Slot utilisation rules at Union airports: temporary relief ***I [COM(2020)0818 - C9-0420/2020 - 2020/0358(COD)] - TRAN Committee
(Simple majority needed)
See Texts adopted (P9_TA(2021)0048) (‘Results of votes’ annex, item 14)
Temporary measures concerning the validity of certificates and licences (Omnibus II) ***I [COM(2021)0025 - C9-0004/2021 - 2021/0012(COD)] - TRAN Committee
(Simple majority needed)
See Texts adopted (P9_TA(2021)0049) (‘Results of votes’ annex, item 15)
EU Association Agreement with Ukraine Report on the implementation of the EU Association Agreement with Ukraine [2019/2202(INI)] - Committee on Foreign Affairs. Rapporteur: Michael Gahler (A9-0219/2020)
(Simple majority needed)
See Texts adopted (P9_TA(2021)0050) (‘Results of votes’ annex, item 16)
European Skills Agenda for sustainable competitiveness, social fairness and resilience Motion for a resolutionB9-0108/2021
(Simple majority needed)
See Texts adopted (P9_TA(2021)0051) (‘Results of votes’ annex, item 17)