The President announced that, on a recommendation by the Advisory Committee on the Conduct of Members, he had decided to impose a penalty, dated 1 July 2020, on Jan Zahradil for failure to respect the reporting obligations set out in Article 3(3) and Article 4(2) of the Code of Conduct, which might have resulted in a conflict of interests. The penalty consisted of a reprimand.
The Member concerned had been informed of the decision on 7 July 2020.
In accordance with Rule 177, Jan Zahradil would be able to lodge an internal appeal with the Bureau within two weeks of notification of the penalty.
3. Announcement of voting results
The President read out the results of the voteThe President announced the results of the votes on the following amendments (minutes of 8.7.2020, item 20):
Specific rules for posting drivers in the road transport sector and enforcement requirements ***II Recommendation for second reading on the Council position at first reading with a view to the adoption of a directive of the European Parliament and of the Council laying down specific rules with respect to Directive 96/71/EC and Directive 2014/67/EU for posting drivers in the road transport sector and amending Directive 2006/22/EC as regards enforcement requirements and Regulation (EU) No 1024/2012 [05112/1/2020 - C9-0106/2020 - 2017/0121(COD)] - Committee on Transport and Tourism. Rapporteur: Kateřina Konečná (A9-0114/2020)
(Majority of Parliament's component Members required)
See Texts Adopted (P9_TA(2020)0184) (Voting record: 'Results of votes' of 8, 9 and 10 July 2020, item 8)
Daily and weekly driving times, minimum breaks and rest periods and positioning by means of tachographs ***II Recommendation for second reading on the Council position at first reading with a view to the adoption of a regulation of the European Parliament and of the Council amending Regulation (EC) No 561/2006 as regards minimum requirements on maximum daily and weekly driving times, minimum breaks and daily and weekly rest periods and Regulation (EU) No 165/2014 as regards positioning by means of tachographs [05114/1/2020 - C9-0104/2020 - 2017/0122(COD)] - Committee on Transport and Tourism. Rapporteur: Henna Virkkunen (A9-0115/2020)
(Majority of Parliament's component Members required)
See Texts Adopted (P9_TA(2020)0185) (Voting record: 'Results of votes' of 8, 9 and 10 July 2020, itemVoting record: 'Results of votes' of 8, 9 and 10 July, Item 9)
Adapting to development in the road transport sector ***II Recommendation for second reading on the Council position at first reading with a view to the adoption of a regulation of the European Parliament and of the Council amending Regulations (EC) No 1071/2009, (EC) No 1072/2009 and (EU) No 1024/2012 with a view to adapting them to developments in the road transport sector [05115/1/2020 - C9-0105/2020 - 2017/0123(COD)] - Committee on Transport and Tourism. Rapporteur: Ismail Ertug (A9-0116/2020)
(Majority of Parliament's component Members required)
See Texts Adopted (P9_TA(2020)0186) (Voting record: 'Results of votes' of 8, 9 and 10 July 2020, item 10)
Protection of the European Union's financial interests - combating fraud - annual report 2018 Report on protection of the European Union’s financial interests - combating fraud - annual report 2018 [2019/2128(INI)] - Committee on Budgetary Control. Rapporteur: Joachim Kuhs (A9-0103/2020)
(Simple majority needed)
See Texts Adopted (P9_TA(2020)0192) (Voting record: 'Results of votes' of 8, 9 and 10 July 2020, item 15)
Following the announcement of the results of the votes on the three Council positions on:
— Specific rules for posting drivers in the road transport sector and enforcement requirements ***II;
— Daily and weekly driving times, minimum breaks and rest periods and positioning by means of tachographs ***II;
— Adapting to development in the road transport sector***II;
the President said that no amendments had been adopted and that he had not received any further requests under Rule 67.
He declared the three Council positions to be approved and the three legislative resolutions deemed to have been adopted.
