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Procedure : 2021/0008(COD)
Document stages in plenary
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Votes :

PV 16/09/2021 - 2
CRE 16/09/2021 - 2
PV 14/12/2021 - 15

Texts adopted :


XML 34k
Tuesday, 14 December 2021 - Strasbourg

15. Announcement of voting results

The President read out the results of the vote:

European Year of Youth 2022 ***I
Report on Proposal for a Decision of the European Parliament and of the Council on a European Year of Youth 2022 [COM(2021)0634 - C9-0379/2021- 2021/0328(COD)] - Committee on Culture and Education. Rapporteur: Sabine Verheyen (A9-0322/2021)

(Simple majority required)


Adopted (P9_TA(2021)0486)

Parliament’s first reading thus closed.


Adopted (P9_TA(2021)0486)
(‘Results of votes’ annex, item 3)

Joint investigation teams: alignment with Union rules on the protection of personal data ***I
Report on the proposal for a directive of the European Parliament and of the Council amending Council Framework Decision 2002/465/JHA, as regards its alignment with EU rules on the protection of personal data [COM(2021)0020 - C9-0005/2021 - 2021/0008(COD)] - Committee on Civil Liberties, Justice and Home Affairs. Rapporteur: Jeroen Lenaers (A9-0236/2021)

An initial vote had been held on 15 September 2021 and the matter had been referred back to the committee responsible under Rule 59(4) (minutes of 16.9.2021, item 2).

(Simple majority required)


Adopted (P9_TA(2021)0487)
(‘Results of votes’ annex, item 4)

Parliament’s first reading thus closed.

European Investigation Order in criminal matters: alignment with Union rules on the protection of personal data ***I
Report on the proposal for a directive of the European Parliament and of the Council amending Directive 2014/41/EU, as regards its alignment with EU rules on the protection of personal data [COM(2021)0021 - C9-0006/2021- 2021/0009(COD)] - Committee on Civil Liberties, Justice and Home Affairs. Rapporteur: Marina Kaljurand (A9-0237/2021)

An initial vote had been held on 15 September 2021 and the matter had been referred back to the committee responsible under Rule 59(4) (minutes of 16.9.2021, item 2).

(Simple majority required)


Adopted (P9_TA(2021)0488)
(‘Results of votes’ annex, item 5)

Parliament’s first reading thus closed.

Combating gender-based violence: cyberviolence
Report with recommendations to the Commission on combating gender-based violence: cyberviolence [2020/2035(INL)] - Committee on Civil Liberties, Justice and Home Affairs - Committee on Women’s Rights and Gender Equality. Rapporteurs: Elissavet Vozemberg-Vrionidi and Sylwia Spurek (A9-0338/2021)

(Majority of Parliament’s component Members required)


Adopted (P9_TA(2021)0489)
(‘Results of votes’ annex, item 6)

Mobilisation of the European Union Solidarity Fund to provide assistance to Croatia
Report on the proposal for a decision of the European Parliament and of the Council on the mobilisation of the European Union Solidarity Fund to provide assistance to Croatia in relation to the series of earthquakes starting from 28 December 2020 [COM(2021)0963 - C9-0403/2021 - 2021/0359(BUD)] - Committee on Budgets. Rapporteur: Karlo Ressler (A9-0343/2021)

(Simple majority required)


Approved by single vote (P9_TA(2021)0490)
(‘Results of votes’ annex, item 7)

Mobilisation of the European Globalisation Adjustment Fund: application EGF/2021/003 IT/Porto Canale - Italy
Report on the proposal for a decision of the European Parliament and of the Council on the mobilisation of the European Globalisation Adjustment Fund for Displaced Workers following an application from Italy – EGF/2021/003 IT Porto Canale [COM(2021)0935 - C9-0399/2021 - 2021/0337(BUD)] - Committee on Budgets. Rapporteur: Janusz Lewandowski (A9-0345/2021)

(Simple majority required)


Approved by single vote (P9_TA(2021)0491)
(‘Results of votes’ annex, item 8)

Mobilisation of the European Globalisation Adjustment Fund: application EGF/2021/002 IT/Air Italy - Italy
Report on the proposal for a decision of the European Parliament and of the Council on the mobilisation of the European Globalisation Adjustment Fund for Displaced Workers following an application from Italy – EGF/2021/002 IT/Air Italy [COM(2021)0936 - C9-0400/2021 - 2021/0338(BUD)] - Committee on Budgets. Rapporteur: Janusz Lewandowski (A9-0346/2021)

(Simple majority required)


Approved by single vote (P9_TA(2021)0492)
(‘Results of votes’ annex, item 9)

