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Wednesday, 16 September 2020 - Brussels

19. Documents received

The following documents had been received:

- Proposal for transfer of appropriations DEC1/2020 - Economic and Social Committee (N9-0036/2020 - C9-0218/2020 - 2020/2138(GBD))
referred to committee responsible: BUDG

- Proposal for transfer of appropriations INF1/2020 - Economic and Social Committee (N9-0037/2020 - C9-0219/2020 - 2020/2139(GBD))
referred to committee responsible: BUDG

- Proposal for transfer of appropriations DEC 15/2020 - Section III – Commission (N9-0038/2020 - C9-0271/2020 - 2020/2191(GBD))
referred to committee responsible: BUDG

- Proposal for transfer of appropriations V/AB-05/T/20 - European Court of Auditors (N9-0039/2020 - C9-0272/2020 - 2020/2192(GBD))
referred to committee responsible: BUDG

- Proposal for transfer of appropriations V/AB-06/A/20 - European Court of Auditors (N9-0040/2020 - C9-0273/2020 - 2020/2193(GBD))
referred to committee responsible: BUDG

- Proposal for transfer of appropriations 2/2020 - European Ombudsman (N9-0044/2020 - C9-0287/2020 - 2020/2195(GBD))
referred to committee responsible: BUDG

- Proposal for transfer of appropriations DEC 14/2020 - Section III – Commission (N9-0045/2020 - C9-0293/2020 - 2020/2196(GBD))
referred to committee responsible: BUDG

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