4. Humanitarian situation in Venezuela and migration and refugee crisis (motions for resolutions tabled)
Statement by the Vice-President of the Commission / High Representative of the Union for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy: Humanitarian situation in Venezuela and migration and refugee crisis (2019/2952(RSP))
Motion for a resolution to wind up the debate tabled under Rule 132(2):
— Dolors Montserrat, Esteban González Pons, Leopoldo López Gil, Paulo Rangel, Antonio Tajani, David McAllister, Gabriel Mato, Antonio López-Istúriz White, Cláudia Monteiro de Aguiar, Isabel Wiseler-Lima, Miriam Lexmann, Vladimír Bilčík, Ivan Štefanec, Michal Wiezik and Peter Pollák, on behalf of the PPE Group, on the humanitarian situation in Venezuela and the migration and refugee crisis (2019/2952(RSP)) (B9-0211/2020);
— Manu Pineda, on behalf of the GUE/NGL Group, on the humanitarian situation in Venezuela and the migration and refugee crisis (2019/2952(RSP)) (B9-0212/2020);
— Kati Piri, Maria-Manuel Leitão-Marques and Javi López, on behalf of the S&D Group, on the humanitarian situation in Venezuela and the migration and refugee crisis (2019/2952(RSP)) (B9-0213/2020);
— Anna Fotyga, on behalf of the ECR Group, on the humanitarian situation in Venezuela and the migration and refugee crisis (2019/2952(RSP)) (B9-0214/2020);
— Dita Charanzová, Jordi Cañas, Barry Andrews, Petras Auštrevičius, Stéphane Bijoux, Izaskun Bilbao Barandica, Sylvie Brunet, Olivier Chastel, Martina Dlabajová, Billy Kelleher, Moritz Körner, Nathalie Loiseau, Javier Nart, Nicolae Dragoș Pîslaru, Samira Rafaela, Frédérique Ries, María Soraya Rodríguez Ramos, Nicolae Ştefănuță and Ramona Strugariu, on behalf of the Renew Group, on the humanitarian situation in Venezuela and the migration and refugee crisis (2019/2952(RSP)) (B9-0215/2020).
Vote: minutes of 9 July 2020, item 11 (amendments), minutes of 10 July 2020, item 4 (final vote).
5. First voting session
Parliament voted on the amendments to:
— Humanitarian situation in Venezuela and migration and refugee crisis Joint motion for a resolution tabled under Rule 132(2) and (4), replacing proposals for resolutions B9-0211/2020, B9-0213/2020 and B9-0215/2020, by Dolors Montserrat, Esteban González Pons, Leopoldo López Gil, Paulo Rangel, Antonio Tajani, David McAllister, Gabriel Mato, Antonio López Istúriz White, Cláudia Monteiro de Aguiar, Isabel Wiseler Lima, Miriam Lexmann, Vladimír Bilčík, Ivan Štefanec, Michal Wiezik and Peter Pollák, on behalf of the PPE Group, Kati Piri, Javi López and Maria Manuel Leitão Marques, on behalf of the S&D Group, Dita Charanzová, Jordi Cañas, Abir Al Sahlani, Barry Andrews, Malik Azmani, Izaskun Bilbao Barandica, Sylvie Brunet, Olivier Chastel, Nicola Danti, Fredrick Federley, Billy Kelleher, Moritz Körner, Nathalie Loiseau, Javier Nart, Dragoș Pîslaru, Samira Rafaela, Frédérique Ries, María Soraya Rodríguez Ramos, Nicolae Ştefănuță, Ramona Strugariu, Dragoş Tudorache and Hilde Vautmans, on behalf of the Renew Group, on the humanitarian situation in Venezuela and the migration and refugee crisis (2019/2952(RSP)) (RC-B9-0211/2020)
— A comprehensive Union policy on preventing money laundering and terrorist financing – Commission's Action plan and other recent developments Motion for a resolutionB9-0207/2020
The ballot would be open until 10.30.
The vote was taken.
The voting results would be announced at 14.15.
6. Statement by the President
The President made a statement on the situation in Hong Kong in which he called on the authorities responsible to comply with international commitments and fundamental freedoms.
