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Thursday, 9 July 2020 - Brussels
 Abbreviations and symbols

 1. Electronic freight transport information ***II

 2. Nomination of Helga Berger as a Member of the Court of Auditors

 3. Appointment of the Executive Director of the European Banking Authority (EBA)

 4. Amending Regulation (EU) No 1303/2013 as regards the resources for the specific allocation for the Youth Employment Initiative ***I

 5. Amending Regulation (EU) 2017/2454 as regards the dates of application due to the outbreak of the COVID-19 crisis *

 6. International and domestic parental abduction of EU children in Japan

 7. Rights of persons with intellectual disabilities and their families in the COVID-19 crisis

 8. Specific rules for posting drivers in the road transport sector and enforcement requirements ***II

 9. Daily and weekly driving times, minimum breaks and rest periods and positioning by means of tachographs ***II

 10. Adapting to development in the road transport sector ***II

 11. European citizens’ initiative: temporary measures concerning the time limits for the collection, verification and examination stages in view of the COVID-19 outbreak ***I

 12. Amending Directives (EU) 2017/2455 and (EU) 2019/1995 as regards the dates of transposition and application due to the outbreak of the COVID-19 crisis *

 13. Financial activities of the European Investment Bank - annual report 2019

 14. Control of the financial activities of the European Investment Bank - annual report 2018

 15. Protection of the European Union's financial interests - combating fraud - annual report 2018

 16. Humanitarian situation in Venezuela and migration and refugee crisis

 17. Guidelines for the employment policies of the Member States *

 18. Draft amending budget No 5 to the general budget 2020: continuation of the support to refugees and host communities in response to the Syria crisis in Jordan, Lebanon and Turkey

 19. Mobilisation of the Contingency Margin in 2020: continuation of humanitarian support to refugees in Turkey

 20. Objection pursuant to Rule 112(2) and (3): Certain uses of chromium trioxide

 21. Objection pursuant to Rule 112(2) and (3): Active substances, including flumioxazine

 22. A comprehensive European approach to energy storage

 23. Revision of the guidelines for trans-European energy infrastructure

 24. Conclusion of an EU-New Zealand agreement, under negotiation, on the exchange of personal data for fighting serious crime and terrorism

 25. Chemicals strategy for sustainability

 26. Transitional provisions in order to address the impact of COVID-19 crisis (amendment of Regulation (EU) 2016/1628) ***I

 27. Conduct of clinical trials with and supply of medicinal products for human use containing or consisting of genetically modified organisms intended to treat or prevent coronavirus disease ***I

 28. A comprehensive Union policy on preventing money laundering and terrorist financing – Commission's Action plan and other recent developments

 29. The EU’s public health strategy post-COVID-19
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