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Thursday, 13 February 2020 - Strasbourg

15. Associated committees (Rule 57)

(Following the Conference of Presidents' decision of 16 January 2020)

ECON Committee

- Governance framework for the budgetary instrument for convergence and competitiveness for the euro area (COM(2019)0354 - C9-0103/2019 - 2019/0161(COD))
(opinion: BUDG (Rule 57), EMPL, ITRE, REGI, JURI)

IMCO Committee

- Digital Services Act: Improving the functioning of the Single Market (2020/2018(INL))
(opinion: ITRE (Rule 57), TRAN (Rule 57), CULT (Rule 57), JURI (Rule 57), LIBE (Rule 57))

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