(The sitting was suspended briefly)
IN THE CHAIR: Nicola BEER Vice-President
7. Resumption of the sitting
The sitting resumed at 9.16.
8. The 2019 Human Rights Annual report - Stability and Security in the Mediterranean and the negative role of Turkey - Situation in Belarus (debate)
Statements by the Vice-President of the Commission / High Representative of the Union for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy:
Josep Borrell Fontelles (Vice-President of the Commission / High Representative of the Union for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy) made the statements.
The 2019 Human Rights Annual report
The following spoke: Manfred Weber, on behalf of the PPE Group, Isabel Santos, on behalf of the S&D Group, María Soraya Rodríguez Ramos, on behalf of the Renew Group, Lars Patrick Berg, on behalf of the ID Group, Hannah Neumann, on behalf of the Verts/ALE Group, Bert-Jan Ruissen, on behalf of the ECR Group, Miguel Urbán Crespo, on behalf of the GUE/NGL Group, Leopoldo López Gil, Maria Arena, Barry Andrews, Isabella Tovaglieri, Heidi Hautala, Carles Puigdemont i Casamajó, Francisco José Millán Mon, Bettina Vollath, Yana Toom, Mislav Kolakušić, Maxette Pirbakas, Arba Kokalari, Marc Angel, Fabio Massimo Castaldo, Seán Kelly, Carlos Zorrinho and Javi López.
IN THE CHAIR: Rainer WIELAND Vice-President
Stability and Security in the Mediterranean and the negative role of Turkey
The following spoke: Lefteris Christoforou, on behalf of the PPE Group, Nacho Sánchez Amor, on behalf of the S&D Group, Hilde Vautmans, on behalf of the Renew Group, Thierry Mariani, on behalf of the ID Group, Tineke Strik, on behalf of the Verts/ALE Group, Assita Kanko, on behalf of the ECR Group, Giorgos Georgiou, on behalf of the GUE/NGL Group, David McAllister, Tonino Picula, Nathalie Loiseau, Vincenzo Sofo, Damian Boeselager, Emmanouil Fragkos, Özlem Demirel, Loucas Fourlas, Nikos Androulakis, Chrysoula Zacharopoulou, Jérôme Rivière, Angel Dzhambazki, Emmanuel Maurel, Massimiliano Salini, Evin Incir, Bernhard Zimniok, Carlo Fidanza, Mick Wallace, Lukas Mandl, Costas Mavrides, Francesca Donato, Jorge Buxadé Villalba, Željana Zovko, Andreas Schieder, Jordan Bardella, François-Xavier Bellamy, Pierfrancesco Majorino, Vangelis Meimarakis, Anna-Michelle Asimakopoulou, Seán Kelly, Maria Spyraki and Rasa Juknevičienė.
Situation in Belarus
The following spoke: Andrius Kubilius, on behalf of the PPE Group, Robert Biedroń, on behalf of the S&D Group, Petras Auštrevičius, on behalf of the Renew Group, Viola Von Cramon-Taubadel, on behalf of the Verts/ALE Group, Manu Pineda, on behalf of the GUE/NGL Group, Michael Gahler, Norbert Neuser, Karin Karlsbro, Eugen Tomac and Juozas Olekas.
The following spoke: Josep Borrell Fontelles.
The debate closed.
(The sitting was suspended at 11.39.)
IN THE CHAIR: Katarina BARLEY Vice-President
9. Resumption of the sitting
The sitting resumed at 14.16.
10. Delegated acts(Rule 111(6)) (action taken)
The President said that the recommendation by the ECON Committee to raise no objection to the delegated act had been announced in plenary the previous day, Wednesday 8 July 2020 (minutes of 8.7.2020, item 5).
No objection to that recommendation had been raised within period laid down.
As a result, in accordance with Rule 111(6), the recommendation was deemed approved and would be published in the Texts Adopted of that day's sitting (P9_TA(2020)0187).
