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Monday, 13 September 2021 - Strasbourg

16. Voting session
Verbatim reports

Parliament voted on the provisional agreement on:

Community plant variety rights: extension of the term for certain varieties ***I
Report on the proposal for a regulation of the European Parliament and of the Council on the extension of the term of Community plant variety rights for the species asparagus and the species groups flower bulbs, woody small fruits and woody ornamentals [COM(2021)0036 - C9-0010/2021- 2021/0019(COD)] - Committee on Agriculture and Rural Development. Rapporteur: Bert-Jan Ruissen (A9-0171/2021).

Parliament voted on the request for the urgent procedure (Rule 163) to be applied to:

Extension of validity of safety certificates and licences of railway undertakings operating in the Channel tunnel ***I
[COM(2021)0402 - C9-0314/2021- 2021/0228(COD)] - TRAN Committee.

Parliament voted on:

Request for defence of the privileges and immunities of Guy Verhofstadt
Report on the request for the defence of the privileges and immunities of Guy Verhofstadt [2021/2030(IMM)] - Committee on Legal Affairs. Rapporteur: Angel Dzhambazki (A9-0238/2021).

Parliament took a single vote on:

Association of the Overseas Countries and Territories with the European Union *
Report on the draft Council decision on the Association of the Overseas Countries and Territories with the European Union including relations between the European Union on the one hand, and Greenland and the Kingdom of Denmark on the other (Decision on the Overseas Association, including Greenland) [08656/2021 - C9-0189/2021- 2018/0244(CNS)] - Committee on Development. Rapporteur: Tomas Tobé (A9-0244/2021)
An initial vote had been held on 31 January 2019 (minutes of 31.1.2019, item 9.8);

LGBTIQ rights in the EU
Motion for a resolution tabled under Rule 227(2) by Dolors Montserrat, on behalf of the PETI Committee, on LGBTIQ rights in the EU (2021/2679(RSP)) (B9-0431/2021).

The ballot would be open until 19.45.

The vote was taken.

The results of votes would be announced the next day, Tuesday 14 September 2021 at 9.00 (minutes of 14.9.2021, item 2).

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