Mobilisation of the European Globalisation Adjustment Fund: application EGF/2021/004 ES/Aragón automotive - Spain
Report on the proposal for a decision of the European Parliament and of the Council on the mobilisation of the European Globalisation Adjustment Fund for Displaced Workers following an application from Spain – EGF/2021/004 ES Aragon automotive [COM(2021)0683 - C9-0404/2021 - 2021/0356(BUD)] - Committee on Budgets. Rapporteur: Esteban González Pons (A9-0344/2021)

(Simple majority required)


Approved by single vote (P9_TA(2021)0493)
(‘Results of votes’ annex, item 10)

Predictability for Member States and procedures for dispute resolution when making available the traditional, VAT and GNI based own resources *
Report on the proposal for a Council regulation amending Regulation (EU, Euratom) No 609/2014 in order to enhance predictability for Member States and to clarify procedures for dispute resolution when making available the traditional, VAT and GNI based own resources [COM(2021)0327 - C9-0257/2021 - 2021/0161(NLE)] - Committee on Budgets. Rapporteurs: José Manuel Fernandes and Valérie Hayer (A9-0347/2021)

(Simple majority required)


Approved by single vote (P9_TA(2021)0494)
(‘Results of votes’ annex, item 11)

EU-US air transport agreement ***
Recommendation on the draft Council decision on the conclusion, on behalf of the European Union, of the Protocol to amend the Air Transport Agreement between the United States of America and the European Community and its Member States [06385/2021 - C9-0368/2021 - 2010/0112(NLE)] - Committee on Transport and Tourism. Rapporteur: Maria Grapini (A9-0335/2021)

The debate had taken place on 24 March 2011 (minutes of 24.3.2011, item 4) followed by a vote on 24 March 2011 (minutes of 24.3.2011, item 6.3).

(Simple majority required)


Approved by single vote (P9_TA(2021)0495)
(‘Results of votes’ annex, item 12)

EC/Gabon Fisheries Partnership Agreement: Implementing Protocol ***
Recommendation on the draft Council decision on the conclusion, on behalf of the European Union, of the Implementing Protocol to the Fisheries Partnership Agreement between the Gabonese Republic and the European Community (2021-2026) [09172/2021 - C9-0253/2021 - 2021/0127(NLE)] - Committee on Fisheries. Rapporteur: Izaskun Bilbao Barandica (A9-0316/2021)

(Simple majority required)


Approved by single vote (P9_TA(2021)0496)
(‘Results of votes’ annex, item 13)

International procurement instrument ***I
Second report on the proposal for a regulation of the European Parliament and of the Council on the access of third-country goods and services to the Union’s internal market in public procurement and procedures supporting negotiations on access of Union goods and services to the public procurement markets of third countries [COM(2016)0034 - C8-0018/2016- 2012/0060(COD)] - Committee on International Trade. Rapporteur: Daniel Caspary (A9-0337/2021)

An initial debate had taken place on 14 January 2014 (minutes of 14.1.2014, item 10) followed by a vote on 15 January 2014 and the matter had been referred back to the committee responsible (minutes of 15.1.2014, item 10.11).

(Simple majority required)


Approved by single vote (P9_TA(2021)0497)
(‘Results of votes’ annex, item 14)


Approved by RCV (665 in favour, 8 against, 24 abstentions)

Digital Markets Act ***I
Report on the proposal for a regulation of the European Parliament and of the Council on contestable and fair markets in the digital sector (Digital Markets Act) [COM(2020)0842 - C9-0419/2020 - 2020/0374(COD)] - Committee on the Internal Market and Consumer Protection. Rapporteur: Andreas Schwab (A9-0332/2021)

(Simple majority required)


See Texts adopted (P9_TA(2021)0499)
(‘Results of votes’ annex, item 16)

Equality between women and men in the European Union in 2018-2020
Report on equality between women and men in the European Union in 2018-2020 [2021/2020(INI)] - Committee on Women’s Rights and Gender Equality. Rapporteur: Sandra Pereira (A9-0315/2021)

(Simple majority required)


See Texts adopted (P9_TA(2021)0500)
(‘Results of votes’ annex, item 17)

Implementation of the Energy Performance of Buildings Directive
Report on the implementation of the Energy Performance of Buildings Directive [2021/2077(INI)] - Committee on Industry, Research and Energy. Rapporteur: Seán Kelly (A9-0321/2021)

(Simple majority required)


See Texts adopted (P9_TA(2021)0503)
(‘Results of votes’ annex, item 20)

Challenges and prospects for multilateral weapons of mass destruction arms control and disarmament regimes
Report on the challenges and prospects for multilateral weapons of mass destruction arms control and disarmament regimes [2020/2001(INI)] - Committee on Foreign Affairs. Rapporteur: Sven Mikser (A9-0324/2021)

(Simple majority required)


See Texts adopted (P9_TA(2021)0504)
(‘Results of votes’ annex, item 21)

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