11. Announcement of voting results
The President read out the voting results for the amendments to:
Humanitarian situation in Venezuela and migration and refugee crisis Joint motion for a resolutionRC-B9-0211/2020
(Voting record: Results of Vote of 8, 9 and 10 July 2020, item 16)
A comprehensive Union policy on preventing money laundering and terrorist financing – Commission's Action plan and other recent developments Motion for a resolutionB9-0207/2020
See Texts Adopted (P9_TA(2020)0204) (Voting record: Results of Vote of 8, 9 and 10 July 2020, item 28)
12. Second voting session
The following had spoken:
José Gusmão, rapporteur, made a statement before the vote on his report (A9-0124/2020) under Rule 159(4).
Parliament voted on the amendments to:
— European citizens’ initiative: temporary measures concerning the time limits for the collection, verification and examination stages in view of the COVID-19 outbreak ***I [COM(2020)0221 - C9-0142/2020 - 2020/0099(COD)]
— Guidelines for the employment policies of the Member States * Report on the proposal for a Council decision on guidelines for the employment policies of the Member States [COM(2020)0070 - C9-0079/2020 - 2020/0030(NLE)] - Committee on Employment and Social Affairs. Rapporteur: José Gusmão (A9-0124/2020)
— Draft amending budget no 5 to the general budget 2020 Continuation of the support to refugees and host communities in response to the Syria crisis in Jordan, Lebanon and Turkey Report on the Council position on Draft amending budget No 5/2020 of the European Union for the financial year 2020 - Continuation of the support to refugees and host communities in response to the Syria crisis in Jordan, Lebanon and Turkey [09060/2020 - C9-0189/2020 - 2020/2092(BUD)] - Committee on Budgets. Rapporteur: Monika Hohlmeier (A9-0127/2020)
— The EU’s public health strategy post-COVID-19 Joint motion for a resolution, tabled under Rule 132(2) and (4), replacing motions for resolution B9-0216/2020, B9-0218/020, B9-0219/2020, B9-0220/2020 and B9-0221/2020, by Peter Liese, on behalf of the PPE Group, Jytte Guteland, on behalf of the S&D Group, Véronique Trillet Lenoir, on behalf of the Renew Group, Petra De Sutter, on behalf of the Verts/ALE Group, Kateřina Konečná and Marc Botenga, on behalf of the GUE/NGL Group, on the EU's public health strategy post-COVID-19 (2020/2691(RSP)) (RC-B9-0216/2020)
The ballot would be open until 15.45.
The vote was taken.
The voting results would be announced at 18.15.
(The sitting was suspended at 14.22.)
13. Resumption of the sitting
The sitting resumed at 14.30.
14. Chemicals strategy for sustainability (debate)
Question for oral answer (O-000044/2020) by Maria Spyraki, Maria Arena, Frédérique Ries, Sven Giegold, Danilo Oscar Lancini, Pietro Fiocchi and Anja Hazekamp, on behalf of the ENVI Committee, to the Commission: Chemicals strategy for sustainability (B9-0013/2020)
Maria Spyraki moved the question.
Virginijus Sinkevičius (Member of the Commission) answered the question.
The following spoke: Pernille Weiss, on behalf of the PPE Group, Maria Arena, on behalf of the S&D Group, Frédérique Ries, on behalf of the Renew Group, Isabella Tovaglieri, on behalf of the ID Group, Sven Giegold, on behalf of the Verts/ALE Group, Pietro Fiocchi, on behalf of the ECR Group, and Anja Hazekamp, on behalf of the GUE/NGL Group.
The following spoke: Virginijus Sinkevičius.
Motion for a resolution to wind up the debate tabled under Rule 136(5):
— Maria Spyraki, Maria Arena, Frédérique Ries, Sven Giegold, Danilo Oscar Lancini, Pietro Fiocchi and Anja Hazekamp, on behalf of the ENVI Committee, on the Chemicals Strategy for Sustainability (2020/2531(RSP)) (B9-0222/2020).
