke: Othmar Karas, on behalf of the PPE Group, Paul Tang, on behalf of the S&D Group, Martin Schirdewan, on behalf of the GUE/NGL Group, Sven Giegold, on behalf of the Verts/ALE Group, and Dobromir Sośnierz, non-attached Member.
The following spoke: Valdis Dombrovskis.
The debate closed.
22. One-minute speeches on matters of political importance
In accordance with Rule 163, the following Members who wished to draw the attention of Parliament to matters of political importance spoke for one minute:
Iuliu Winkler, Cristian-Silviu Buşoi, Andrea Bocskor, Juan Fernando López Aguilar, Răzvan Popa, Branislav Škripek, Jasenko Selimovic, Josep-Maria Terricabras, Jordi Solé, Matt Carthy, Luke Ming Flanagan, Martin Sonneborn, Dobromir Sośnierz, Anna Maria Corazza Bildt, Costas Mavrides, Ana Miranda, Pál Csáky, Claudiu Ciprian Tănăsescu, Stanislav Polčák, Nicola Caputo, László Tőkés and Michaela Šojdrová (the President mentioned the fire at Notre-Dame Cathedral in Paris).
23. Agenda of the next sitting
The agenda of the next day's sitting had been established ('Agenda' PE 637.987/OJMA).