President teatas, et finantsmääruse artikli 234 kohaste konsultatsioonide järel esitasid AFET-komisjon, DEVE-komisjon ja BUDG-komisjon ühised seisukohad järgmise kolme ELi usaldusfondi pikendamise kohta:
— ELi piirkondlik usaldusfond Süüria kriisile reageerimiseks (Madadi fond), mille kehtivusaeg lõpeb 14. detsembril 2020;
(Joint position of the Committee on Foreign Affairs and the Committee on Budgets as the competent committees consulted in line with Article 234 of the Financial Regulation (2018/1046) on the extension of the European Union Regional Trust Fund in Response of the Syrian Crisis (Madad Trust Fund) established by the Constitutive Agreement on 15 December 2014 between the European Union (represented by the Commission) and Italy and set to expire on 14 December 2020) (dokument on kättesaadav ainult inglise keeles);
— Kesk-Aafrika Vabariigi jaoks ette nähtud ELi usaldusfond (Bêkou fond), mille kehtivusaeg lõpeb 31. detsembril 2020;
(Joint position of the Committee on Development and the Committee on Budgets as the competent committees consulted in line with Article 234 of the Financial Regulation (2018/1046) on the extension of the Union Trust Fund for the Central African Republic (Bêkou Trust Fund), created by Commission decision C(2014)5019 of 11.7.2014 and set to expire on 31 December 2020) (dokument on kättesaadav ainult inglise keeles);
— ELi usaldusfond Colombia jaoks, mille kehtivusaeg lõpeb 31. detsembril 2020 ;
(Joint position of the Committee on Foreign Affairs, Committee on Development and the Committee on Budgets as the competent committees consulted in line with Article 234 of the Financial Regulation (2018/1046) on the extension of the European Union Trust Fund for Colombia established on 12 December 2016 and set to expire on 31 December 2020) (dokument on kättesaadav ainult inglise keeles).
Kui fraktsioon või vähemalt miinimumlävendile vastav arv parlamendiliikmeid ei ole esitanud vastuväiteid 24 tunni jooksul alates teadaande esitamisest esitatakse ühised seisukohad ametlikult Euroopa Komisjonile.