15. Boosting Roma inclusion process in Europe for the next decade (debate)
Council and Commission statements: Boosting Roma inclusion process in Europe for the next decade (2020/2692(RSP))
Michael Roth (President-in-Office of the Council) and Helena Dalli (Member of the Commission) made the statements.
The following spoke: Peter Pollák, on behalf of the PPE Group.
IN THE CHAIR: Heidi HAUTALA Vice-President
The following spoke: Evin Incir, on behalf of the S&D Group, Anna Júlia Donáth, on behalf of the Renew Group, Annalisa Tardino, on behalf of the ID Group, Romeo Franz, on behalf of the Verts/ALE Group, Elżbieta Rafalska, on behalf of the ECR Group, Clare Daly, on behalf of the GUE/NGL Group, Michaela Šojdrová, Milan Brglez, France Jamet, Evin Incir, on the preceding intervention, (the President said that Members had to respect each other), Angel Dzhambazki, who rose to speak against what the previous speaker had said off-mic (the President said he could make a personal statement, only at the end of the debate) and Loránt Vincze.
The following spoke: Helena Dalli and Michael Roth.
The debate closed.
The following spoke: Angel Dzhambazki, to make a personal statement (Rule 173).
16. State of play of Council negotiations on the Regulation on the protection of the Union’s budget in case of generalised deficiencies as regards the rule of law in the Member States (debate)
Council and Commission statements: State of play of Council negotiations on the Regulation on the protection of the Union’s budget in case of generalised deficiencies as regards the rule of law in the Member States (2020/2709(RSP))
Michael Roth (President-in-Office of the Council) and Johannes Hahn (Member of the Commission) made the statements.
The following spoke: Petri Sarvamaa, on behalf of the PPE Group, Eider Gardiazabal Rubial, on behalf of the S&D Group, Moritz Körner, on behalf of the Renew Group, Nicolas Bay, on behalf of the ID Group, Daniel Freund, on behalf of the Verts/ALE Group, Jadwiga Wiśniewska, on behalf of the ECR Group, Silvia Modig, on behalf of the GUE/NGL Group, Mario Furore, non-attached Member, Tomáš Zdechovský, Margarida Marques, Katalin Cseh, Joachim Kuhs, Clara Ponsatí Obiols, Monika Hohlmeier, Katarina Barley, Christophe Hansen, Lara Wolters and Othmar Karas.
The following spoke: Didier Reynders (Member of the Commission) and Michael Roth.
The debate closed.
(The sitting was suspended at 16.37.)
17. Delegated acts (Rule 111(2))
The following draft delegated acts had been forwarded to Parliament:
- Commission Delegated Regulation amending Delegated Regulation (EU) 2017/40 as regards the evaluation of the implementation of the school scheme (C(2020)03909 - 2020/2694(DEA))
Deadline for raising objections: 2 months from the date of receipt of 18 June 2020
referred to committee responsible: AGRI
- Commission Delegated Regulation amending Delegated Regulation (EU) No 877/2013 supplementing Regulation (EU) No 473/2013 of the European Parliament and of the Council on common provisions for monitoring and assessing draft budgetary plans and ensuring the correction of excessive deficit of the Member States in the euro area (C(2020)04140 - 2020/2695(DEA))
Deadline for raising objections: 2 months from the date of receipt of 19 June 2020
referred to committee responsible: ECON
- Commission Delegated Regulation amending Annex I to Regulation (EU) 2017/821 of the European Parliament and of the Council by establishing volume thresholds for tantalum or niobium ores and concentrates, gold ores and concentrates, tin oxides and hydroxides, tantalates and carbides of tantalum (C(2020)04164 - 2020/2698(DEA))
Deadline for raising objections: 2 months from the date of receipt of 25 June 2020
referred to committee responsible: INTA
- Commission Delegated Regulation correcting the Swedish language version of Annex I to Regulation (EC) No 1272/2008 of the European Parliament and of the Council on classification, labelling and packaging of substances and mixtures (C(2020)04214 - 2020/2699(DEA))
Deadline for raising objections: 2 months from the date of receipt of 29 June 2020
referred to committee responsible: ENVI, IMCO (Rule 57)
- Commission Delegated Regulation fixing a flat-rate reduction for the import duty for sorghum in Spain imported from third countries (C(2020)04262 - 2020/2700(DEA))
Deadline for raising objections: 2 months from the date of receipt of 1 July 2020
referred to committee responsible: AGRI
- Commission Delegated Regulation amending Commission Delegated Regulation (EU) 2020/592 on temporary exceptional measures derogating from certain provisions of Regulation (EU) No 1308/2013 of the European Parliament and of the Council to address the market disturbance in the fruit and vegetables and wine sectors caused by the COVID-19 pandemic and measures linked to it (C(2020)04583 - 2020/2711(DEA))
Deadline for raising objections: 2 months from the date of receipt of 6 July 2020
referred to committee responsible: AGRI
Commission decision on the withdrawal of the following delegated act:
- Withdrawal of Commission Delegated Regulation of 13 February 2020 amending Regulation (EU) No 139/2014 as regards runway safety and aeronautical data - (C(2020)4034 - C(2020)0710 – 2020/2576(DEA))
Date of receipt: 22 June 2020
Document referred to the committee responsible for the basic legislative act: TRAN
18. Documents received
The following documents had been received:
1) from other institutions
- Proposal for transfer of appropriations 1-INF/2020 - Section IV - Court of Justice (N9-0033/2020 - C9-0195/2020 - 2020/2106(GBD))
referred to
responsible :
- Proposal for transfer of appropriations 2-INF/2020 - Section IV - Court of Justice (N9-0034/2020 - C9-0196/2020 - 2020/2107(GBD))
referred to
responsible :
- Proposal for transfer of appropriations DEC 13/2020 - Section III – Commission (N9-0035/2020 - C9-0197/2020 - 2020/2109(GBD))
referred to
responsible :
2) from Members
- Viktor Uspaskich. Motion for a resolution on increasing funding for higher education in the EU (B9-0164/2020)
referred to
responsible :
- Jordan Bardella. Motion for a resolution on the free trade agreement between the European Union and Mexico (B9-0167/2020)
referred to
responsible :
- Christine Anderson, Gerolf Annemans, Gunnar Beck, Aurelia Beigneux, Lars Patrick Berg, Dominique Bilde, Markus Buchheit, Jorge Buxadé Villalba, Gilbert Collard, Filip De Man, Derk Jan Eppink, Nicolaus Fest, Emmanouil Fragkos, Gianna Gancia, Catherine Griset, Roman Haider, Virginie Joron, Maximilian Krah, Joachim Kuhs, Jean-Lin Lacapelle, Gilles Lebreton, Jaak Madison, Thierry Mariani, Jörg Meuthen, Guido Reil, Jérôme Rivière, Rob Rooken, Robert Roos, Hermann Tertsch, Tom Vandendriessche, Harald Vilimsky, Charlie Weimers, Bernhard Zimniok, Milan Zver and Marcel de Graaff. Motion for a resolution on placing the Antifa movement on the EU terrorist list (B9-0168/2020)
referred to
responsible :
- Mara Bizzotto. Motion for a resolution on the security of video-conferencing apps in the EU (B9-0198/2020)
referred to
responsible :
- Gianantonio Da Re. Motion for a resolution on protecting and promoting the skilled crafts sector (B9-0199/2020)
referred to
responsible :
- Julie Lechanteux. Motion for a resolution on Russia’s participation in the G7 summit (B9-0201/2020)
referred to
responsible :
19. Transfers of appropriations and budgetary decisions
In accordance with Article 31(1) of the Financial Regulation, the Committee on Budgets had decided to approve the transfer of appropriations by the Commission DEC 11/2020 - Section III - Commission.
In accordance with Article 32(2) of the Financial Regulation, the Committee on Budgets had decided to approve the transfer of appropriations by the European Commission DEC 12/2020 - Section III - Commission.
In accordance with Article 29 of the Financial Regulation, the Committee on Budgets had decided to raise no objection to transfers of appropriations V/AB-01/A/20, V/AB-02/A/20, V/AB-03/C/20 and V/AB-04/T/20 - Section V - Court of Auditors.
In accordance with Article 29 of the Financial Regulation, the Committee on Budgets had decided to approve transfer of appropriations N1/2020 - European External Action Service.
20. Petitions
Petitions numbers 0629-20 to 0720-20 had been entered in the register on 9 July 2020 and had been forwarded to the committee responsible, in accordance with Rule 226(9) and (10).
On 9 July 2020, the President, in accordance with Rule 226(15), had forwarded to the committee responsible petitions addressed to Parliament by natural or legal persons who were not citizens of the European Union and who did not reside, or have their registered office, in a Member State.
IN THE CHAIR: Fabio Massimo CASTALDO Vice-President
21. Resumption of the sitting
The sitting resumed at 18.15.
22. Announcement of voting results
The President read out the voting results for the amendments to:
European citizens’ initiative: temporary measures concerning the time limits for the collection, verification and examination stages in view of the COVID-19 outbreak ***I [COM(2020)0221 - C9-0142/2020 - 2020/0099(COD)]
(Simple majority needed)
See Texts Adopted (P9_TA(2020)0188) (Voting record: 'Results of votes of 8, 9 and 10 July 2020, item 11)
Parliament's first reading thus closed.
Guidelines for the employment policies of the Member States Report on the proposal for a Council decision on guidelines for the employment policies of the Member States [COM(2020)0070 - C9-0079/2020 - 2020/0030(NLE)] - Committee on Employment and Social Affairs. Rapporteur: José Gusmão (A9-0124/2020)
(Simple majority needed)
See Texts Adopted (P9_TA(2020)0194) (Voting record: 'Results of votes of 8, 9 and 10 July 2020, item 17)
Draft amending budget no 5 to the general budget 2020 Continuation of the support to refugees and host communities in response to the Syria crisis in Jordan, Lebanon and Turkey Report on the Council position on Draft amending budget No 5/2020 of the European Union for the financial year 2020 - Continuation of the support to refugees and host communities in response to the Syria crisis in Jordan, Lebanon and Turkey [09060/2020 - C9-0189/2020 - 2020/2092(BUD)] - Committee on Budgets. Rapporteur: Monika Hohlmeier (A9-0127/2020)
(Simple majority needed)
See Texts Adopted (P9_TA(2020)0195) (Voting record: 'Results of votes of 8, 9 and 10 July 2020, item 18)
The EU’s public health strategy post-COVID-19 Joint motion for a resolutionRC-B9-0216/2020
(Simple majority needed)
See Texts Adopted (P9_TA(2020)0205) (Voting record: 'Results of votes of 8, 9 and 10 July 2020, item 29)
23. Composition of committees and delegations
The President had received from the S&D and Renew groups the following decisions changing the composition of the committees and delegations:
INTA Committee: Udo Bullmann and Margarida Marques
LIBE Committee: Maria Grapini
AFCO Committee: Mihai Tudose to replace Maria Grapini
Delegation to the EU-Moldova Parliamentary Association Committee: Sylwia Spurek
Delegation for relations with the countries of South Asia: Sylwia Spurek
Delegation to the EU-Mexico Joint Parliamentary Committee: Jordi Cañas to replace Luis Garicano
Delegation to the Euronest Parliamentary Assembly: Sylwia Spurek
The decisions took effect as of that day.
24. Third voting session
The following had spoken:
Annalisa Tardino, rapporteur, made a statement before the vote on her report (A9-0131/2020) under Rule 159(4).
Parliament took the final vote on:
— Amending Directives (EU) 2017/2455 and (EU) 2019/1995 as regards the dates of transposition and application due to the outbreak of the COVID-19 crisis * Report on the proposal for a Council decision amending Directives (EU) 2017/2455 and (EU) 2019/1995 as regards the dates of transposition and application due to the outbreak of the COVID-19 crisis [COM(2020)0198 - 2020/0082(CNS)] - Committee on Economic and Monetary Affairs. Rapporteur: Ondřej Kovařík (A9-0122/2020)
— Financial activities of the European Investment Bank - annual report 2019 Report on the financial activities of the European Investment Bank – annual report 2019 [2019/2126(INI)] - Committee on Budgets. Rapporteur: David Cormand (A9-0081/2020)
— Control of the financial activities of the European Investment Bank - annual report 2018 Report on control of the financial activities of the European Investment Bank - annual report 2018 [2019/2127(INI)] - Committee on Budgetary Control. Rapporteur: Bas Eickhout (A9-0118/2020)
—Protection of the European Union's financial interests - combating fraud - annual report 2018 Report on protection of the European Union’s financial interests - combating fraud - annual report 2018 [2019/2128(INI)] - Committee on Budgetary Control. Rapporteur: Joachim Kuhs (A9-0103/2020)
— Humanitarian crisis in Venezuela and migration and refugee crisis Joint motion for resolutionRC-B9-0211/2020
Parliament took the vote on the amendments to:
— Objection pursuant to Rule 112(2) and (3): Active substances, including flumioxazine Motion for a resolution, tabled by the ENVI Committee under Rule 112(2) and (3), on the draft Commission implementing regulation amending Implementing Regulation (EU) No 540/2011 as regards the extension of the approval periods of the active substances beflubutamid, benalaxyl, benthiavalicarb, bifenazate, boscalid, bromoxynil, captan, cyazofamid, dimethomorph, ethephon, etoxazole, famoxadone, fenamiphos, flumioxazine, fluoxastrobin, folpet, formetanate, metribuzin, milbemectin, Paecilomyces lilacinus strain 251, phenmedipham, phosmet, pirimiphos-methyl, propamocarb, prothioconazole and S-metolachlor (D067115/02 ; 2020/2671(RSP)) (B9-0203/2020) - Members responsible: Anja Hazekamp, Maria Arena, Tilly Metz and Eleonora Evi
— Revision of the guidelines for trans-European energy infrastructure Motion for a resolutionB9-0122/2020
— Conclusion of an EU - New Zealand agreement, under negotiation, on the exchange of personal data for fighting serious crime and terrorism Report on the European Parliament recommendation to the Council and the Commission concerning the conclusion of an agreement, under negotiation, between the European Union and New Zealand on the exchange of personal data between the European Union Agency for Law Enforcement Cooperation (Europol) and the New Zealand authorities competent for fighting serious crime and terrorism [2020/2048(INI)] - Committee on Civil Liberties, Justice and Home Affairs. Rapporteur: Annalisa Tardino (A9-0131/2020)
— Chemicals strategy for sustainability Motion for a resolution B9-0222/2020
The ballot would be open until19.45.
The vote was taken.
The results of vote would be announced at 9.00 the next day, Friday 10 July 2020.
25. Explanations of vote
Written explanations of vote:
Explanations of vote submitted in writing under Rule 194 appear on the Members' pages on Parliament's website.
Exceptionally, explanations of vote of a maximum of 400 words would be accepted.
26. Corrections to votes and voting intentions
Corrections to votes and voting intentions appear on Parliament's website under 'Results of roll-call votes' as an annex to the minutes of the sitting. They are for information only and have no effect on the result of the vote as announced in plenary.
The document will be regularly updated in the two weeks following the part-session concerned.
After those two weeks, the list of corrections to votes and voting intentions will be finalised so that it can be translated and published in the Official Journal.
27. Agenda of the next sitting
The agenda of the next day's sitting had been established ('Agenda' 654.272/OJVE).
Owing to the COVID-19 pandemic, a remote voting system had been introduced (see Bureau Decision of 20 March 2020 supplementing its Decision of 3 May 2004 on rules governing voting). The Members who voted are listed in the document 'Results of roll-call votes', which is annexed to the Minutes of the sitting and available on Parliament's website.